Zizek: weaponize autism to fight climate change
Climate change is fake you absolute cattle-goy.
You are a retard the last 5 years have been consecutively the hottest on record
Three Exxon bucks have been deposited on your account.
doesn't mean shit, i'm old enough to remember the ozone hole scam, this is the same shit, and basically you're an idiot.
also, now they're not talking about global warming anymore, weird huh? now it's "climate change", because in fact, we're going to an ice age, hilarious.
you're a bunch of retard, the Establishment and the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧elites🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 are the ones shilling for the so called climate change.
wew lads
Someone shut this goddamned boomer up
This post brought to you by believes in the Romanian KGB gang.
i'm not a boomer, fgt.
i'm only 30, faggot.
I'm sure your understanding of the ozone hole at around five years old is about as deep as your understanding of anything now.
Please drink some bleach.
ok Shlomo.
I don't speak German can you translate that thanks
Okay now what's the German word for boomer
you're implying that as i was 5 when the hole was discovered, i couldn't understand the ozone hole bs, but they actually spent years telling us that oyvey the hole is going to get bigger and we're all gonna die because muh climate.
the hole resorbed by it fucking self.
yet all the climate alarmists were larping as the world is going to end.
btw, now let's talk about muh raising temperature.
did you know that higher temperature favorise the development and evolution of new species?
did you know that the Groenland wasn't a snow desert a couple of centuries ago? reality is the Global temperature have fallen since centuries, earth temperatures were hotter.
don't you find it suspect that this bullshit is only pushed on European/American people (white people). While the real sources of pollution is never addressed?
look at the fucking rivers in shitholes like India for exemple.
The owners of those companies polluting the world's water-well should be shot.
1) the hole is still fucking there, signs of repair only came in 2016
2) the hole stopped growing because we outlawed basically everything that fucked the hole up
3) do some fucking research you neet?
A couple of centuries ago was the Little Fucking Ice Age so I severely doubt that
That's because the the global north consumes what the south produces, we also deliberately send our trash to these countries fully aware that regulations aren't so strict there.
The fuck are you talking about? The Kyoto and Paris agreements both included plenty of third world countries.
t. retarded marxist.
the south doesn't produce anything of value, retard, that's just your doctrine talking, muh the south is exploited by the north, which is absolutely false, from what i know, the south doesn't send billions in foreign aid to the north.
they don't need us to pollute their environnement all by themselves, westerners are the only ones concerned wih ecology and environmental problems.
i'm talking a couple of centuries ago, retard, not millions of years.
only retards in the western world are applying this shit.
that pic is gold
t. retard burger that never left his fat fuck country.
The south produces pretty much everything, the majority of mines of rare earth metals essential for electronics, the majority of industrial manufacturing, the majority of agriculture is all in the third or second world. Your computer, phone, clothes and food products as well as those of everyone around you are either made in the global stuff or made of stuff produced in the global south, the steel the buildings in your city and cars is also made there. You're completely detached from the world economy lmao.
1. foreign aid is pennies and a formality, the countries receiving foreign aid pay more back in colonial debts as well as being obliged to massive privatisations to even receive aid
2. how in the world is foreign aid relevant? Its given to governments which aren't exactly in control of countries in the global south, all the megacorps making 90% of the commodities in the west are the ones who own the industry and resources in the global south.
Haha, investment is the act of exploiting, you right-winger. Not to mention unequal trading
Do you not remember basically every country shitting themselves and banning CFCs? Wait, what am I saying, expecting you to perceive events that contradict your beliefs is just too much.
So let's forget the your ignorance on wealth extraction from Africa vs. foreign aid, and let's pretend that the west doesn't ship its garbage to the third world so children can scramble in it. Let's take everything you're saying for granted. What's your proposal? Should we start investing massively in developing the third world, so that they too can practice responsible environmental policies? If so, good idea. Let's do that.
Again, many layers to this stupidity. You think the little ice age was the literal ice age. It wasn't. It was comparatively cold period from the late middle ages until the industrial revolution. Falling exactly into your "a couple of centuries ago" time frame.
You also think that the literal ice age was "millions of years" ago. It wasn't. It was approximately 12,000 years ago. Just before the start of civilization.
You need to be retarded to believe in man made climate change.
You need to be retarded to willingly ignore all of the data supporting man made climate change.
China has been one of its staunchest supporters and is one of its most aggressive pursuers you triple nigger. Lots of non-western countries are aiming for ecological policies. Cuba is literally the only sustainable economy in the world that’s not Africa tier.
Get out you dubm boomer this is an intelectual board.
This autist and you derailed the whole fucking thread.
fucking always.
end all foreign aid
While recent man made climate change is debatable (because of too short time period to have a clear conclusion), but some form of man made climate change disaster had happen in the past.
One of the notable example I known the best is China. During the period of 2000 BC to 200 AD, the economic center of China was Yellow River valley (the North part). However, from the later part of 1st millennium onward, the economic center shifted from the North to South (the bulding of Great Canal was the greatest evidence).
