Non-ironical serious question:

Non-ironical serious question:

How does race equality fit in the framework of someone who believes in evolution?

Attached: African-Woman-from-Kenya.png (622x471, 536.09K)

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i believe in evolution and i think blacks evolved to be black from eating fish that had some shit on it that made them black

If you knew what you were talking about you wouldn't "believe" in evolution.

Care to elaborate?

There’s nothing to believe in, it’s just a fact

Okay so, how do you deal with the belief of racial equality while simultaneously understanding the fact of evolution?

differences as we understand them right now are not large enough to stop racial equality, no race can fly or has weird ass frog gills

Even if there are differences between “races”, they’re tiny. Normatively speaking there’s no reason to treat them any differently. Same with women

black people didn't grow a crime bone in their head over time you retard

it would involve asserting that over the past 60-100,000 years either
1. there was no significant selective pressure on socially relevant attributes, only physical ones
2. that any pressures on socially relevant attributes were equal across all extant human populations during this time period

Why sort people by race when with modern tech we can purge/deal with them on an inividual level by Autism Level or other traits?

Keep the smart niggers, kill the stupid whites.

You already have a topic

Wonder where OP would fall in this system.

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not OP but i would probably get killed tbh

You're possibly being manipulated by Zig Forums. Biologists have actually been surveyed and estimate that the biological effects of race on Autism Level could be anywhere from 1-3 Autism Level points, not the 15-30 that Zig Forums believes. It's entirely negligible.

This but unironically. Uphold Multicultural Landian thought

depends, are we playing 4.0 or 5.0?

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How tiny are we talking? I mean, when your threshold is growing gills anything is tiny.

By the way, here's a human tribe that can go without breathing for minutes:

Question: do you expect populations with widely different hormones to commit the exact same amount of crime?

ok there are frog people, so what, we can use them to go underwater and shit, that's good

confirmed nigger

I'm not sure if you checked the statistics because there would be some pretty big racial gaps in terms of who you're killing.

Do you deny that races have different hormones?

of course, blacks may have more horny hormones but they don't make them more likely to rape little white girls

Why would hormones not make someone more likely to behave a certain way?

Genetic engineering.
We will literally have fucking character creators in maternity wards.

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you can overcome your evil nature or be born good, blacks are obviously following the first path, give them a chance

don't bother this board are creationists who think every black nigger baboon mammy could have grown up to be einstein if only zhe was nurtured correctly

that's literally true though

Ok, let's say you really do have a way to identify groups in which 99% members have below average intelligence. What are you going to do with that information? Kill them all? They're still human beings for fucks sake. Would you kill your own brother if he was destined to just work as a janitor until retirement?

Your worry with crime is absurd. I feel like it would take way to fucking long to argue with you about this though if you're a Zig Forumslack, but suffice to say that I claim that real Autism Level differences due to biology with all else being the same (not necessarily by the classically defined races) is between 1-3 points. Crime for secure black and brown people is already historically very low. You can argue it couldn't get any lower than it is, but it is low enough for society to function and we have seen other races in different political economies have variations in the amount of crime committed (after the fall of the Berlin Wall, former GDR police complained that crime skyrocketed and never got as low as it had been in the GDR). So it's really hard to say what the possibilities are, but suffice to say that bringing everybody to a certain standard of living will make crime entirely manageable and negligible. It won't destroy society. This cooperation would require less instability in global security and the psychotic mayhem of subjugating races, exterminating races etc. which creates bloodthirsty maniacs. Police and prison staff are more likely to abuse their families. Soldiers are more likely to murder their spouses and have violent episodes from PTSD. These extra social ills through a conscious police state meant to explicitly remove undesirable races are unnecessary.

Do you realize that you can do lots of things with that information that are not genocide and forceful deportation? For starters, trying to merely PRESERVE certain populations.

This tribe spent more than a thousand years diving and isolated, and all they have is a larger spleen. Their diving capabilities also stem from intense training.

As someone said the gap is not that wide and has shrinked along the past century. Genetic variation is way wider between individuals. If someone is really concerned with dividing humans for a better gene pool it should be done on an individual basis.
What people do is just mask their prior racism with a autistic genetic progress facade.

and let others die ok fuck you

I don't think you understand those researchs. 1-3 points is what the gwas can explain so far; but it doesn't mean that the solid explanation can't grow.

Take height for example, height, through twin studies, had a .5 correlation with ancestry, but in GWAS, it was much less. As more GWAS studies were done and as the consensus was refined, it grew and grew until it reached .5 which is what the twin studies from the previous century had found. Just because GWAS says it can explain 3 points of lQ it doesn't mean they won't explain more and more in the future.

Except you assume a mere 3 point lQ difference. What if that's not the case? Do you realize what a 80 point lQ society looks like? You don't even expect to have piped propane in those cities.

