100 flowers

It's that time again - bring your criticism and suggestions for Zig Forums to the table and talk to the mods.

I'll probably keep it pinned for about a week.

Attached: 100 flowers.jpg (580x400, 120.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Remove the Board Owner from power
Prevent him from assuming mod positions in the future
That's literally the only change you need to make

just this one thing: leftist who critisise socialist countries or leaders shouldn't get banned, but actual reactionaries, who happen to agree with a socialist leader on one specific issue should be banned. The board is for "leftist" "discussion" not "reactionary discussion of leftist topics"

Stop being such sensitive bitches and banning people left and right for making legitimate criticism. Even calling out Vietnam for blatant rightist deviation and capitalist restoration got some user a ban in the Vietnam thread.

Allow people to make legitimate criticism of third world bourgeoisie, you butthurt ☭TANKIE☭s.

BO is a shit and new leadership is needed, the only way to rejuvenate the board is with new leadership that attracts the people disillusioned from the split.

The line on imperialism needs to be loosened, people who aren't even suggesting imperialism is a good thing are getting banned or having their comments deleted. Hell, I suggested that the failure of the US intervention in Venezuela thus far shows how they are becoming a weaker imperial power, and for some reason my comment got deleted.

End the R.ojava wordfilter, it's an evident bad-faith filter that only appeases the personal grievances of the BO and Ba'ath supporters and suppress R.ojava supporters.

Generally try to contain e-celeb stuff to the /leftytrash/ thread unless it is relevant to the topic of discussion, though this has improved since last year.

Overall both the staff, BO, and volunteers need to communicate with the community more.


Stop banning constantly for retarded things, especially concerning Syria and allow discussion of Ro.java

Get rid of BO

BO needs to go, they're beyond redemption.
The anti-imperialism bans which are now universally applied (always by BO) to even the slightest expression of nuance regarding third world countries need to stop. Its not even that this board used to have a line deeply critical of Venezuela, not only dismissing any claims that its socialist but pointing out the errors of policy and compromises with the bourgeoisie that Chavez and Maduro made and now that Venezuela is under direct and immediate threat of open imperialist assault suddenly the discourse shifts to banning anyone who says anything about the flawed policies of the venezuelan government. Its essential that we are able to express critical support, this has always been a mainstay of communist parties and needs to be maintained, we can defend and argue venezuela's case against imperialism unflinchingly while acknowledging its shortcomings and being insistent on what Venezuela should strive towards. BOs belief that this place is some crucial battlefield in the global struggle against imperialism and that military discipline and unconditional and uncritical support of any country resisting imperialism is essential for the struggle has hurt the board massively and will continue until its stopped.
Criticism is not treason.

I say the BO should stay where he is, but needs to stop being stupid when it comes to leftytrash shit.
Last thing I'd want is an anarkiddy/trotshit BO.

Actually the moderation of this board should

BO should keep banning imperialists tbh.

Only 498 chauvinistic imperialist dogs to go!

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People should only get banned if they are being obtuse and trying to shit up threads.

Only gulags can save us. Don't listen to these w*Sternoids

BO needs to write ban reasons
I’ve gotten several dumb perma bans from the BO in the last couple of months (all in Venezuela threads) with no reason listed
They all got lifted on appeal

It’s unclear if the BO is even reading these posts. I think perhaps they are just banning every post in geopolitics threads that some pissy user reports.

I've seen pro-venezuela and pro-maduro posts on the ban list, banned by BO, i'm almost certain because they just banned on sight of the name 'Maduro', im sure they weren't even read.

This. We regularly allow Zig Forumsyps to stick around for hundred-post threads till they start sperging out which is when we ban them, this should be the general rule for behaviour. Mods are janitors and should be keeping things clean and orderly, not deciding what opinions aren't allowed and banning/deleting posts.

Make a funny post for once in your life.

This, I got a ban for saying that Maduro was a 5/10 leader AT WORST, not at best.

