King Leopold II Caused The HIV Epidemic

In an article entitled “The Early Spread and Epidemic Ignition of HIV-1 in Human Populations” in the magazine Science in October 2014, Nuno Faria and his fellow researchers revealed the location of Ground Zero for one of the world’s most deadly infectious diseases—HIV. They discovered that HIV-1 originated in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and explain that the deadly virus spread throughout the Congo via the railroad network. HIV-1 was subsequently transmitted by Haitian professionals back to Haiti and then to the United States (1).
The specific health and dietary effects of colonization of the Congolese are outlined in one telling passage written by Charles Gréban de Saint-Germain, a magistrate at Stanley Falls (4). The magistrate described the dire health conditions of the Congolese in 1905:

Disease powerfully ravages an exhausted population, and it’s to this cause, in my opinion, that we must attribute the unceasing growth of sleeping sickness in this region; along with porterage and the absence of food supplies, it will quickly decimate this country…. The villages for the most part have few people in them; many huts are in ruins; men, like women and children, are thin, weak, without life, very sick, stretched out inert, and above all there’s no food (p. 231).
This emphasis on the lack of food sheds light on how colonial practices could have contributed to HIV crossing over from animal to human populations. As Chitnis, Rawls, and Moore (5) detail:
Over 50,000 porters were used per year to headload rubber from the interior to the coast by 1906; a railroad was under construction from 1899 through 1913, mostly with slave labor. The “[d]iversion of labor was so great that food was in short supply and had to be imported” and if laborers sickened they received no rations, having to scavenge in the forests (p. 8).
It is important to note that the reason there was no food is because the Congolese were no longer allowed to grow their own food due to the insatiable demand for rubber. Hence, labor was diverted from the people growing their own food to collecting rubber for Leopold’s empire. Thus, there can be no accounting of HIV-1’s crossover, transmission, and emergence out of Leopoldville in the 1920s without taking into account the social determinants of Congolese health prior to the 1920s.

HIV-1 emerged from Leopoldville in the 1920s among a people decimated by successive waves of Leopold-led and Belgian-arranged violence, murder, mutilation, and mass trauma. HIV-1 transmission was facilitated by a colonial system set up by Leopold and his Force Publique and from 1885 to 1911, leading to a loss of half the Congolese population (2, 4).

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Other urls found in this thread:'_Party_of_Belgium,_disease_and_biological_warfare_agents

Faria and colleagues mention another causal factor for HIV epidemic ignition: changes in the population’s sexual behavior and the prevalence of commercial sex workers. Yet these factors, like the existence of railroads and animal-to-human crossover, would also have been heavily affected by mass historical traumas experienced by the Congolese people (8). Congolese historian César Nkuku Khonde writes that prostitution was “a phenomenon of colonial origin” (p. 224). John Hobbis Harris, an English missionary, wrote of his visit to the Congo in a 1912 publication (9), where he alluded to sexual abuse and the torture of Congolese women:
To-day one sees the havoc which King Leopold created when he let loose upon the Congo tribes the scum of Europe. None have escaped the infection; girls of tender years and even boys not yet in their teens delight in practices of which in the old days the chiefs would have kept them in complete ignorance for another five years. Upon the women the results have been most revolting, for in the Congo the majority of women have lost their womanhood and have fallen into a daily condition from which even the beast of the forest refrain (p. 67).
In a remarkable turn of phrase, Harris describes European colonization as the “infection” that afflicts the Congolese people. In the judgment of John Hobbis Harris, King Leopold’s Force Publique not only depopulated the Congolese through their brutality, but under Leopold’s regime, food was scarce, humanity was debased, and previous social norms were perverted.
Despite its omissions, Faria and colleagues’ research does provide a valuable service. The research firmly establishes that HIV-1’s origin was not due to a polio vaccine campaign that took place in the 1950s in Central Africa (10), nor was it created by the United States Central Intelligence Agency, which was not founded until 1947 (10, 11). However, the hunting of chimpanzees and the practice of reusing syringes could have contributed to the transmission of the disease (5, 10). The practice of hunting chimpanzees or eating chimpanzees as wild game before the 1920s would have been greatly affected by a variety of factors associated with Belgian colonization (5).
Belgian colonialism is implicated in the animal-to-human crossover and the transmission of the HIV-1 vis-à-vis the sexual behaviors of the population, the building of the railroads, the influx of migrant workers, and colonial public health campaigns. By neglecting to mention the empirical historical data concerning Belgian colonization and European colonial practices, Faria and co-authors essentially place blame for the HIV-1 global pandemic at the feet of the Congolese. In doing so, not only does their research risk inducing shame among the Congolese people and creating the basis for social stigma globally (12-17), the paper’s findings prevent the reader from being able to properly account for the influence of Leopold’s avarice and the Force Publique’s malevolence.
We now know that HIV-1 emerged from Leopoldville in the 1920s and spread first among African people. The colonization of the Congolese by King Leopold II and the Belgians helps explain how the virus became a global pandemic.

