Wagecuck general

How does anyone do this long term? I've just got my first job that pays above minimum wage and it's at a call center. A good 60% of my job is listening to narcissistic entitled Americans asking for money back after they book hotel rooms and don't stay.

Before I got the job I was just out of college and basically a NEET but at least I didn't have constant suicidal ideation, anxiety, and I had time for other hobbies. Now I just feel like an insane person having the same conversation over and over again.

So fellow wagecucks of Zig Forums how do you manage it? Is it even possible to get a job that doesn't make you feel like this? Or are we all just too sensitive and should we just get over it?

Any stories about your shitty job, advice for other anons, or general comments about the abject inanity of wage slavery are welcome here.

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oh how i envy you. I'm 27 now, worked in three different call centres, first one was doing market research at 17, also I've done sales which is the worst possible. My advice is try and get bar work or something then you can at least have a fun place to work and probably get free drinks.

I'm a courier, that's better than most of my other jobs. I don't know how i continue really though, i went to jail for some shit i didn't do and then had to do a years community service, i cant get real jobs now as this fucked up university and basically all avenues of self improvement. Im coming back slowly but i missed the boat right at the crucial point of my youth. I feel like a lost the vigour and punch i once had.

I make youtube videos so I work from home.
It pays better than any wage job I could get with a 4 year degree

It's okay you'll be dead by the time you are 40 so you won't have to worry about anything soon.

I need to get into this. I’m a little nervous putting myself out there but it seems to make good money. With a little effort, at least it seems to

I work for a non-profit organization for the intellectually disabled (mentally retarded). I've been doing this type of work since I graduated college, 4 years ago. Before that it was the service industry. Been working since I was 16. Never really stopped.

My current company is unionized (which is super rare for human service organizations), so that's nice. The pay is pretty shite though (only barely above minimum wage), but the work is very emotionally rewarding. The intellectually disabled are some of the kindest and happiest people you will ever meet. It's like the old notion that ignorance is bliss. Imagine not knowing how fucked up the world really is and your only concern being when snack time is. Also, it feels really good to know that you matter to someone.

I can't get into other jobs (even better paying ones in human services) because the feel good sensation is too good when working directly with the disabled.

These are actually 90% of humanity.

True dat. No I mean, truly not knowing how fucked the world really is. Imagine having no ideology, no religion, no understanding of any advanced concepts and living forever in the moment. I'm not saying I want to be retarded, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. At least not in developed countries where the disabled are somewhat protected.

Get out of call centers. Those jobs destroy people mentally, physically, and emotionally. Other jobs suck too, but not like that. Get out of there. Please.

As to doing the wageslaving long term, I had really shit jobs, usually for megacorps from 16, through college, until around age 24. Then I got an IT position at a small non-profit and that actually wasn't awful. It was fun back then too because it was all very novel and I was learning a lot every day.

Now I'm 30 and this kinda sucks now. The routines I've established that have helped me keep steady employment for the last 15 years have got me seriously down, and I don't have nearly enough time to read or do things that would be meaningful to my life, but it's still the best job I've had by a wide margin, and the pay (along with living extremely cheaply) was okay enough for me to pay off my student loans and afford to get some land and a small house out of town, so there's that. My hope is to keep this job for long enough to pay off the house, then continue to live very frugally afterwards. We'll see if I can make it that long, plus I'm somewhat expecting Economic Crisis 2: Financial Boogaloo to happen before then, so we'll see what unfolds. Maybe some civil war shit will start up and I can get out of having to pay for the whole house before some red white and blue Nazis come to try and impregnate and/or kill me. A girl can dream.

But yeah, I'm sorry to report that I don't know how to make the depression and constant anxiety of living this way more manageable. I take that back - getting a cat was helpful. If you don't have pets, get one if at all possible. It will actually help.

Yeah though, the shitty feelings regarding this situation have tended to swell and fade for me in cycles over the years but they're always in there. Being able to afford decent liquor and hardcover books is nice, but I have little time or energy to properly enjoy them, and what might be worse is that this area is so horrendous for decent employment that the couple friends I had through college all had to move away to find something other than food service or cleaning hotels for jobs. Wageslaving is very isolating in this regard. Not only does it take away the time to explore our own interests, it takes from us the opportunities to build and maintain friendships and relationships (and communities) outside of work. We find ourselves increasingly alone, with only a handful of overpriced and often meaningless (sometimes outright harmful - social media especially) distractions to help try to keep us from ending our manufactured, hollow, lonely little lives - if only for one more day.

Good luck out there. Know that I am silently cheering you on from an office somewhere.

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This is something that I will never understand about cultural capitalism. I literally think my brain just isn't wired to function in a way where I will willingly through myself into wage slavery. If I don't like a job, then I'm out of there in a weeks top. Fuck the pay and fuck the company. I'd rather be poor and happy, than well off and suicidal. Yet reactionaries seem to consider it an achievement to endure a job that you hate and get paid well for it. Like you're getting paid a reasonable amount, but because of the work you do, you won't have any time to even spend any of that measly capital. Why subject yourself to that type of work to begin with?

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It is truly obscene the extent to which dominant culture and social pressure is able to make us normalize (and even ostracize others for daring to question) this arrangement.

