Reminder that liberals have always been the primary reactionary force leftists have to deal with, and we need to drop all illusions we have about them.

This shit needs to die. There's always been this long standing belief that somehow liberals are on the same spectrum as leftists, that if we just vote for a capitalist, it will somehow bring the means of production into the hands of the workers, end imperialism, and so on. Except in reality they're on the capitalist spectrum, just with idpol characteristics.The historical truth confirms this; we saw with obama how he disabled and dismantled the anti war movement, accelerated mass incarceration, accelerated and expanded the wars in the middle east, and literally financially enslaved generations with the bank bail out. Now we're seeing this shit again; every liberal, with only a couple weeks of corporate propaganda, is now fervently supporting imperialism in Venezuela. How in the fuck can you trust these pieces of shit?

So bottom line is we need to stop tolerating these fuckers in orgs, online and in person. They're not "one of us" and their "support" on any issue should be considered irrelevant. They should be viewed as dangerous viruses to be purged.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry Zig Forums, until the material conditions are ripe for communism and global warming forces the proletariat to unite I will continue to support environmental protection and protections for minorities and the LGBT community over voting for walls and immigration bans.

You're speaking to the choir here. Reminder though that pretty much everyone in the US government is a liberal, and that conservative liberals are still very much liberals.

nobody brought up LBGT or immigration

and to OP, fuck yeah shoot em in the DICK

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I want to add to OP's rant that w*Sternoid w*Sternoids (those from the w*St coast) are the most dangerous. They think that by buying an electric vehicle and starcucks coffee they somehow save the planet. These fags will be purged before any other group of people.
Pic very much related

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I wish I was. You still see tons of threads on jimmy dore and Bernie, even though they cuck out at the slightest amount of pressure. There is also not a single org that actively refuses liberals from participating and infecting their work.

haha forgot to spoil it, sorry

Don't forget urban middle aged buddhists. Literally just "enlightened" narcissists.

OP is implying that right wingers and liberals should be viewed as equals in the eyes of leftists because they both prop up the capitalist mode of production. Sorry for being a "dangerous virus" in need of "purging" because I don't want people like Trump in control of the world.

Read Marx.

What did he mean by this?

is that Posadas?

Literally what in the FUCK did he mean by this?

Idiot. It's not about affirmative action, it's about protecting people from discrimination and preventing the right-wing from scapegoating the already marginalized for the effects of capitalism. I bet you voted for Trump.

There it is. Go to >>>Zig Forums and shill for AFD and Trump because at least they are "anti-war" in name then, you would really fit right in.

I don't think you'll find anyone you thinks Bernie is anything else then a SocDem, and barely a SocDem at that compared to the rest of the world. At the very worst you'll get some people who say he should be pragmatically supported just to break up the political hegemony of the US government and maybe insert some class based discourse into the conversation other actual leftists can take advantage of. And even that is followed by people rightfully shitting on him for prior actions in support of US imperialism and his denouncement of actual leftist movements. For Dore though, people get excited about him because for the past few years he has gotten dangerously close to the left and has gone as far as to call out Bernie for being a sellout for not being left enough. Hell, he even called the US's intervention and "aid" in Venezuela illegitimate and imperialistic, something you'll rarely ever hear from liberals or SocDems in the US. He's mostly a meme though, don't take it too seriously.

People like Trump were already in control of the world you retard, you just notice it now because its being rubbed in your face.


I don't recall Obama rescinding environmental protections or promoting race hatred. Is there a difference between Hitler and Obama in your eyes? Both are imperialist capitalists, which seems to be the only metric by which you judge leaders.

Literally FUCK OFF with your corporate media tier mindset you fucking liberal.

Bernie blames the effects of capitalism on big business and lobbying. Trump blames it on immigrants. You are an absolute buffoon.

Is this peak liberalism?

First, a bunch of people voted for Trump here for "accelerationist" reasons. It was literally the third most popular option, right behind not voting at all and throwing your vote to a third party. Second, the user who said
was making the point that you would vote for someone who would engage in similar actions to Trump behind the scenes, just as long as that person didn't make it obvious to you.

Oh he did, just in other countries mostly. And I make that point and focus on imperialism because, you know, part of my focus is on the ==INTERNATIONAL PROLETARIAT== of the world. You know, the thing that is part of me being a Marxist.

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not inherently liberal
not inherently liberal
What are you a fascist?
u gay

The greentext strawman is getting old. You're not even responding to me in good faith. According to your logic, an administration that can implement a single payer healthcare system in America is indistinguishable from one that spreads race hate propaganda.

I think both you and are illiterate.
Let me highlight this:
The singular greatest leftist revolutionary in history accurately identifies the issue that projects onto me
This is in fact precisely what you are saying- unless the capitalist system is totally overturned I have no reason to support candidates that are trying to work within the capitalist framework for the benefit of the oppressed. Lenin titled his work aptly, you do indeed have an infantile disorder.

