Cuba General /cg/

This thread is for the discussion of Cuba, whether in the past or the present.


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Do we have at least one cuban user here?

Reminder that adjusted for purchasing power, Cuba is one of the richest countries in latin america.

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Seeing this thread is gaining no popularity i'm going to start some retarded drama to put it on track.


The threads been up for an hour, I doubt anything major has happened in Cuba in the meantime
Небо надо мной, как сомбреро!

Well, this is somewhat true, Fidel was petit bourgeois and his form of socialism reflects that (he mostly kept the sugar plantation economy, shipping Cuban sugar and tobacco to the Soviet Union in exchange for security). Granted, it's a thousand times better than being under America's boot like it was during Batista, but it's not the headquarters for world communist revolution, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Venezuela even less so.

tfw you will never experience what it is like being a soviet exchange student during summer in havana

You sweat your ass off and spend a good amount of time in the hospital for malaria, good news is you get great cigars, music, food, and weekends at the beach, probably 3/5 not bad overall.

Is this thing on? *taps mic* All right, I'll need everyone's attention… yes, that includes you Brenda *audience chuckles*. I have a few important announcements to make…

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I'll drink to that

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based and redpilled

*A round of applause from the whole audience*

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It’s only a matter of time before Cuba starts feeling the heat again from Washington, I fear, especially in light of pic related and how Cuba is included within Bolton’s “Troika of Tyranny” or “Cradle of Communism”. First Venezuela, now Nicaragua. Why has the Trump administration starting coming out so hard against the left in Central and South America?

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Monroe doctrine baby, especially now that eveyone sees they can't apply the MD to the middle east since Iraq is basically in the Shia Axis of Resistance after the invasion and the rise of the Sadrist movement in the elections after ISIS were driven out

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Free to buy in the American markets.

That uncle sam looks like something that ought to be killed in Bloodborne.

how popular/good is ortega as a leader in reality?

Pretty shit. Keep in mind, the sandinistas were a popular front. In the end, the liberals took the majority of the power.

He's good, don't listen to the anti-Pink Tide propaganda.

If we get in Bernie there won’t be any war on Cuba. Might even normalize relations, drop the embargo.

They wouldn’t let him

This is extremely optimistic, we have no way of knowing this. If I had to guess he would do nothing to change current policy towards Cuba just to avoid the massive shitstorm about a "communist" in the white house, and may even take a hard line against them to distance himself. Obviously I hope not but an extremely lukewarm SocDem with a mixed record of consistency is an unprecedented situation for the US, it seems very naive to assume he would somehow deviate that far from past presidents

Yeah, he was only able to do that at all because he was a massive capitalist shill in literally every other respect, and he still got an enormous amount of shit about "being a communist" for it.

They wouldn't let him do anything, it would be a shitshow.

Boomers are going to shriek about him being a communist anyway. They did the same thing for Obama ffs. Bernie has a spotty foreign policy record, but even Obama pursued somewhat improved relations with Cuba. I would be shocked if Bernie didn't at least go as far as Obama did.

Did you not read the rest of the post

the second graph seems very outdated, do you have a more recent one?

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How come we're not talking about this.

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Absolutely based, fuck baboon music.

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Amen, that shit is garbage and I have to listen to it pretty much daily where I'm from. But what about cumbia villera? Does that qualify as baboon music?

But realistically how are they going to ban a type of music? also as much as i and everyone here hates it isn't it a form of opression of free speech?(which includes listening to garbage, yeh)

I'd rather have people listening to cumbia villera tbh, at least the lyrics aren't completely focused on sex and it has actual instruments.

If this means stuff like restaurants or tiny businesses I really don’t give af


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i'm going to disagree with Hoxha here, i like my long beatle hair

Why does every communist country post-1991 have to turn into a Dengist shithole?

Actual leaders of socialist states realizing what matters at the end of the day is the commanding heights of the economy

Attached: Excerpt about Cubas Constitutional Reform and Private Property.mp4 (640x360, 9.83M)

I have to kind of agree with you there, don't get me wrong I hate reggaeton as much as everyone here (obviously not a popular stance where I'm from) but despite how bad it is, I would have to agree that it is going against free speech. I find it interesting that they are doing it on the first place tbh I don't know how popular it was in Cuba but now that I think about it yeah I personally wouldn't do it, as much as I hate it.

There some great hidden gems in that genre, for example this is easily one of my favorite songs
This genre can be surprisingly ideologically charged, it was born out of the lowest classes in Argentina after all.

Fuck off, lib



It is, I don't mind that much because I'm not living in Cuba and it's a small thing but say I lived there and they banned music I enjoyed? I'd be pissed.

That’s because there is residual bourgeois / liberal thought residing in your mind. Not all culture, music or literature is inherently worthy of existence. Ideological war must be launched against any and all things pushing reactionary culture. Cuba is doing the right thing

I guess reggaeton could be considered reactionary when it comes to female representation but i don't remember a reggae song about capitalism tbh

Reactionary things don’t necessarily need to be directly connected to capitalism. Alcohol is reactionary and the stupefier of the proletariat and should be banned but it is not directly correlated with capitalism beyond marketing and selling it

How did banning alcohol work out, eh?