Don’t be so anchor heavy on threads, this is a message board shitposting is good. Unwordfilter one big US military base in Syria

Also don’t be so ban happy, even for reactionaries, people then come here and see well laid out why they are wrong, this is the only place the reactionaries get dogpiled properly and that’s a good thing

Hey hey
Ho ho
Baboon owner has got to go

i thought you were the one who owned the boons to society

I have several questions to clarify user positions on certain matters which often come up:
What should be done about extremely low-effort threads that do not actually promote discussion - or may promote sectarianism (this comes from the perspective of threads created that are not immediately identifiable as Zig Forums) ?
In the case of Zig Forums very clearly coming to shitpost or malign, at what point should any action be exercised against them? It is made clear that non-leftists will be held to a much more stringent conduct by virtue of our suspicions of their intentions
Would you be in favor of full explanations being produced for ban reasons (if so, in the message itself? in the offending post? somewhere else?) ? This may help with the appeals process, as a great number of overturned bans have come from having to read through the entire context of a thread and then trying to piece together what was wrong
Is there any action that should be taken to curb belligerency in the /leftytrash/ thread? A position was set some time ago that gave a timed ban to those who were being overly confrontational and deliberately antagonizing users to the point that it may spill out from the thread.
Delete or anchor threads? Conditions under which one should delete versus anchor a thread. (this is in regards to Zig Forums threads, specifically, and not the offending users)

For one, BO stop being shit. For two, BO stop being shit and stop banning people for criticizing third world countries or marxist-leninist leader. Third, allow wider array of socialist ideologies, including post left. Few months ago, post left thread in which there was actual philosophical debate got locked. So, allow more space for non ☭TANKIE☭s. I got banned few months ago for making a thread with kropotkin joke. Next, also don't ban people for critcizing China or Russia, just because they are anti US doesn't make them non imperialist, in short stop with toxic anti imperialism. Next, try to moderate low effort threads and bait threads.

Anchor them but monitor them for calls to un-anchor them. Sometimes low effort OPs can generate good discussion, and they get anchored anyway.
Seems like a judgement call. If they are here to actually argue and learn then leave them up. If they are arguing in bad faith or are just extra retarded then anchor them. If the Zig Forumsyp leaves that thread and shits up others, only then ban them.
Obvious shitposts should be deleted, but threads that are just bad should be left up or anchored if they’re extra bad.

My two cents.

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This is a minor complaint, but why did this post get banned?
The line for humour on this board is increasingly unclear. Nazbol shit is theoretically banned, but people make Nazbol jokes here all the time without getting banned.
Generally, my complaint is that the line for what humour is allowed and what humour isn't is increasingly unclear, and I think it would be useful to clarify things.
sorry if that user was actually banned for ban evading or something, but i feel the point still stands regardless of that particular post

shit wrong post, its the guy that replied to him with the trot flag I meant

Zig Forums should do some events
This board could vastly expand its memetic/cultural footprint with a bit of direction.
Something along the lines of 4/v/‘s annual musical perhaps.

This board is perfect and in no way worthy of criticism,


Also, for the love of BO, get rid of the damn Roja.va filter. There's zero reason to have it, and it stopped being funny a long time ago.


Please stop bumplocking threads from right wingers who want to argue in good faith or at least the ones who aren't shitposting excessively.

this ended in mao suppressing all the dissenters that identified themselves in opposition to himself. what a stupid title

I've been here from the very beginning, in fact, I've been just banned like 1 week ago by one of your idiotic and insecure vols. I've contributed 200 hours+ work to this fucking community. I'm running a Youtube channel that pretends to have "found all of its OC" on leftypol, while in fact I made all of them – not out of some kind of perversion, but because I sincerely believe that anonymity is a communist trait: youtube.com/watch?v=QP3MQ4oU12w&list=PLoNqS6OJ5iuXWO2SywXDQQpQRNI9UXauE

I've been banned like 20-30 times on this fucking forum since the very beginning, and to my mind all of these instances were utter bullshit. Never for a moment have I wavered from defending global communism, never have I faltered at all… As a Hungarian communist I always defended our 20th century history, not once being indecisive regarding my nation's objective appraisal of the pre-regime change system!