So what was the reason? The reason was the heavy cultivation on the soil of upper Yellow River and Wei River valley (the area of Qin state in the map), the destruction of forest and turning them into farmland (a recent example was Khrushchev vs. Stalin, expanding farmland vs. growing forest). In laws of Kingdom of Qin, destroying forest in upper river was punishable by laws, but the legalisation of private ownership of land + the insatiable thirst for grain and manpower, for the sake of total war, made preserving nature to be impossible dream. So only around 500 years later, it let the desertification in upper Yellow River (see modern google map), and constant flood on the lower Yellow River. What was the economic powerhouse of China, no more. Now, over thousand years later, the impact of it can still be felt. Xi'an (which was the center of ancient Qin state) is still very much lagged behind other economic center of China.
Deforestation in preindustrial China: The Loess Plateau region as an example:
Can science deniers please leave? CO2 levels are rising insanely fast. All research points towards it being absolutely unprecedented.
And it's completely predictable. We're deliberately burning up millions of years of fossilized carbon. What do you expect happens if you do that? It's common sense.
Greta Thunberg will lead us into eco-Stalinist revolutionary terror and I couldn't be happier for it.
So was I you fucking cretin.
Remember the time we discovered nazis had private conversations with cops and a Zig Forumsyp started derailing the thread? these things are not a coincidence, there are people trying to stop us from talking about useful shit.
What I want to said the system is non-linear, it's too complicated to see what exactly happen when CO2 rise rapidly because there would be a violent reaction happen (it's somewhat a kind of revolution). In other word, unpredictable, but one thing certainly, we are in a world of pain.
Don't overestimate science, our science is still nothing compare to the vastness of Nature.
In fact, we had already passed the point of no return already, now let sit back and see how thing develop, It's a good lesson for the arrogant of human science, for think they are over the Nature.
Transnational neurodivergent eco-communism. Took me a while to discover my ideology, but there it is.
Was this the answer all along? Neurotypicals just can't be trusted to lead the world? Did Stalin have autism as well?
sure bro
my fucking sides, for these monkeys, Uranium is just another rock, that they will try to eat because they're incapable of even farming.
hahaha no, fuck off, each his own shit, we already have to take care of those fucking niggers in our countries.
there have been multiple ice age, not only one, faggot.
when you're such a retarded neckbeard that you believe a autistic con artist kid.
you have the same talking point as 90% of the big corporations, medias, entertainment, you name it.
CO2 is actually good for the development of plants, the more is the better.
also : topkek for banning me you bunch of utter faggot, stay in your safe spaces, pussies.
So let say that there some unused buildings or lands in your country, and then we come to use it and not paying anything, because you didn't use it?
Damn dude you fucking owned us. No need to keep arguing, we're completely backed into a corner.
my country is not a shithole in an advanced state of anarchy.
btw i can't wait for China to take over Africa, trust me, they won't be as soft as we were with them niggers.
So double standard, right? You want anarchy and chaos in other world, so you could come in, taking everything valuable, for the sake of your "white-ethnostate". That's philosophy is understandable, but don't think you can do so unopposed.
Haha, this really. We cannot argue with you guys anymore. So please post more please. It's fun to see some exotic animals, really.
it's not double standard, we are building infrastructures there, they'll still be at the stone age if we weren't there to build hospitals and schools for these niggers. Schools and Hospitals that will be destroyed in a couple of months, of course.
So you're just trying to shift blame away from yourself. Where I live, people over the age of eleven understand that this isn't a viable way to get out of a problem.
What a pathetic attempt to talk yourself out of your stupidity. Please tell me, what relevance do you think this has?
I like she tells people to be afraid. It's pure gold. Also, the need to attack "retarded neckbeard"s and autistic kids is again quite a strong strong indicator of mental age.
Except that we aren't dealing with nice and clean laboratory experiments in a controlled environment. Do you have any scientific literacy?
nigger, i grow plants and use CO2 as a complements, i know what i'm talking about, dumbass, unlike you, fat, lazy, useless commie.
and yes, she is autistic, and retarded, and she's obviously used by her parents for clout.
i'm not trying to shift blame, faggot, i live near a river, and the water is cristal clear, because my people take care of the environnement.
look at fucking india, dumbass, Gange is a garbage flow.
it's THEIR filth, not mine, i never been to india, and never will.
also get fucked with your ice age, i'm telling your, Greenland wasn't a snowy desert a couple of hundred years ago when discovered, just kill yourself retard.
literally "putin went on his submarine under lake Baikal and says he didn't saw no pollution" tier denial
it's real
Gravity is only a theory.
Prove me wrong.
keep banning me faggots, i have a whole list of VPNs ready.
ok, it's real and you banned and fucked and killed for being gay by castro
Purging climate change deniers is honestly good praxis, offline and online.
Best modding I've seen on this board in some time. Good work.
nope it's not, and banning me for stating it is just hillarious.
go fuck yourself, all of you.
imagine being this autistic about a dead board on a dead chan
free rent
Using CO2 as supplement in your stoner cannabis farm tells you nothing about the effects the stuff has on a real climate. You're in direct control of all the variables. No weird feedback loops to worry about. No fragile ecosystems that can be disrupted. All you get is some good extra carbon to help your plants grow. The real world doesn't work that way, sadly.