I have to agree with you about destroying reactionary elements of a culture but not with music or literature. It just seems way too broad and subjective to say what is reactionary or not. But for example, I'm definitely in favor of getting rid of reactionary (and many times downright retarded) traditions like that shit chinese people used with the shoes and feet of women (don't remember exactly what it was but it was detrimental to their feet). Mao ended that shit, rightly ofc. But even with explicitly reactionary shit like Mein Kampf for example, I wouldn't get rid of it, so workers know how their enemies think and deceive them and to also never forget what they did. They're part of our history after all, and besides, banning the shit of our enemies makes us seem weak and scared of them.

calm down Gorbachev

Several countries ban alcohol to this day, so you tell me.

Reactionary elements of culture by definition can’t be seperated from things like music and literature. History isn’t inherently worthy of being preserved. Damnatio memoriae is a good practice. Hitler should have been scrubbed from the history books so we wouldn’t see dumb alienated teens LARPing after him and reading his genocidal fantasies nearly a century later. As Bakunin said, the passion for a destruction is also a creative urge. We want to put an end once and for all to all remnants of the past. A clean break is needed

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Couldn't disagree more but I respect your opinion and see why you believe that. Let's just agree to disagree.

Drinking workers don’t think, Thinking workers don’t drink

you’ll have to take it from my cold dead hands

daddy state knows better than you, son

This but unironically


bye bye

Despacito was played at the anti-Maduro concert. Reggaeton is fascist.

This, boonposter was secretly an anti-imperialist all along.

One of my anarchist friends says this a lot. Alcohol is indeed bad, but outright banning it is counter-productive, as can be seen in the alcohol mafia (who would later back Yeltsin) which arose in the final years of the soviet union.
People will likely reduce alcohol consumption on their own initiative as problems with alienation, mental health and so on are alleviated. There also isn't a need anymore to produce alcoholic beverages for profit, so gradual reductions in hard liquor productions and also across-the-board dilutions are on the table (a 40% liquor becomes 30%, a 15% wine becomes 12%, a 5% beer becomes 4% etc.). In the long term, your typical lager would be reduced to around 2.5% and stay at that alcohol content. Liquor would only be produced in limited quantities for holidays.
I envision large brewery complexes which make good use of scale efficiency and centralization of transportation logistics and within them contain dozens of independent brewer's associations who have their own brand but besides that don't function like a capitalist company does. This is to keep a diversity of brewed beverages, the mechanics behind allocating these brewer's associations to the limited space in a brewery complex is another discussion but you could easily have a society of beverage enthusiasts who democratically vote on this, rotating different brewery associations in a way that mimics capitalist competition but even better. Those who care about what beers are available can thus choose to involve themselves in this society and vote on such issues, you don't have to poll the whole population.
In line with what I mentioned earlier about alienation and mental health, if we believe in materialism then we can make the assumption that cultural attitudes surrounding alcohol will change. It will become less normalized, party culture will be less about (excessive) consumption. Advertisements are no longer, instead billboards will display a variety of information, some about public health and alcohol.
I know fantasizing and blueprinting is bad™ and utopian but a socdem friend once pressured me into explaining how we'd have 1000s of beers and craft breweries under socialism and this was my answer.

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You know that you can find dozens of fake articles of every latin american country (and not just Cuba) allegedly banning reggaeton? As much as I wish they did, they haven't done so.

fuck you, whisky = life

i mean how else are gonna keep ourselves warm in the winter amirite? i think that's what whiskey does

Get help, alcoholic

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Sorry comrade, this is best for you. You can have some whisky on New Years, your birthday, the anniversary of the revolution but not every day.

This image isn’t even an argument. Just because something is considered “fun” doesn’t mean you can’t be prevented from doing it by law. Being as emotionally attached to alcohol as you seem to be, I’d assume the proletarian dictatorship would assign you to a labor brigade to work and get sober

Don't even drink but you're being a pedantic fag

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t. liberal boozer

Most people who drink Whisky are productive members of society, who don’t harm others and aren’t alcoholics, people have used liquor sence the dawn of civilization.

Your arguments appealing to the past are silly. Even if this is true (which I’m not denying), alcohol is an absolute poison for your body and the facts support this. Just because something is “fun” or a “tradition” has no bearing on what should be done in light of public and societal health. Alcohol is just another drug for the masses, much like religion and most pop-culture bullshit.

6% of global deaths annually are attributable to alcohol, it’s one of the top five causes of premature death and disability globally. Young people are especially at risk. Alcohol is correlated with over 200 diseases and health-conditions, including cancers. I could go on and mention even more of the obvious such as car-crashes, abuse at the hands of drinkers, fetal alcohol syndrome, etc etc etc. Nearly 90% of Americans have imbibed thispoison in their lifetimes and millions die globally from it EVERY SINGLE YEAR b-b-but it makes me feel good so it’s okay!

