Capitalism has failed and I recognise that as true. However Sir Oswald Mosley is my inspiration. I'm a British fascist...

Capitalism has failed and I recognise that as true. However Sir Oswald Mosley is my inspiration. I'm a British fascist. What now faggots?

Attached: Sir Mosley.jpg (1200x1455, 379.44K)

nazbol admissions ended two years ago sir you must go back

Just fight on our side when the revolution comes and we'll settle our differences when the rivers are red with blood. It's all cool.

The revolution will be right wing though…

right is inherently capitalist so not really, right niggers can't into revolutions


You come here in search of validation because your ideology is a meme and you have a daddy complex. What do you want, headpats from communists for shitting on capitalism?
Fascism is capitalist anyways. I'm sorry but it's the truth.

Attached: mosley fdr.jpg (860x1424, 356.8K)

The fuck are you going to be changing. The status-quo already overwhelming benefits right-wingers.

Define "capitalism"

In what way?

Please, humor as fashanon, give us your profound critique of capitalism

Guys we shouldn't bully him too hard he could be NAZBOL.

capitalism is actually jewish and makes you gay. We have to remove the jews from the capitalism so it can stop making us gay

Reactionary critiques of capitalism exist and more often than not are fairly solid. But they fail to properly adress root ideological points about the form of dominations they need to propagate, all reactionary critique of capital has a blind spot it desperately needs to keep hidden.


take the black dick pill and chill babette baboon

good now start reading books and stop idolizing dysgenic aristocrats before you're fodder for a power-grab

they want to make it about as racist as it was in 1940-60
and live under autarky because muh immuh grints or something

Ah yes, the classic "fairly solid" reactionary critiques of capitalism:

Uh yeah so modernity sucks because in the past people made beautiful statues and lived idyllic romanticized agrarian lives. See this degenerate porn that no one would ever know about unless I went and looked for it? THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH MODERNITY. See this black man with a white women on TV? – Behold the inherent Jewishness of capitalism. The Jews are promoting from their HQ racemixing cuz reasons to wipe out their mortal enemy in a Manichaean conflict stretching back into time immemorial. Globalism is a Jewish plot we should all return to autarky and kill everyone below a certain Autism Level. FUCK CONSUMERISM, CAPITALISM JUST TURNS US INTO NUMBERS BRO


I used to say stuff like this too

Attached: Hitler smile.jpg (567x633, 50.75K)

There are actually intelligent reactionaries and Hitler wasn't one of them.

lmao no there aren't


Name one

Unironic NazBol is a bannable offense.

I'm actually really sexually attracted to farm animals.. but I know the more I spend my time trying to afford my own, I'm actually only getting less than half my time back as compensation. In reality, I'll never be able to afford my own animals because there's no way of truly capitalizing on the time spent working for it.
Fucked up right? We're still losing time we're just losing more of it trying to afford only but our own deaths.

This isn't capitalism. People who know the numbers know this isn't capitalism.

René Guénon
Carl Schmidt

Which era of Mosley do you agree with?

have a good day!

don't you have anything better to do than derail threads from completely different boards you animal fucker?

This is not a different board and I'm using my attractions to farm animals to tell you how the system is broken. Of you can't come to parents and contrast then you have no right pretending to know what's wrong.

Wow come to parents.. autocorrect is broken because artificial intelligence is not real intelligence, just like the USA capitalism is not real capitalism.
See "compare and contrast" if you can't do it then you have no right to complain.

this, we're still working on making the last wave not brainlets

Sink this thread

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