Each and every ban of mine was, one the one hand, a deep insult upon my continuous activity, and on the other hand, a ridiculous and symptomatic signaling of the objective wrongness of this mother-fucking-board.

Again: I've been here from day one, and every two to three months I've been banned for ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT REASONS.

Not once did I stutter in my absolute fidelity to the communist cause!!!


I was always 100% committed to global communism. I was always committed to the 20th century experience and to the objective lessons that it gave us!

I keep on emphasizing, you utter, worthless, kulak, faggot:

May I say one more thing. Since I've been here from day one, I've been given the opportunity to join the vol team like half a dozen times. Each of those opportunities were sweet, yet I've declined them all, exactly because I've felt that I could not make compatible my desire and thrust to provide quality content with the desire to make leftypol "clean." I, since then, payed the price by approx. 4 months of bans. How fucking sad is that?

Responding to these hysterics:

There's literally nothing wrong with BO. S/he decided to ban people who regurgitate imperialist propaganda. That is the objective TL;DR of what happened, you absolute lunatics.

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Saying Venezuela should have diversified its economy is not imperialist propaganda, Ginjeet. No amount of insistence that it is makes it so.

out of which was 30+ hours spent on OC images (pics relateds) – disregarding the webms.

I know this very forum in and out. I know every crevices of this fucking community, yet I get banned every one to two months with absolutely bullshit reasons!

I deeply despise the fucking vol community. I'm one who despises the BO not for him/her being a [whatever], but for him/her being absolutely incompetent when it comes to laying down basic PRINCIPLES to modding. S/he must be the number one person to lay down how this community should be modded, that is, written in a fucking 100 rows .txt file what is the optimal outcome of such community is, yet s/he failed to do it.

I do NOT oppose BO for his/her supposed "tranniness;" I do not oppose her for his/her supposed "authoritarianism!"


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Are you literally retarded? Who the fuck said anything about that, you absolute shit?

Could we get rid of the sectarian wordfilters like Y.GP and trotsky, also the j.acobin one, as well could anons be informed if new ones are made.

It's one of the dozens of reasons people get banned for """imperialism""", moron.

Finally, while I accept the fact that a mediocre team of VOLs is indispensable for the objective functioning of Zig Forums, as a person who has reported with 100% accuracy like 500 spam, gore, raid, nazi, etc. shit, I totally regret this condition. Yes, I'm aware that the objective structure of 8ch gives us this only possibility of a structure. Yes, I'm aware, that we'll necessarily have shitty vols. Still, I REFUSE that the BO does not take the time to make a 20-30 point list to which every faggy-lord comply.

Keep the BO, yes. But fuck him/her for doing a shitty job! Fuck him/her for only showing up every two months! If there's a reason to remove him/her is not because his ban on pro-imperialist propaganda, but because the utter lack of participation!!

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Thank you based news user

The BO comes here almost every day and places a non-negligible amount of the bans. They are always in the recent ban list whenever I bother checking.

Congratulations on being irredeemably stupid and having zero situational awareness. BO bans people for imperialism, the posts aren't actually imperialist propaganda. See also:

Post one (pic) where someone one was banned for this, you fake-ass kulak!

Why would I keep bans for this dead gay board lmao

But I'm an autist with no sense of humour

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I have been supporting this notion from the very beginning. Filters should make polyps feel insecure, not comrades! I've been saying this for years, mind you! This community is capable of criticizing trotsky-fags, rose-fags, leftcom-fags, etc, on its own. Filters should be only applicable to our polyp infiltrators!

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what happens when you write r.ojava and j.acobin? gonna test it


nothing, ok that was disappointing

You might be right, but let us agree on the following: we only have our feelerinoes when it comes to this. IMO the BO visits this site at tops every month or so.
This means that, for me, the BO is:
under-responsive, disconnected, and silly.
For you, the BO is:
tyrannical, and so on.
Honestly: eat a dick.
First of all: the VOL's continuously remind us that they are "just" upholding the rules set by the BO. What the fuck is wrong with banning imperialist propaganda, you piece of shit?!