Fuck that

can we ban coffee too? i don't even like it but i keep drinking it everyday fuck me

Literally idealism.

Superstructure and base mutually influence each other, brainlet

literally idealism
if culture can't undermine a state, then what is it, magic?

what if instead of prohibiting it, we make all drugs legal instead?
less ppl would choose booze, cause it's a pretty shit experience when compared to meth or cocaine
also it would allow for a state monopoly on drugs, so interest groups couldn't influence others through drug money anymore


Most people who drink booze don’t have any problems from it. It’s only unhealthy if you abuse it.

The base creates the superstructure, not the other way around.

material conditions

lol, my point is that thought history billions of people have engaged in healthy, and non-abuse alcohol use.

subsistence men are indirectly producing their actual material life.
definite form of activity of these individuals, a definite form of expressing their life, a definite mode of life on their part. As individuals express their life, so they are. What they are, therefore, coincides with their production, both with what they produce and with how they produce. The nature of individuals thus
depends on the material conditions determining their production.
t. Marx

Reggaeton is like what, that sond the transgenderist prostitute AOC was dancing to? then fuck it to hell.
And the last thing Cuba needs is for its citizens to become drug addicts.


Can we talk about the Cuban constitution's changes instead? What are the changes regarding private property, if any? Any incorporation of or plans for development of the internet, automation, algorithms around planning and distribution?

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long dog


Having laws against certain forms of music or long hair or other Zig Forums tier idiocy because you think it will somehow damage socialism is idealism.

It has nothing to do with socialism. Just calling something “idealism” is retarded and not an argument. Funny how the people who want to ban alcohol have actual arguments but people just spam Marx quotes and scream and about idealism in response. The real libs are clear here



You're accusing us of liberalism because you think we're being wishy washy or something, some vague aestheticization totally outside of Marxism. The idea that it is necessary for a properly enlightened group to rationally decide which social and cultural behaviors are superior and then impose those values onto the population in a desire to cultivate a better form of cultural behavior IS idealist, it is derived from a wholly enlightenment liberal rationale, which is a coherent set of philosophical assumptions Marxism tries to disprove and circumvent through asserting the primacy of material systems, so that the Marxist approach is to exploit the contradictions in the ideal arising from the material.

We could talk about the extent to which a revolutionary vanguard is necessary to help facilitate the actualization of that dialectical process, and to what extent engagement with the contradictions of the ideal could include trying to propagandize against or limit the symptoms of alienation (like alcoholism) brought about by material exploitation and that could be a productive conversation. This poster is doing that. But that's not what you're doing, you're saying "you dont want to ban bad thing? lol liberal" like a frothing retard that just uses terms like "bourgeois" as catchphrase synonym for "bad."

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I wasn’t talking about alcohol, I was talking about Reggaton and other restrictions on cultural expression. Thinking that these things could actually damage socialism is an idealist position.

There is an interesting book, Che Guevara – The Economics of Revolution by Helen Yaffe. Yaffe talks about a Cuban Manual for Factory Administrators (Manual Para Administradores de Fábricas, published in 1964). Is this manual online anywhere?

>Between 1965 and 1966, he made his most important contribution to socialist theory with his critical notes on the Soviet Manual of Political Economy. The notes were smuggled back into Cuba by Aleida March, Guevara’s wife who went on a clandestine visit to see him overseas and who passed them on to Orlando Borrego Díaz, Guevara’s young deputy since La Cabaña in January 1959. For 40 years Borrego kept them under lock and key, out of sight of scholars, political leaders, historians and compañeros alike.
This was probably done to not offend the USSR buddies. The Soviet's Manual isn't hard to get. But is there a copy of Guevara's comments on it available online?

>In April 1965, they completed a manuscript called Report on the Elements Required to Create a Model Industrial Enterprise and the Methods of Work that Should be Applied in Distinct Areas of Activity (…) It was finished just days before Guevara left Cuba for his secret military intervention in the Congo, and Guevara sent one of his bodyguards to accompany Valdés Gravalosa to the printers to have eight copies produced in book format. Once Guevara left the country, no more copies of the book were ever printed, so the Model was never circulated or applied.
Again, does this exist online? I guess I'll cough up the money if there is no other way.

Some of Max Romeo's stuff?

You are naive if you don’t think the remnants of bourgeois culture can negatively effect the construction of socialism

You're right, but you actually don't need to outright ban bourgeois cultural affectations in such a top down way, ordinary people will make alcohol abuse socially unacceptable. Cultural revolution is most effective bottom up. From the masses, to the masses.

I don't want the cultural expression of the society I live forcible dictated for any political purpose including those of marxism, because even when supposedly acting for Marxism, they ban things for the stupidest and vaguest, Iranian revolution teir reasons

Trotskyist wrecker detected

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