But Obama spread race hate propaganda.

Marx and Lenin were talking about getting actual communists into power and not neo-liberal capitalists.

lel, did you read anything past the title?


Not through democratic means.

The entire work. Would you care to read the chapter I posted? Nice sage btw, I have been owned.

Shit man, I don't know, him standing in front of a camera telling America a 6'2 criminal could have been his son and the rise of idpol that has decisively split relations among the races and set much of america against the working class whites as a scapegoat for the ills passed down by porky is good evidence.
Basically his entire two terms are your source for race hate propaganda.

He's talking about communists participating in elections, and voting communists into power, not liberals. "Parliamentarianism" is a position on whether a communist party should participate in elections, and he's criticizing communist parties that refuse to participate in elections as candidates; he is not advocating participation in elections by voting for liberals.
"Utilise parliamentary elections and the parliamentary rostrum in a revolutionary and communist manner" doesn't mean "vote for liberals."

You sound like a huge moron, although I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.

Youre still one of those loaf brains that calls anyone you dont like a liberal.

Climate change can never be reversed unless we achieve socialism

It's not complicated.

You guys could win this war easily if you stopped talking such retarded nonsense. Useless.

lol this is a literal religion. but keep waiting, and waiting. Do you have a backup plan?

the backup plan is to arrange the absolute chaos that will ensue into class conciousness

this is what a modern education looks like


strawmanning without greentext is still strawmanning

please help a brother out. how can we help this along?

you see some crazy nigga running down the street, absolutely hopeless, you smack him and scream right in his face the entirety of the communist manifesto. done, you've done it, you turned chaos into class conciousness.

The problem is not some good vs evil binary you are attempting to postulate here between the supposed “real” Left and Liberals / Conservatives. So you’re going to deny working with people simply because they self-identify as a useless marker in the U.S. which vaguely means some progressive attitudes. But by doing so, you are alienating yourself from the working-class by not organzining around the Workers as a CLASS, but by organizing around the fringe views of “communists” who typically come from upper-class educated backgrounds anyway (and inb4 someone says “well what about the Soviet Union, they weren’t upper-class” - we aren’t talking about an agrarian third world country, we are talking about the United States here). So you are merely replicating the same identity politics that leftypol has strived to go against by stating that it is in fact liberals! not the capitalist system that is in fact the main problem, and thus further postulating that we should organize not the working class as a class, but only those individuals who do happen to identity as “communist”. Perhaps you meant liberal capitalists or liberal politicians, but from your picture of Stalin and the rhetoric you use, you will only further alienate yourself from any actual working people.

While this is true, ive found them easier to sway than reactionaries.

*far right reactionaries

lmfao liberals are not working class they, like you, are middle-class bourgeois vegan lifestyelists who will happily turn fascist when a true revolution comes. kill yourself libtard.

Mm, nice lack of reading comprehension.

Not working with liberals will in fact solidify ties with, not alienate, the working class. The working class is tired of WOKE libtards making life shittier and shittier for them but virtue signaling like pic related.

Attached: liberal retard.png (696x498, 58.25K)

Socialism only works if you gas the kikes and the faggots beforehand read My Struggle

But Hitler was a faggot, or at least associated with them.

Alright with that I completely agree. But I think to make your argument stronger you need to state that you are against working with petty-bourgeois, and or middle / upper-class liberals. Cause just denying “liberal” as a category itself could seal you off from more urban workers who would consider themselves on some spectrum of “liberal” when in reality their material conditions and aspirations put them more firmly on the left then even the most “radical” student elite.

Agreed. Every proletariat of every faction (liberal/conservative/libertarian/centrist) needs to develop a strong class consciousness. Leftist outreach may not solve the capital problem, but it is a step in the right direction. Besides, it's the liberal politicians and MSM which are green lighting fascist and imperialist policies. These supposed bulwarks of progress are quick to strengthen the right wing and weaken themselves in order to protect the plutocrats global capital. Make no mistake, this aggression against Venezuela is meant to create an anti-leftist narrative. All this Venezuela propaganda will be repeatedly regurgitated by Charlie Kirk and every Fox News junky. They will meticulously reference the current events occuring in Venezuela to invoke militaristic patriotism amongst their followers and to mute (or even persecute) leftists. The entire narrative about Venezuela sounds like an obvious lie. An invasion of Venezuela will be predicated on weaker reasoning than the Iraq war. Yet the liberal politicians and media support this, because given a choice between leftism and fascism they will always choose fascism. This is based on self-interest. It's really fucking disappointing to witness it though. Especially when you see "reputable" liberal papers printing obvious and blatant lies about Maduro such as refusing food and medical deliveries… Or starving the Venezuelan citizens to the point of cannibalism.

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It's almost like liberals are historically untrustworthy. And if they can't be trusted, why do we want them anywhere near leftists?