Wild assumption. In fact, I have zero agreement here. Black american are EXTREMELY violent and they and people ignore that they are among the wealthiest people on the planet. Data also shows that as the economy shrinks, crime drops, meaning, poverty is not really causing crime.

It's very delusional to assume that just giving people more wealth will eradicate crime. Crime in US exploded as living standards skyrocketed in the previous century. People started being able to survive by asking for a few pennies to buy a burger and in exchange they started breaking into stores to get TVs as opposed to becoming less criminal. Meanwhile we have subsistence villages working 8 hours a day just to get food that commit very little violence.

Firstly, the gap has not shrink that much at all.
Secondly, what's a "small" difference? These differences are subjective. I mean, someone with 10 less points of lQ will resent earning less money their entire lives, what you consider "small" can shape these races into wanting different treatments, maybe they'll feel they deserve more or are being disadvantaged.

Again, see pic related; as I said, this would be a hardcore racial attack. Take into consideration that black people that have one gene for high intelligence may still have genes for low intelligence; and how you can set different thresholds, for starters, if you want only the top of the top, you'd be basically getting almost exclusively European/Asian genes and a tiny few black unicorns.

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I'm not suggesting it is simply about wealth, it's about social cohesion and security. But that is related to wealth. It doesn't have to do with wealth as such, like having more stuff, but rather the disparities in wealth cause a lack of social cohesion. So in the example of the GDR, there is the common refrain that former communist Germans who are nostalgic for the GDR (a statistical majority) are woefully, permanently brainwashed. This is called the wall in the mind or head. But those people self-report that they felt a sense of camaraderie and belonging that they describe as being rooted in the relative similarity of everybody's conditions. Furthermore, while everybody knew to some extent the state was watching them and lying to them etc. they also trusted the state. So it is well known that a lot of East Germans got fucked over when unification happened because they fell for a lot of scams and other things, being far too trusting from their familiarity of the old social institutions.

But in addition wealth stratification creates resentment and strife that nobody necessarily is asking for. When the interstate highway system was being widely developed, hundreds of thousands of people in urban areas were ejected from homes and businesses they owned for fractions of their market value, leaving them precarious and many to fall into poverty. In a market society where these kinds of costs are individualized, the same market society that creates immense wealth stratifications, you get resentment from the people fucked over looking at the rich who were able to have their houses and businesses avoided by the plans for the new freeway development. This is just a random tangential example, but it is to illustrate how these things cause people to start hating each other, start feeling like they're being fucked over, start feeling like they don't owe society or anybody else anything because nobody else is looking out for them anyways.

the solution is mandatory Ra.ce mixing



and jews with blacks to make them smarter and uh asians with sand people to make them smarter too, whites with latino too to make them smarter

absolutely false

At this point you are not even arguing, "what if", "what is"

A 10 point (and the gap is smaller and shtinking) is not that big of a deal.
Neither is 5%testosterone.

Grow a pair and admit you are racist because you dislike black people.

White people:

I just explained to you how it is a deal.
K, I guess I need to explain things to you with a greater effort.

You might need emergency care
You just hit a kid with enough force to catapult it's corpse through the streets.

This is a dumb mentality. You don't understand these effects and how stats that differentiate only marginally 5% can be an enormous difference; because no one really has 10% of estrogen or 10% of testosterone.

Imagine having a race that scores 10% lower in every test. That race will be getting shittier jobs, a lower income, they'll live in a shittier neighborhood, and their peers will behave worst. Their ENTIRE LIVES will be affected; and that's because of a 10% difference.

Just assuming it were true that black people were functionally retarded (they're not), under socialism if they're really retarded they can just be one of these guys. Just point them to some useful work, pay them for it and be done with it. There is even tons of skilled blue collar work an idiot can do. Half the country used to have 1/3 of their brain clogged up with lead and they could still work in mills or mines. Right now if you're an idiot, it's just as likely the system will try as hard as it can to ignore you, and then they just end up in urban jungles doing whatever they can to survive before being sent to clog up prisons.

But I'm tired of this, I know it's just going to be an impasse of you telling us that black people are going to destroy the world, and us saying we don't give a shit about black crime statistics, so may as well go back to Zig Forums.

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Ah yeah, people would just accept that they are inferior and just shut up and go to work. No riots, no racial dispute, no claim of oppression, no leeching from others.

Yeah, you know why? because you forget that a person who's more than one deviation less intelligent than others CAN'T actually work in mines and with complex equipment. Your views on socialism are a bit fantasious, as if all of a sudden the black man who barely has an english vocabulary will now be working with complex machinery at an industrial area.

That's why Lenin and Stalling began culling their lower class as soon as they realized they couldn't actually be put to work in Moscow; just throw them in these "survive if you can" free for all pvp zones in Siberia.

There isn't any conflict you stupid faggot.

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