CPRF & Leftism in Russia

What is status on leftism, Marxism in Russia?
Last I heard the CPRF ran a billionaire or something for president, and another communist party named the Communists of Russia formed splitting from the CPRF? Anyone Russian or knowledgeable on it that can tell about what the fuck is going on over there?
Also is the CPRF just full of old boomer ☭TANKIE☭s and Gorbachev-adjacent remnants, is there efforts to renew it, or what?

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The KPRF didn't run a billionaire, they ran the chairman of a cooperative former sovkholz (which everyone in the english speaking media labelled as a "businessman" because we don't have the distinction).
Leftism in Russia is mostly divided into three camps (all of which exist in the KRPF but spread out well beyond it):
- Left-Nats: effectively people who like communism and the USSR because ROSSIYA STRONK and they see the oligarchs as foreign parasites. As a result of this, they tend to either be mostly non-critical of Putin to actually supportive (A Just Russia is a good example of this), although the recent pension dispute did see them come out and shit on Putin for that. They are mostly supportive of stuff like the War in Ukraine. They also tend to fetishise Stalin as a nationalistic hero. Zyuganov is a great example of this.
- Marxist-Leninists: Despite the name these aren't like western ☭TANKIE☭s in the sense that Stalin is based and everyone else is shit: but more in the sense that they are what a CPSU member would be today. They tend to view the best years as the Brezhnev era because that was the height of communism before the fall. They are actually quite critical of the Soviet Union not from a "Gorby fucked things up" perspective but a "we needed major reform but not like that" sense. They view Stalin less as a nationalist figure and more as a theoretical one, one in a series of soviet leaders who need to be studied and improved upon. They are naturally critical of Putin to a high degree (a group of them organised an anti-Putin march on Victory Day declaring he was abusing the victory of Soviet soldiers over Germany), and tend to support the Annexation of Crimea (as a revision of a mistake of Khruschjov) but opposed the war in Ukraine which they view as imperialist. There aren't that many prominent figures from them in the KPRF, the best I can think of is Maxim Suraykin of Kommunisti Rossii.
- Social Democrats: Now to start I call them social democrats even though in the west they would be considered on the left of democratic socialists like Corbyn because they originate from the social democratic wing of the CPSU. Now ironically their domestic and international policies today would be considered insane, and 40 years ago would have been a mainstay for a European CP following the Moscow line. They are anti-war from a pacifist perspective, as such oppose the War in Ukraine, and are a bit mixed on Crimea: one proposal that comes from them is holding a second referendum with international oversight to gain legitimacy. Still their domestic policy makes any western leftist look like a pussy: nationalisation of all natural resources, withdrawal from the WTO, expropriating wealth from the oligarchs etc. They basically go around saying "We want the economy of the USSR with self-management and political liberal democracy": basically Titoists in a way. This is where that "Billionaire" you mentioned comes from, Pavel Grudinin.
Now I am not great with the demographics of these groups within the Russian population because it can be very difficult to view how young people view things (like I saw the Moscow times claiming young people were becoming Randists despite loads of young people protesting against the pensions).
However IMO the main driving force of the future of socialism in Russia is not the KPRF but a group called Leviy Front [Left Front] (Левый Фронт) who are effectively Russian Momentum/DSAm/PaP. They were founded adjunct to the KPRF as a social movement and have grown beyond it: they did a lot of good work during the pension protests against Putin and have been building beyond that (they recently did a march against giving Japan the Kuril Islands). Issue IMO is that they need some training by western groups such as Momentum to properly engage in praxis (especially union support). But there is promise there, and since Putin's support has absolutely collapsed since the pension "reforms" there is an opening there.

ah Ok thanks.

Iirc the accusation came from the fact that he technically owns the shares to prevent buyouts but puts them in a worker-run trust. There was an accusation that he had evicted someone as a chairman of this neokolkhoz although there is debate about whether it was made-up by Maxim Suraykin to use to attack him.

Weren't they part of that Victory Day march as well, or something similar? istr seeing pics of them with banners reading "This is not their victory" or something. Seem pretty based either way.

nvm I'm retarded, saw the banners on a website called rotfront.su and conflated the two by mistake

There were a load of people behind that banner, you can see a KPRF Moskva banner on the left, and I think I can see a Leviy Front flag behind that.

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these people dont look like boomers

Don't know how I feel about that honestly, redpilled youth are great but they can't carry all the weight, some older voices who understand why Bhreznev sucked and Soviet history and theory in general are necessary imo

KPRF Is still the best option for Russia from a Marxist perspective because of their continued observance of a Marxist ignoring some of their worst fuck ups (The weird dick-sucking of the Orthodox Church Zyuganov promoted / The Large Social-Democratic/"Left-Nationalist" cliques in the party who who want to run investment bankers as candidates and suck putins cock respectively etc)

Aren’t they part of the “systemic opposition?” Eg they basically do nothing and go along with whatever United Russia wants so that they get to keep Duma seats and have paid staffers.

I think you should worry more about that being the case for parties where you live.

On leftism in Russia and former soviet states:

and pic related

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Labour front of Latvia: vk.com/stradnieki

I’m not “worrying” about anything, just pointing out that they are a puppet of United Russia, as are all the “opposition” parties in the Duma. There’s no real point in discussing its ideology because its a complete non-actor.

Unfortunately, thread is but a superfitial, at-a-glance speculations, no more.

As for the state of our cause here, its as everywhere else in the world: those few able to think, study. and to coperate are coming to a simple conclusion - we must study. organize, communicate our ideas with each other, around and outward.

Great batlles lie far yet, but preparation is key.
Refine your thoughts and revise your knowledge.

За светлое будущее жизни на земле и человечества.

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anyone care to translate this? All I can decipher is that the first are stalinists and the second one is a "totalitarian cult of self described putinists" who don't know Marx or Lenin (maybe?)



Attached: commieclown.png (329x280, 99.48K)

It's a portmanteu. Trying to decode Russian slang/insults is a chore.

my sides

So like those weird satan fags in the US who are Nazi's but the "Leftist" inversion?

Well they are not satanists, but yes.


what about Vestnik buri ?

not Russian, but iirc "pederast" is a homophobic term. It comes from Russian culture's identification of gay men with pedophiles. I guess you could translate it as "libfag", though idk if it goes beyond image board speak and into actual anti-gay sentiment (which is linked to anti Westernism)


The channel features youths who really irritate the stylish-trendy hipster-liberasts, gaycaps (faggot ancaps essentially), and other crap.
Conduct analysis on internet and real-life events

No, no it isn't. We debunked this anti-russian meme ages ago back when Zig Forums claimed the USSR imprisoned homosexuals for being gay.

The word pederast comes from pederasty, a term for paedophilic relations between a man and boy. The Etymology goes back to Russian Cyrillic and its Greek origins. This was never about gays being considered paedos in Russian culture, that's a Western homophobia.