also wikipedia:
There is evidence that humans who participate in bushmeat activities, either as hunters or as bushmeat vendors, commonly acquire SIV.[143] However, SIV is a weak virus, and it is typically suppressed by the human immune system within weeks of infection. It is thought that several transmissions of the virus from individual to individual in quick succession are necessary to allow it enough time to mutate into HIV.[144] Furthermore, due to its relatively low person-to-person transmission rate, it can only spread throughout the population in the presence of one or more high-risk transmission channels, which are thought to have been absent in Africa prior to the 20th century.

Specific proposed high-risk transmission channels, allowing the virus to adapt to humans and spread throughout the society, depend on the proposed timing of the animal-to-human crossing. Genetic studies of the virus suggest that the most recent common ancestor of the HIV-1 M group dates back to circa 1910.[145] Proponents of this dating link the HIV epidemic with the emergence of colonialism and growth of large colonial African cities, leading to social changes, including different patterns of sexual contact (especially multiple, concurrent partnerships), the spread of prostitution, and the concomitant high frequency of genital ulcer diseases (such as syphilis) in nascent colonial cities.[146] While transmission rates of HIV during vaginal intercourse are typically low, they are increased manyfold if one of the partners suffers from a sexually transmitted infection resulting in genital ulcers. Early 1900s colonial cities were notable due to their high prevalence of prostitution and genital ulcers to the degree that as of 1928 as many as 45% of female residents of eastern Leopoldville were thought to have been prostitutes and as of 1933 around 15% of all residents of the same city were infected by one of the forms of syphilis.[146]


Speaking of Belgium and the Congo, pic related is a great book on the topic.

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so, tl;dr
Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide forced Africans to eat bushmeat (including monkeys) just to survive, causing them to contract cases of SIV (mostly harmless). Then the colonists turned the SIV virus into HIV by repeatedly raping the African women. They then turned it into an epidemic through the same process, and then spread it all over the planet.
Pure fucking evil.

This isn't expanded on in the article and I don't know anything about the medicine of the time, but was this standard practice or what?

Yes. The Belgian colonizers would mass vaccinate villagers in single file lines, often reusing syringes with just seconds between injections.

jesus christ, some fucking vaccination.
here's a link
however, this seems to be a later development of colonization

Reminder that Flemoids and their GERMan royals are reactionary untermenschen incapable of ending their reactionary tendencies
Only the Wallon has ascended his primal instincts to a point of class consciousness'_Party_of_Belgium

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Holy fucking shit.

We need to kill these Belgians.

this is one of those things that is so utterly fucked up that you can't even properly react to it.

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Can we bring back Leopold just to skin him alive?

So capitalism's literal faggotry directly caused the same issue that stupid Zig Forumsyps keep deriding Russia about. This is fucking amazing.

Absolutely based and frogpilled

Are the "kill whitey" folks actually right?

Nah step one in its creation was eating monkeys or apes or something
Don't eat primates retards, seems a good rule to propagate
It's a short step away from cannibalism

What issue with Russia?