I like how your Greenland story has now shifted back to the medieval warm period, which is longer than "a few hundred years" ago. Still bullshit though:
can't wait to purge you irl, fat faggot.
lol just reset your wifi nigga, it gives you another isp or whatever the fuck it's called
t. larp gang
not for long, despite the ban there's been a huge spike in new CFC emissions again
yeah it was only a western ban and with china and india industrializing the same shits being released again
They have this shit figured out in West Virginia. They argue that the EPA encourages states to incorporate state-specific science, and that because West Virginians are heavier, their bodies can handle more pollutants, and that because they drink less water, they are less exposed to the pollutants. So they just need to fatten people in Flint up and make them drink more beer and soda (which incidentally will help fatten them up) and then they won't even need to clean the water!
Legit this is what they fucking did in Victorian London…
Wait so the hole's getting bigger again?
very much so, even assuming there's a massive reduction in emissions arctic temps are locked in to hit 5C by 2050, which really means 2020s sometime
blue ocean happens and it's rocks fall, errybody ded
I truly is on like Donkey Kong.
banned for using a copyrighted phrase
It's is on like Michelle Kwan then.
What does this achieve? Are anyone's interests threatened when a bunch of children skip school? Feels like pointless theatre to me, like the vagina hat march when Cheeto got elected
media attention which might actually publicize this shit
nobody gives a fuck about what some guy in a lab coat says (because we don't respect science at all, we just use what it produces) but protests and shit are real for people in a way a UN report isn't
Thank you based Zig Forumslack for showing just how powerful weaponized autism can be
Because, like all things China does, there is huge money in this area, especially when it comes to rich liberal angel investors and venture investors who love to put endless money into this area. One of the most corrupt elements of the real estate industry is wealthy "green energy consultants," lawyers, and solar panel manufacturers and their friends in the state forcing property developers to use their services in development for compliance purposes, or, even better, the state giving out "green" grants (money taken from workers) to their best building developer friends, getting a nice newspaper article about how much they're doing for the environment, and, with their billion dollar development property everybody is getting even richer from the solar panel manufacturer, to the cement company, to the contractor, and whoever else has the right connections. This is one of the trendiest rich people issues going in places like San Francisco, Paris, and Manhattan, and higher ups in the CPC love snobbing around with those people and making money with them. You're a naive fool if you think anything done by any of these governments on either side of this issue is done in good faith.
whoa this thread is derailed, shitposting everywhere.
There is manmade climate change obviously but I don't support children younger than 18 protesting. They are…. protesting and are completely clueless what actually needs to be done. Climate science is a field on its own, without a Bsc you probably can't even read the papers. Children have not read the papers, they do not know anything what is happening. Just some scare figures and some consensus reports. I do not really like a youth being indoctrinated into an idea where they don't even know what it should entail.
At higher level there is no agreement what would be the best solution for it. Some solutions are very complex also geo politically and are avoided at all cost. You need a multi lateral treaty that multiple parties agree on but currently agreeing with a healthy sustainable plan would make production suffer so it is in the interest of a country to do as little as possible to climate change. China has no interest in combating climate change. African countries don't even see a reason to combat it, 99% of their population is so deprived of education and intellectually enhancing resources that they simply have no clue.
Even if we could get these countries on board what measures should be taken? Should population growth limits be placed on some rapid expanding populations. e.g. some African places barely sustain their own population without aid due to a very dysfunctional political, economical system with an uneducated, unskilled population. Should checks be placed on these countries to keep the planet momentarily sustainable? What methods of sustainable energy must be implemented? I'm sure there are very great answers to this and it's therefore important to keep investing in research that tries to solve the problem of having tons of energy around us but doing very little with it.
It's not really as simple as now more money to prevent climate change. Even more money into research can be counterproductive since you have shameless opportunists who try to shill a certain aspect / research / product to get funding for something that's bound to not deliver.
Politics is a field of it's own, without a degree in polsci you shouldn't organize and protest.
Right wingers are digressing further and further torwards being drooling brainless dipshits. The fact that they say shit like "It was cold today which means global warming is fake" or the newest bottom level of stupidity "the reason forest fires are so bad is they aren't raking the forest" makes me think that human self awareness was a mistake and the only noble action the human race can take is walking hand in hand into mass extinction.
I was at the protest in Berlin with pic related and met many good comrades there, some anarchist, MLs from the german ML party where the biggest leftist group at least from what i could make out and there where also some Demsocs from the Left party (pic realated says Capitalism is at fault in german, meant in the context that capitalism is at fault for climate change obviusly but pic realated also has the great benefit of me basicly being able to use it always because capitalism is basicly always at fault.) also, wer nicht hüpft ist für Kohle!
Bahahahaha look at this faggot. If children can be mobilized then we should be fucking happy, not crying about them helping save the world.
Heck, we should arm them too.