What does Zig Forums thinks of Dissenter?

It's pretty cool and innovative when went on it. No censorship, you can comment on websites that doesn't have comment sections.

Too bad it's full of un-rights

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Other urls found in this thread:


should try it out

anything to disrupt neoliberalism is good


Found on dissenter, apparently there's a backlash

mostly right wing userbase it seems, same as here so i don't see why not

Western reactionaries are unironically neoliberal though.

We MUST use it to our advantage. We cannot let such a tool for free speech go in the hands of reactionaries unchallenged. The greatest problem with the true left is that we never interact with other boards, websites, and chatrooms such as this. If Zig Forums hopes to change things, we must organize raids for other boards and websites. I'm absolutely sick of seeing people on /b/, /tv/, etc. etc. shit-talk our board unprovoked and for their reactionary sentiments to go completely unchallenged, meanwhile Zig Forums is everywhere talking about muh commies and making thread after thread about alunya-rape waifu fanfiction. This has to change. We must acknowledge that the rest of the internet exists and institute a "board-puppeteering" foreign policy, similar to the Soviet Union puppeteering neighboring countries.

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stalin was so good at puppeteering Tito, remember?

Looks retarded.

I'll stick with IRC, imageboards, and Mastodon, thanks!

There's no reason to let Zig Forums autists flood their stupid debunked crap on a new forum. We need to occupy it just to deny them.


god babies are so fucking ugly
should be spoilered

I was thinking we should have our own Dissenter, it's pretty cool and innovative

However seeing as how disorganized we areā€¦ lol

Is it like twitter?

Having comments as a separate layer that a site owner is not responsible for and can't control is not a new idea. I've seen browser plugins for that well over a decade ago, but there wasn't any hype for them.

it's literally run by gab who are a bunch of Zig Forums autists themselves

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Yep, so it doesn't make sense to invade since it's alt-right territory

Love it OP.

Maybe we should focus on colonizing gab. I'm sure that will upset some of the right people.

Seems pointless, akin to complaining about a forum on a different forum.

Except there's no censorship

difference between a forum and dissenter is censorship

my proposal would be to post left-wing stuff on as many sites as possible. inevitably, it will spread to every site as a comment section, so flooding it with communist messages early on is a good move. (such a move would be slightly anti-social if the platform had any longevity, but i doubt it does.)

honestly i think it's the wrong approach. websites need less comment sections, not more. an external website dedicated to dismantling poor news sources, etc, is a more antiquated but much more effective solution for longwinded e-cultural reasons i'm certainly not textwalling here.

you don't have to make good posts, even just making "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" the first comment on every site is sufficient.

we'll see how long this holds when 95% of comments are the lyrics to the red flag

I disagree but ok

let's fight about it:
my case would be that comment sections do very little to forward any discourse - when they're not just people circlejerking because they agree with a piece, they're people commenting to say "i hate this, it's so wrong", etc, or people reiterating the standard arguments for their sides. being able to comment dissent in particular is valueless because commenting on the website is driving engagement. indeed, Dissenter could theoretically be seen as a more objective measure of engagement than statistics from the site itself since the host can't manipulate it as easily.

discussion forums and communities are more necessary than ever, but comment sections add very little for discussion purposes. (at best, you might find a link to something relevant like a pdf download of a book or an unedited video, but that's a tiny minority of comments.)

They're the only ones who are being censored, so it's to be expected.

A good idea in a vacuum but if you believe that Gabs user base are anything but Sargonites and NeoFash then your lying to yourself

Comments can be discussions too.
Who says that you can't have a good discussion in the comment sections? Also comment sections weren't supposed to be just "1" thing (circlejerk etc). I think you're talking about circlejerks itself, a comment section isn't a circlejerk wtf

It's not the comment section being the problem, it's what to expect from other people

If we want to have good, witty and insightful discussions, we could go the SomethingAwful way where they have rules as to what to say but aren't strict. They just encourage folks to think first and think of something witty or just not say anything if they got nothing to say

lmfao that just made me laugh

We've been over this. Everytime some new "free speech" internet platform is made and leftists try to build a presence there they get booted cause free speech is a literal meme.

Why would you invade your own territory?

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cute burdo bardo spardo spurdo

Remember Pewtube? Took around a week for them to stop accepting new accounts untill they had purged all communists from the site. Their argument was that communists on their site were trying to shut down their free speech. :')

You need to realize that Gab was created for everyone, of any outlook on things, to share their thoughts on things without the worry of censorship. It is presently occupied by mostly right-wingers and conservatives because they are the ones censored off of the mainstream platforms of Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. The "liberals", leftists, have no reason to move over or participate as they are now have true "safe spaces" where they don't have to worry about being hurt.

Free speech is free for all, or no one at all. Come check out Gab and Dissenter, it is a good place to be. Not because it is an echo chamber for right wing ideology, but because everyone's voice is welcome.

I'm pretty sure this already happened once.

Anything that challenges the neoliberal order is good

The Gab business is for-profit.

Right wingers are neoliberal.

Some not all

And its the neolibs that are censoring thought that creates dissenter and such

far right apologia from an armchair, what a fucking surprise

are you retarded? that's not the leftcom flag, its one of your own.

Why so butthurt over the people's speech?

These right wingers aren't right wing because they are being censored. They get censored because their idea of "discussion" is essentially just trolling and making not-so-ironic-now jokes about ethnic cleansing. The west is decaying. These reactionaries are only going to get louder. The only way to defeat them is to prevent them from out recruiting the left. Censorship can help with that by denying them access to normalfags.


Without mods this place would be overrun with reactionaries.

No they're getting censored because the system deems them a threat

lmao do you think this is the comment section of a thehill article, do you think people here don't see through that "let's just have a civil discussion" bullshit? fuck off.

they're getting censored because they can't stop calling for a racial holy war, murders of anyone they don't like, denying the holocaust and similar retarded shit

So you're agreeing with me


Well nothing you said contests what i said

like I said to the other guy, where do you think you are? do you think anybody here gives a shit about your little semantic tricks? that you're gonna lay some dope logic burns on the dumb lefties? you're not, you idiot.

he said
you said the reason these people exist is because of censorship, which i kind of agree, a lot of not very political people choose the right because it has in some cases below zero censorship and accept all sorts of people, what are we to do tho?

Being this butthurt

A lot of not political people also become liberal because kids are naive

okay, what is your point with all of this

and that's all you have, either randomly calling people butthurt or the debate club bullshit
gab is a dead site walking

he wants you to open an account on gab and convert into an antisemite or something


No that reply was nothing but angst

it was the unvarnished truth. people aren't buying what you're selling. go back to teaching braindead boomers how to change their avatar into pepe.

So much butthurt

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