We are gonna eat the rich. And drink their blood.
Pls NSA, don't Guantanamo me, when I visit ur glorious USofA next years.

t. Dumb cuck who's spooked because he only sees nonhuman primates in the zoo or on vacation

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Lemmee guess washing your hands after taking a piss or a dump is a spook as well
Just don't eat fucking primates dumbfucks, it's worse than not getting vaccinated
That feeling of disgust you get when you think about it, that's your instincts signaling you to not eat the fucking primate, especially the long pig

The cheka will shoot you on the spot for that come the revolution

Provocation time
The horrible brutal conditions the congolese experienced, reminicent of industrializing britain except even worse, excuses them to a large extent of any culpability
What about for the gays, consider for things like foucault's suicide run to spread aids to as many other gays as he could
To what extent can blame be assigned to gay people having unprotected casual sex with multiple partners from a consequentialist standpoint?

bad gays spread aids good gays tell their aides

did you read the fucking article? the reason they resorted to eating monkeys was because a lot of the farmable land9 was used for rubber plantations, and they weren't allowed to use it to grow food, and this, combined with the meager food rations they were given forced them to hunt for bushmeat.

they should have read BASIC ECONOMICS

The west is truly like some kind of fantasy villain. They corrupt everything they come into contact with and leave a lasting lingering blight that spreads throughout society.



tbh it's only the west not the whites. my country (and half of europe) is white and it got buttfucked by the west several times.
the west is the fucking most evil, inhumane and devilish thing to exist in the entire long human history. let's hope their end is near and just as bloody

Now would be a good time to read your Fanon. To paraphrase the end of Wretched of the Earth, the European game is over. We can do anything provided we do not try to follow Europe's example or catch up to it.

Russia has an AIDS problem which would've been atleast 10x smaller if the USSR were still around.

lol what a reach

next time don't have sex with boons to society you degenerate faggots if you don't want hiv

bye bye

how does eating monkeys make a virus spring into existence
and how does raping someone with a weak virus make the virus stronger?

fucking read the thread, imbecile. if you are a brainlet and just want a tl;dr, accept it. otherwise, READ.

bushmeat has been eaten in africa for centuries, and they would eventually, with or without colonialism, have developed civilization which could have spread the epidemic. i don't see how the belgians caused it

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As the article already shows, they already had crops and agriculture before Leopold showed up. And no AIDS epidemic! Yet suddenly when Leopold starts his genocide, HIV takes off. So your whole argument is bullshit.
Aside from that, you are basically saying HIV could have become an epidemic at some indefinite point in the future without colonialism, so… fuck it, why not just kill everyone now? The sun will go out! Just nuke the volcanoes and get it over with!
Social democracy, the left wing of fascism.

The Eternal Waffle

If Belgium is partitioned between the French Commune and the Dutch Democratic Republic, which side will Brussels go to?

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user my penis can only get so erect

unironically do this to end capitalism.

serious question, would it actually do anything? any geologist here? asking for a friend.


Not even Tsar Bomba (with the original uranium outer layer, not lead) in Yellowstone? Damn, I hope I can still return it.

What if we mine into the volcano and explode it well into the stone?

There's lava in the way geniuses.

it's called magma when it's still in the ground ya dunce.

Mag ma balls.

that is why you use a nuke
and why you shove it deep in the ground
so that it properly collects as much energy as possible to disrupt as much of the natural pressure container as possible without needing to literally dig through magma

woke: put the nuke on an asteroid, and blast it towards a collision course with Eargh. literal accelerationism.

Flemish supporter of the PvdA here. You're wrong.

I don't think the Nuke would do much. Maybe it'd cause the asteroid the explode as it reaches earth's atmosphere, making the whole exercise pointless.

It is now right about time when burgers are getting home and spreading their liberal faggotry everwhere
If only there was a post in this thread, one assured to offend their liberal sensitivities thus generating many gurranteed responses therefore keeping this thread bumped

Where the fuck are you going with this

And the offended burgerfat gave the thread a bump exactly as planned
Now what I'm really curious about is why you didn't seem to notice the contents of the first post you linked

I'm mexican but ok, i just don't understand what's your point.