My parents are both in their late sixties, after having worked the entirety of their lives, and they are 'still a few years from retirement' when I ask them about it. As you say, they consider it an achievement to endure such things. I think they're at least in a place where they don't actively hate their jobs, but at this point the entire life-routine of wake up at 5:30am, make breakfast, get to work, be there all day, come home, make dinner, watch TV/read a book, go to bed, repeat-unto-death is so ingrained in their concept of what a normal life is that straying away from that is, I suspect, a troubling prospect to them. They would have great difficulty even imagining living another way. To put that slightly differently, their idea of what a decent, normal person does necessarily includes this internalized logic of wage-labor and time-discipline as a default state.

I suspect it is this notion, and the fact that so many people share it, which makes the prospect of continuing to waste your life at a job you despise (to maintain a forced routine of pointless activity which you feel on a daily basis is actively damaging your ability to live a meaningful life) seem like a more-positive situation to be in than to be without the job, without the ability to guarantee a roof over your head or food on your plate, and without the respect of your peers/family/society at large. It's a social game, the rules of which are handed down to us from on high, and everyone but the shareholders always loses. Slave morality, basically. Honed by centuries of propaganda.

I've heard it argued in the past that homelessness is a problem which will never be meaningfully addressed under capitalism because the homeless, by their very existence, are essentially an advertisement to wageslaves (the working class more generally) to keep them working. They are the threat that if you stop working, if you try to detach yourself from this system or if you don't conform well enough, that this is what will happen to you - that society will 'throw you away', and that there is no other alternative. Put differently, in modernity, homelessness is an almost entirely manufactured problem created and maintained to instill fear and obedience in the working class - and it has been an extremely successful tactic.

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If you have student debt you can’t pay off try to get an Asylum if Cuba or DPRK. Probably won’t work, but one can try.

How many views do you get per video on average? How many subs do you have?

Dhanks for advice, I'll get a cat :DDDDDD

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Yes, and now get back to work.

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Working in a call center sounds horrible. I would never do that to myself.

Find a job doing something you genuinely enjoy, or at least doesn't make you want to kill yourself. I like driving and building stuff so I'm pretty happy doing run of the mill blue collar work, but everyone's different I guess. Maybe some people really like talking on the phone with pissed off customers.

I drove a delivery truck for a while which was pretty cool. My boss didn't really pay attention to how long I took to do deliveries so I could just fuck around during the day and clock like 14 hours if I felt like it. Lots of lifting involved though so no everyone can do it.

I've done some woodworking / metalworking stuff which is the bomb. Welding is probably my favorite thing to do for work. I'll try to get into doing that full time once I quit my current job. Probably through an apprenticeship with a local trade union.

At the moment I work on fixing boats. Lots of exposure to harmful chemicals which is a downside but the pay is pretty good ($18/hr). Not as much fun as working with steel, but I'm using my hands which is all I really need to stay sane.

At the end of the day though, any job under capitalism fucking sucks in a lot of ways. Even if you like the activity, you still have to deal with the lack of autonomy. You still have to serve the false god of capital. You still have to pretend to like your boss even if he's a dick. The only way to really seek fulfillment is to do a job involving labor you like, and then engage in class struggle within that context. There is no point working for socialism if the means of production you are trying to appropriate isn't something you want to operate in the first place after all.

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Good on you, christcom, I can only hope to get satisfying work myself. I don't have a problem dealing with mentally handicapped, but I know it would grind on me eventually, but I know there are people out there for whom that job is a joy in it self. Hopefully it will one day, you won't have to choose between reasonable income and meaningful work.

i work at a zoo it's horrible

the shitting NEVER stops

i have a chihuahua and i don't enjoy picking up her feces

that's baboon poster, user. Don't feed the rightoid.


you think i don't know that bitty baboon? youtube.com/watch?v=JTo7OgXkbe8

Working at a grocery store rn. Pay is meh, but I enjoy the people and it gives some beer and cig money. Hopefully can start subbing and make a little more. Want to go to Japan and teach there then get a masters at one of their universities, either in data science or development economics. But seriously OP, don’t work at a call center unless it pays well cause that’s bottom of the barrel. Do something a bit physical where you can meet and talk w/ other workers.

Damn, yes. I suspect people around me are getting married to fill that void and give their lives purpose again.
not OP, but I'll pretend you mean me as well. thanks fam.

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omg 😂

This is something I needed to hear today, thanks user. This is more motivating than the vast majority of what I hear from anyone in my daily life.

normie detected

Nice job outting yourself as a redditor

oh comrade, I wish, I wish I were a brainded normie who thinks that Tesla will save us all and we'll go to Mars in 5 years, and all of our primary energy supply will come from renewables by 2030. I wish I believed that scientific progress is always accelerating thanks to free markets and competition. I wish I believed that we only need to change a couple of corrupt politicians here and there and it would be perfect.

I also wish I believed that revolution in the first world is possible

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It will be, but by the time it is, it will no longer be the first world.

Europoor here. Is "unpaid overtime" (as in, literally unpaid, not just getting the regular hourly wage without bonus for overtime, which is mandated by law where I live) a real thing in the Land of the Free or just a workplace.stackexchange meme to scare off potential immigrants?

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yes it's real.
I know we joke around calling you Uropoors, but STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM tHIS HELLHOLE. You don't know how good you have it.

land of the free labour, I see. no worries, I wasn't planning on moving.

(sage for self-reply)
Seriously though, I'm a programmer, and I don't really get what would "salary for job done, regardless how long I was doing it" mean. There's always something more to do. If there wasn't, I guess I'd be fired.

Wait, there are countries where employers actually ~have~ to pay overtime?

Fuck off m8, we're full