First Worldism

Can anybody explain to me how first-worldism is not a thing?

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Here's how Bernie can still win!
I guess this will have to do.

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Because First World DemSocs like Corbyn & Bernie give a shit about the third world proletariat while thirdworldists think first world proletarians are all parasites.
Also how fucking dare you call Corbyn an imperialist the man was arrested for opposing Apartheid and literally lead the largest protests in British history against an imperialist war.
Also please stop using first-third world it makes no sense without the second world

Doesn't your retarded ideology claim that "third world" bourgeoisie are more "proletarian" than "first world labor aristocrats" and are therefore more revolutionary? How's that going for you with the Venezuelan bourgeoisie openly conspiring with the imperialists?

Do these niggas think we won't revolt when the stock market crashes, and we starve, only because of basic healthcare, and some fucking running water?
Socdem reformist strawman time, i guess.

No, you will rape your colonies and invade other less developed countries like you always do. There will be some lame, low energy anti war protests in the metropole, but in the grand scheme of things they will be pretty useless

Google the CPUSA's unemployment councils, and understand that even Tucker Carlson doesn't even like imperialist wars.
Somewhat similar material conditions, somewhat similar outcome.
Vietnam sure went well, right?

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You can only pull that shit so many times, and seeing as the Russians and Chinese will also need to do that the USA won't be as uncontested in its invasions
I'm betting that the next invasion of a 3rd world nation by the USA will result in a net loss for everyone involved

You *might* be able to make that claim about corbyn but Bernie is a full on zionist anti-maduro US imperialist.

Also, "second world" is Three Worlds Theory, not Maoism-Third Worldism.

No? It means in some cases, such as revolutionary china, allying with the national bourgeoisie can work against imperialism.


Class-collaboration is acceptable when against imperialism.

Bernie doesn't give a shit about the third world. That's his whole schtick. He supports imperialism abroad and "socialism" at home.

Bernie is a pseudo-socialist but he has my vote

except SA was better off before Apartheid ended

For non-african people maybe.

Voting for succdems

No it was better for the whole of SA.
Just look at crime rate, standard of living, literacy.
South Africa as a whole was better by almost every metric

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No it wasn't. It was a decadent colonial hell hole that was built upon the backs of African people and relied on their subjugation to succeed. Fuck them and fuck you for unironically defending it.

They created a civilized society mean while is SA today…

Most South Africans believe that life was better under apartheid.

Life expectancy in South Africa has decreased since apartheid ended.

Wtf I love segregation and white supremacy now!

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You know life expectancy decreased in the 1990s all over Sub-Saharan Africa because of the HIV/AIDS pandemic right?

Great job Africans

What a shock. You will be surprised how poorly most colonial projects perform without constant gibs from imperialism. All of America's filthly little client states will soon understand this on an intimate level. It also doesn't help that they have apparently embraced neoliberalism instead of socialism.

Fuck off, white supremacist Boer piece of shit. I almost wish the lies about Malema were true

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Life was better even for the africans before aartheid ended

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Hey retard we're not South African so it's not up to us. Anyways, keep the alt-right train hitched to the trash can of American and Zionist imperialism. This will be good for your people. /s

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So this is the power of "white" nationalism.

If only the Europeans trained the Afrikans how to use function with all the new tools they brought in. If only they tried to actually get them any sort of education.
Or are you saying that because the Europeans were more advanced they should have been allowed to exploit and genocide whoever they wanted?

And then you blink and your "revolution" is no longer proletarian and is now serving the interests of the national bourgeoisie

No? Corbyn's policies have been consistently pro-imperialist in Asia and he's becoming just as batshit as the rest of the country about Russia too. The man is Attlee's second coming.
