This guy slaps your girl’s ass and calls you a pudgy right wing fail-son ghoul, how do you respond?

This guy slaps your girl’s ass and calls you a pudgy right wing fail-son ghoul, how do you respond?

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Have a struggle session about it.

be scared

Let him take my girl.

Why are the Chapo guys so repulsive? It isn't just about being unattractive, it's like they were designed by God to look like they smell bad at all times.

is he from the podcast?

Yes. This is what he normally looks like.

Attached: chapo_trap_house.2e16d0ba.fill-800x400.png (326x399, 208.53K)

Matt is married.

That's Matt without his beard. He's actually the most Marxist of the group.

Attached: http___a0.twimg.com_profile_images_3191843712_5b5c0ee3f3185ad5f43a3bd32fbbefb7.jpeg (500x500, 67.55K)

Married incel

Holy crap men with beards really are hiding their weak chins just like thots on Twitter said.

I'd ask "where the fuck did I get a girl"
And then call him a Neo-Liberal capitalist puppet

Felix is the only person who's fuckable on that edgy neoliberal shitcast

Attached: 95f.png (655x509, 27.81K)

If you remove all standards and self respect you too could be married

Let's see his wife, then.

I dont have his wife anywhere. I bet his wife fucking sucks tho.


Actually I get lots of pussy

Have you removed all standards and self respect to get it?

Nope. Only seething incels settle down to get married. It's no wonder he hides his wife from everyone also Marriage is a spook and a reactionary meme institution that should be abolished. Imagine being bound to only having sex and liking one person because reasons

Don't worry user I'm totally not mad and banging hot supermodel babes too.

You're totally mad. I can sense how mad you are that your imaginary e-friend is being dabbed on

I only listen to cumtown and they're actually my real friends. Stay mad.

You have to go back


I would fuck Virgil