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Wordfilters don't apply to the first word of a new line. jac.obin: jacobin y.pg: one big US military base in Syria ro.java: one big US military base in Syria


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Make an actual argument or have the comradely decency to perish from this stream of conversation, you trash.

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make cigar user BO tbh

dont wanna, tbh

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i don't want freudians ruling my fucken board bucko

Unpopular opinion
Zig Forums is an alright but obviously not perfect spot and a large amount of the people who left needed to leave anyway for defending imperialist propaganda and it's activities.

If you wanna go full muh mods crybaby go browse leftpol for a few days then come back here, you'll see a 10/10 difference in the quality of posts and lack of Nazbols,polyps,mgtow and other shitposters.

that just makes you sound like a more attractive option

Reminder: 90% of these are Americans. Literally nobody on this fucking Earth opposes imperialism like the amerimutt.

Fuck them. Burn them. Gulag them.

Us, the rest of the world, suffers because of them. If you are an American and do not understand how your delight is the rest of the world's suffering, you should be killed.

Fuck you, and fuck the horse that you rode in.

From a communist perspective: how is this a loss? Explain it to me! They were burgers. Idiots who did not realize that all of their state's activities were up to imperialism. Again, how are we, communists to assess this?!

Reminder: >>>Zig Forums has been successfully overrun by >>>Zig Forums because of the mod's laissez-faire attitude. There's literally no other place on 8ch rather than Zig Forums if you oppose this whole bag of shit, that is (US) imperialism. None. Zilch. THIS IS THE ONLY COMMUNITY WHICH DOES THAT! Praise fucking BO, for allowing us to oppose that shit! And if you're an indecisive anarchist, please go dilute yourself over at >>>Zig Forums !

Quality posting NEVER happened in a vacuum. Quality posting ALWAYS HAPPENS in under very constricted rules. This is a fact.

>Reminder: >>>Zig Forums has been successfully overrun by >>>Zig Forums

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Reading that reminded me of this scene youtube.com/watch?v=Ph3I1xRMBe4


haha, what a funny future BO you are!

And not to mention effort posting like:


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Freudcigar-user, tone it down. You're being reported for spam, and it's excellent that you so earnestly engage the opportunity to help the board; however, 1. Stop sperging out, no amount of """commitment""" to the board will stop people from developing a distaste for your character, 2. A great deal of what you're harping on is already practiced by the mod team, 3. See #1, a huge issue has been that (just like with you trying to get Cockshott to post here) you instantly leap into these vitriolic tantrums more reminiscent of a mental breakdown than coherent thought. You're a part of the community, and your dogmatism and zealot nature are a matter of equal import to the establishment of a consistent and coherent guideline for moderation

Go outside, haha.

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Please belittle foul mouthed bigots with word filters for slurs or such statistically indicative phrases…

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boons to society bye bye

just delete shitthreads instead of spamming anchors and bumping good threads off the board

we don't need to argue about fucking 2014 pol talking points or "r/soc dum r/chapo stupid dumdum idpo" incessantly honest to god. use your better judgement and get rid of the bait

Place the rules on the moderation thread, and leave the FAQ one as an active questions thread.
Questions that don't deserve threads, curious Zig Forumsyps and etc will be encouraged to post there. Ecouragement means redirecting and nuking their threads.
This will cause board frequency to drop, but would also increase board quality without censorship.
Posters tend to flock to shitty bait threads, i imagine not that many people will bother sperging at the FAQ.

also most wordfilters suck

Cigaranon, this isn't your blog.