Read OP then read

yeah definintely wasn't 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧CIA🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Do these look similar to you? one was the first director of the CIA, the other a king. It's because they are the same FUCKING PERSON

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i mean leopold could have created the conditions that allowed it to start and the CIA could have collected, studied, mutated, tested and injected it into american civilians. It clearly says in the OP that the CIA wasn't formed yet in 1920. Even the OSS wasn't around yet.

I'd look into Anglo or German intelligence or see if you can find what the US was doing privately in the late 1800s re biological agents. I don't think science was that advanced yet,_disease_and_biological_warfare_agents

I still don't get your point, maybe i'm a brainlet. How does this offend liberals?

That wasn't the part specifically aimed at triggering libtards

It wasn't just bushmeat. It was the rapid spread of SIV that was made possible by the abysmal conditions under colonialism. It was the widespread rape, prostitution, and high prevalence of other STDs like syphilis that allowed it to spread faster. Plus bushmeat consumption increased as colonialism destroyed traditional food sources.

So HIV is like the curse of Montezuma or something, but for the Congo?

Decadence breeds its own destruction. I hope the plague makes a comeback on the American coasts. Maybe then they might start caring about the people they ignore and exploit on a daily basis.

I was just Pretending to be retarded Joking
It's just common pop-PoliSci bullshit for people to think that Flems are some of the most reactionary gang types in Europe while Walloons are more "Leftist" in general

what about a lot of smaller nukes?

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The Sea.

If we're going to discuss nuclear weapons in space used to annihilate the planet, then what we actually want is a nuclear HEAT or EFP used to propel a large metal slug or ultra-velocity jet of metal into the crust to create an incredibly deep penetration into the crust.

lol it was fags and nogs who spread it though. degenerate freaks

All the fags here sad about the poor little monkeys dying of aids. AWWW POOR LITTLE TYRONE IS STARVING TO DEATH!!! how the fuck cares?

You are one dumb fuck if that is what you took away from this thread. Guess what? It is happening to you too, instead it's diabetes and HIV Clap them burger patties for your masters harder boy.

top kek

So you're admitting all you read was the subject of the thread and not the thread. Then you shit a post onto the thread and declare victory.

I think they proved that launching such a device would just lace the atmosphere with radioactive fallout and probably kill anybody on board.

HIV killed my fajer. And raped my mother.

Oh wait. My entire family receives adequate healthcare and exist in first world conditions with first-world health standards.

No wonder when we end up having unprotected sex with the same gender, we don't contract HIV/AIDS? Does AIDS have anything to do with the conditions with which the sufferer is in, or are the two factors mutually exclusive ?

do any of you read the fucking OP

(me) oh wait you did read the OP i was sleepy peepy

(still me) why did you delete the post, mod? he was basically saying it makes sense AIDS are more common in poor countries with terrible healthcare, or idk his post was kind of hard to understand.

It's theoretically workable for unmanned payloads, but in practical terms it's completely retarded because as it is there's no real use for it and you'd be violating some of the most serious international laws in existence.
If it does ever happen IRL it'll probably be some borderline supervillain shit.


le charlie epic random wildcard fake vidya xd tv/ editon ;^^^)

gentleman :—)


[YouTube] Epic sax guy 10 hours (embed) [YouTube] Epic sax guy 10 hours (embed)
[YouTube] Epic sax guy 10 hours (embed) ]

le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
*unsheathes katana*
wellllllllll m’goodsir, I think u thought u had me beat, but wacht this !!!!
*charges up energy*
*goes super sainant*
*raises paw*


xD xD
[YouTube] eiffel65 im blue 10 hours (embed)


le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP

le epin troll i coax youed int o al e ruxze xD D D tfw no gf xD ayy lmao! :p
upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD real human bean!!1 dae cake is a lie lel
epic fail!!!!!!!! ;p for YOU!! :DDD XD we r :)jdiieie

The one thing that proves this wrong

Oh you're back.