I am a hypocrite. Join me in freedom

This is it, comrades. I've come to a realization. I am a hypocrite. This computer was built under the capitalist mode of production, the very clothes I wear were made by poor wage-slaves in the third-world, I myself was even born in a hospital under this mode of production. I have no right to criticize. Goodbye, Zig Forums. I now shed my clothes and leave behind all of the fruits of this system. I cannot criticize when I partake within it. I shall go out into the virgin forest and live in a box… wait… I can't even live in a box, for it was made under capitalism too. Forgive me, I will never partake in this society again until socialism is established.


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fool peasant, you try to fight me for capitalist revolution yet you use the tools made in beautiful feudalist fatherland, all your swords, daggers and shields are belong to us

Look at this uppity nigger! He desires “freedom” from slavery even after I have provided him with a small plot to work, a place to sleep and clothes to wear!

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Yeah and how many Soviet scientists were responsible for developing the computer he used to create YouTube with?


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You might as well kys mein neger, for just even existing and breathing in a country with a capitalist mode of production we're being hypocrites. I shall partake in this endeavor too in a few moments. Goodbye cuntrads

This "argument" is almost as bad as

i see you spreading your fetish to fuck animals everywhere

you will never be welcomed to the LBGT movement, you and pedophiles can stay with the psychologists and mental asylums.

it's exactly the same argument tho

They're pretty similar but not identical

you want to have sex with animals, i would rather be with a tranny that was abused by her parents than you

Fuck off

ok i'll stop, animal fucker was the one who started

I would rather have sex with animals. That was the whole point behind my post and somehow you think I'm going to be offended that you don't want me. Ego repairing much?

Ban? Impossibru!
Do not run from your problems!

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I don't have a choice. If I was allowed to have sex with animals I would be spreading my sexual attraction to the animals. It's not even a fetish because a fetish is an attraction to a body part or inanimate object. You have to know this animals are living creatures. A fetish is fucking dead animals and a sexuality is fucking living animals.

i hope you get eaten by a blue whale even if that's not your fetish you disgusting animal fucker

I don't want to belong to the LGBT they are bad abusive people because they are the offspring if bad abusive people. Their discriminatory behavior is obviously genetic and even though they are the opposite of abusive sire they are still the same unchanged blood.

I would rather be eaten by a blue whale because I'd rather be sure I gave myself to an animal.

would rather protect a blue whale from the damage of global warming than a whale fucker

Nobody ever said anything about fucking whales. This is just randumb now

animal fucker can't into fucking animals cause daddy state won't allow him

Yeah exactly. Daddy state is a rapist state and you are a rapist shill. I already know that. No surprise.

says the animal fucker

>>Doesn't know the difference between fuck and rape

animals can't consent so it's always rape, only thing we can do towards animals is eat them because if not we die, we can fuck other humans to satisfy the other need of fucking, now keep your DICK on your PENTS you fucking CREEP

I don't live in a country where resources are spread thin, and we aren't required to eat animals to survive. Start thinking with your brain not your belly starving marvin. There's more to life than food.
Animals can consent but most people feel entitled to consent for them. Consent says more about you than it does about the animals. Keep your teeth in your own mouth and out of the animals genitals, creep…

Seriously tho. Keep your teeth in your own mouth. The animal doesn't need you to bite for them.

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animal fucker dies while fucking a horse because horses can kill humans during sex WEW what a surprise headline of the year