I am highly skeptical that this will amount to anything positive or any meaningful/lasting changes. I'm so cynical at this point that it wouldn't surprise me if this post results in something identical to the hundred flowers campaign, and what I thought to be sarcasm was just brutal honesty.
Stop constantly banning and deleting shit you don't like. That's it, it's really not that difficult. It would help significantly if there was some real transparency and consistency with how the rules were applied. The best possible solution would be to find a way for users to give some meaningful degree of input into how moderators are selected.
I remember a post of mine being deleted because I mentioned that a few of my family members were executed by the Iranian government for writing political poems. Why was it deleted? Was my post a threat to the board somehow? Was it considered "anti-imperialist" to mention that? Either that is the case and anything even remotely critical of non-western countries is "imperialism", or the moderator who deleted it wasn't able to separate anti-imperialism from a simple anecdotal criticism.
At the very least, the absolute bare minimum change that should happen is to get rid of the stupid word filters that stifle intelligent debate and discussion. At least the filter for Trotsky can be worked with, the filter for one big US military base in Syria is unfunny reddit-tier nonsense with seemingly no benefit.
The way in which this board is being moderated is absurd and something has to change. Maybe my criticisms suck or I have no good solutions, but that much is certain to me.

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this is the state of the board

I am highly skeptical that this will amount to anything positive or any meaningful/lasting changes. I'm so cynical at this point that it wouldn't surprise me if this thread results in something identical to the hundred flowers campaign, and what I thought to be sarcasm was just brutal honesty.
Please stop constantly banning and deleting stuff you dislike. That's it, it's really not that difficult. It would help a lot if there was some transparency and consistency with how the rules were applied. The best possible solution would be to find a way for anons to give some meaningful degree of input into how moderators are selected.
I remember that a post of mine was deleted because I mentioned that a few of my family members were executed by the Iranian government for writing political poems. Was my post a threat to the board somehow? Was it considered "pro-imperialist"? Either that is the case and anything even remotely critical of non-western countries is "pro-imperialism", or the moderator who deleted it wasn't able to separate "pro-imperialism" from a simple anecdotal criticism.
At the very least, get rid of the stupid word filters that stifle intelligent debate and discussion. At least the filter for trotsky can be worked with, the filter for one big US military base in Syria is reddit-tier sense of humor with seemingly no benefit.
As far as I can tell, the way in which this board is being moderated is absurd. Maybe my criticisms suck or I have no good solutions, but that much is certain to me. Whether it's the BO or the vols or
the rules, something has to change.

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Sorry for messing up your post, user, I made a critical mistake in mine and had to delete it.

mods if you delete this post you are literal niggers

The wordfilter does not get in the way of discussion especially since there's easy ways around it. Please find the thread or an archive or something were you got banned because i doubt it was for saying I fled Iran and my family were killed.

I did not get banned, only my post was deleted. I didn't say "I fled Iran and my family were killed", I said that some of my family members were executed for being political dissidents, though the actual post was more descriptive (fucked up) than that. My family fled the entire region several years after but I didn't mention it. Also, the wordfilters absolutely do get in the way of discussion, and even if it really is only a minor inconvenience there is no logical reason to have most of them.

I retract this

i put the statement back in your mouth and make you say it louder

Who gives a shit about false reports? Truth prevails – this is a communist minimum.
Don't give a shit. I put forward arguments. Attack those.
aka. objective sediments of my actual involvement. Some would call these proofs of my faithful engagement towards this communits (Badiou).



* community

That is, if I may say so, an muscular black person of the afro-heritage!

I disagree with this notion exactly because it is highly subjectivized. Objectively speaking there are "stuff" deleted not because it is disliked, but because it is either against the rules, or racist, or shit enough to warrant a deletion. Why the fuck would you argue against this?

Yes, if I had the opportunity to wish for the stars, I'd did that too, but NEWSFLASH: dis is not how this fucking place works.

Every now and den the fukin BO asks for help from the community, and total degenerates answer his/her call. Our Vol team is just this: degenerates recruited after a while. Nothing more, nothing less. Where the fack do you live in? In the clouds of your ideas?

Spare me the details. Either you know that the antagonism between the existing class powers make up the social ontological field or you don't. Nobody gives a shit about your shitty poem, when it comes to a communist board. Does it acknowledge the basic fact that history is the product of class-antagonism, or does it not?

If nay? Your poem is best fit on >>>/lit/ !

if yay? You should be not banned.

If meh? You are too idiotic to even know what you are doing, you cringelord.

your criticism about modding is legit, tho. Still, yu sukk

In any case, u fgt, look up Bertolt Brecht's communist poems n dramas.

