""Leftist"" Consumer Drone Thread

OP you have correctly identified that any and all media, no matter what, is going to be viewed through the lens of someone who has grown up in a bourgeois society and that the media itself is going to have been produced by someone in a bourgeois society or even more reactionary socieites.
What you haven't made is a case for why we shouldn't partake of it.

Who decides where production is?
Who decides who works and how they work?
Who decides who gets the products?
All economic questions are fundamentally decided by the party/leader which in no way includes all of society.
You advocate for a formal abolition of classes in a more reactionary and weak way than the bourgeoisie does in its formal equality.

Haven't read Walter Benjamin, but this is pretty much what I was getting at with this post:

It's not at all like you're trying to rob the proletariat of it's capabilities for dissent, and destroy any outlet for independent expression, so that you can tell yourself that they actually love it while you crush them under your boot.

hurr durr

You do not understand Juche and Pol Pot-ist thought. Read a book

m8, I'm an M-L; pro-soviet etc. but this is just some ridiculous shit.
How does THAT become relevant as to why he was killed?! This is Adorno levels of shit, except instead of calling everyone fascist for breathing, its executing anyone who doesn't conform exactly.

They can be drawn over to the socialist side, as in the case of a significant portion of the old intelligentsia during the October Revolution
And as Stalin pointed out, there are different kinds of intelligentsia, the best forces of which belong to the revolutionary party.

Attached: kim-jong-il-teaching-classmates.jpg (625x401, 63.32K)

Benjamin is essential for understanding commodity culture and aesthetics. He has a much more nuanced view than Adorno and Horkheimer

It's ironic to complain about life stylism when your LARPing this hard

Holy shit how do you get this braindead