/marx/, /leftyweebpol/, and /leftyb/ are alright too.

/marx/ is where the art of debate is valued, that's why even without moderation everything is fine. Some Zig Forums came there to shitpost but instead was greeted by open-minded debate and not shitting the board anymore.

It's hard to keep track what's kosher and what's not.
I got a 1 month ban for stating that Venezuela is not communist (pls no ban). I find this a very harsh ban for an unwritten rule. Post was deleted, no reason given and appeal was denied.
I believe that was what the other poster meant by "Please stop constantly banning and deleting stuff you dislike"

Hence why I said "best possible". I don't expect leftypol to become some sort of democratic image board, though not too challenging to implement there would be significant problems with maintaining anonymity, to name just one issue.
The post I referred to was in the context of a thread complaining about someone getting banned for criticizing the Iranian government (and the OP of that thread was banned too). I was criticizing the trend of the BO/volunteers to ban stuff they disagree with presumably because "muh imperialism", I gave an anecdotal example of the Iranian government doing something legitimately worthy of criticism, and it was deleted. You are deceiving yourself if you think that doesn't concern this board at all.
Yes, but I am saying that stuff that is disliked shouldn't be deleted.
Let's see where your logic leads. Since half of the posters in lefttrash don't post anything remotely related to leftism, is it OK if they happen get banned because of it? Or maybe lefttrash is a special exception, is it OK if any similar posts outside of lefttrash result in a ban? Is it OK if anons in a meta discussion get banned? There are no explicit rules against anything I just mentioned, mind you.
>If nay? Your poem is best fit on >>>/lit/ !
I didn't say that I posted a poem, moron. Maybe you should take a look at that board you mentioned so you can improve your reading comprehension.
I'm not sure if you are joking or if you are the joke.

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I really hope that leftypol doesn't become a 'democratic' [whatever!


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No. I have no problem when BO actually bans people for good reason, but a vast amount of time it was and still is BO coming in after weeks at a time and mass banning a bunch of anons for posts which in context are not what I would say are worthy of a ban. He throws in a few which do deserve it, but that just poisons the well against those who did not. I am not against moderation, and have been harshly critical of Zig Forums multiple times on this board, but the way BO engages in their moderation has been objectively poor. He comes in randomly, browses but a few of the threads with subjects that are "controversial" or related to imperialism, and scrolls through them banning anons for individual posts minutes apart from each other with usually no explanation given. Literally view the ban log on the days he visits, its a hodgepodge of out of context bans mixed with a few deserving ones. Worst is when people are engaging in discussion with someone new and are taking the time to educate/debate them, and BO comes in and bans the person in the middle of the conversation. If its too much trouble to see such things, make a sticked thread for debates and newfags. And don't go saying unjustified bans never happened, I was there and sometimes subject to them. In regards to the post, my opinions have shifted over time, but I still stand by that it was not something which was ban worthy in the slightest though admittedly it was pushing the limit on economic determinism

On this topic, moderation should be just enough to prevent rampant shitposting, raids, and Zig Forumsyps schizophrenically spamming threads. It should not be about banning anons who are making tongue in cheek jokes about figures or events, banning anons who are engaged in a fruitful (if controversial) dialectic with each other, or banning people who come here honestly asking questions or wishing to debate within reason. This actually hurts me a little to say, but this board was better when when the opinions were not as homogeneous and we had tendencies in constant debate and dialectic with each other. It allowed loads of sources and information to be posted in succession, and even the occasional meme came out it. Before nearly half of the threads had some sort of interesting conversation or banter going on and I had fun visiting them. Now there are only like 5 or 10 threads at a time worth lurking in, and usually less worth actually making a post within. As someone who first came to Zig Forums as not a leftist years ago and quickly within a few months fell in love with the discussion and informational debate here, I ask the mod team to please consider what I'm saying.

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Of course you don't.
You said that if my post (which you thought was a poem) acknowledges that history is the product of class-antagonism, then it should not be banned. Therefore, if my post does not acknowledge that history is the product of class-antagonism, it is acceptable to you if it does get banned?
