I don't get it

Don't muslims realize that terrorist attacks are just part and parcel of living in a major city?

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ok but what if they lived on a minor city?

I'd assume terrorism is part and parcel of living there too.

They just need to get used to it and stop being so infidel-phobic. They just need to respect our culture more.

When did New Zealand become burger land?

Is posting frog memes all day from your mom's basement the pinnacle of western culture?

Cry some more, muslim lover.

I hope you'll be pleased to know we reacted the exact same way we did here to the Texas church shooting.

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heh u really got that faggot who gets fucked right up the ass and should call trump daddy and who wants blacks to live amongst us and arabs to have equal rights dumb libtard faggot gaylord who voted for obongo liberal shill for the mainstream media press soyboy pussy

I think you mean "invading footsoldiers"

By crying about it like a bunch of little bitches? No you fucking didn't.

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Fuck off you furry cuck.

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Basic bitch doesn't even know his enemy

Go back to the ice-cream shop, sisfuck billyboy

I havn't opened the thread about reparations, but I'm going to confidently say that the vast majority here are against it.
We cry about nazis killing innocents. Niggers, muzzies and le glorious whites.

I honestly don't think individuals who, more likely if anything, came from countries destabilized by Western intervention and Israeli meddling can be classified as foot soldier.
I mean, I didn't cry for either, but that's probably because I'm one of other desensitized faggots from the thread your quoting from. My sentiment and others on terrorist acts were the same however.

There's that word again!

Stop conceeding ground to him. Reparations are not inherently liberals, and he doesn't get to say we can't have the conversation.


What crime did these 40 people commit? What sin did the children bear?

It's nice that you can hyperfocus on a single word so you don't have to adress anything, you can just meme and deflect all day.

Fuck off, reparations are dumb and you're dumb and your mum is dumb. I have nothing against elevating poor communities, I just don't want to do it on the basis of some spooky ancestral shit.

Wow Zig Forumstards are genuine sociopaths at this point. The only thing this massacre has shown is that the average right winger is totally mentally ill. No sane emphatic person could say shit like this.

Why are we even talking about this when you fight and die for the bourgeois all the time?

The whole idea was created by upper class white guilt sufferers. You're just a basic bitch liberal.

They're muslims. Or rather, theywere muslims. Now they're just dead, which is infinitely better.

Every Anglo country is burgerized to some extent. Mutts only seem worse because of the inbreeding behaviors.

Kill yourself

If they weren't spiritually criminal they wouldn't be coloureds, read Julius Evola

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What exactly did they do again? Especially in regard to those with actual power and engagement in international affairs.

They are, we addressed that in the thread. There was disagreement by a few, but race based reparations are retarded and that was the popular consensus.

Actually read the thread about identity polities if you want our stance on identity politics nigger

Reparations are fucking retarded. It's a right wing concept. American Citizens have no right to receive or get money taken from them based on the actions of their ancestors. The entire concept is utterly reactionary.

Not really making an argument here tbh.

Are you fucking illiterate? They were muslims.

Year we're more mentally ill than the thousands killed by muslims per year in the name of islam. Fucking cuckboy. Talk about cognitive dissonance, holy shit.

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How do you deal with the cognitive dissonance of being a white allahu ackbar?


It certainly depends on what you mean by "reperations" as people also brought up in that thread.

Surface level analysis

I'm not the one supporting violence against unarmed civilians. You guys are pathetic cowards. It's not like you're fighting ISIS or something. You know a situation where you'd actual at risk of dying. Yeah I bet high school bullies feel like tough shit for beating up middle school kids too.

The best reality tunnel for this is that the shooter was radicalized by Shia Muslims which led to him targeting Sunni Muslim mosques.

Conducting a global invasion of the West is pretty major, I would say.

The point is that you're a bunch of weak faggots. You talk about muh revolution, but you'd panic at the sight of blood.

The correct term is "dangerous muslims."

Oh but it's okay when mud slimes do it every day huh? Fuck off cuckboy. Go run over some french people .

Beware the Hibernian Jafar.

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Context matters, you retard. Putting porky up against the wall is not the same as indiscriminate sporadic murder in public places.
To put it another way, you aren't necessarily a vegan faggot if the thought of killing and eating companion animals makes you uncomfortable.

He killed muslims. That's not indiscriminate.

Also, the point still stands. You talk about being radical revolutionaries, but the moment someone who anyone thinks is "innocent" gets a boo boo you'll cry about it like a little bitch. Some revolutionary you are.

And because Islam is a religion, literally any mentally competent person can be one, which means literally everyone that isn't explicitly a Muslim deserves to die.
Are you saying you endorse the Jewish World Order, Zig Forums?

Yeah I'm sure those ISIS cowards thought the same thing about all those poor people in Europe they slaughtered. It's real easy to kill an unarmed child huh?

You guys are mindless drones. Actual npcs. You just keeping repeating the same nonsense like your chat bots. I'd feel pity for you if you weren't so utterly repulsive. At this point you aren't even real human beings anymore.

They started it, yes. And now we'll finish it, as you pussy liberals screech and wail about muh poor innocent muslims


Moving from one country to another due to US and Israeli destabilization and imperialism isn't what I would call a global invasion
I'm the guy from here , there was like one (maybe two) anons in that thread who were crying

Muslims who don't even matter, because the people in power are the ones who let them live there.
Christ, even from a terrorist perspective, you're shitty at this.

You've strayed away from the banjo-bar, Billyboy. You should head back you anti-ottowan pro-bardiou sisfuck

They kill and rape and attack my people every single day. Of course they matter.

He killed anyone that "looked" vaguely Muslim. It would be completely unsurprising if at least a few of his victims were not affiliated with Islam.
Yes, because misplaced justice is tragic. It's called empathy, and it is a facet of any healthy mind.
If he was only killing actual Islamic radicals, like some local branch of ISIS, then it'd be hilarious.

Nigga, you cry anuddah shoah every time white lady won't look at your dick.
Don't talk about who's a whiny little bitch.

I'm not a liberal ,npc. Why don't you come up with an original thought. I never justify the actions of sociopaths cowards like you do. Again I'll repeat this. It's funny how you right wing "soldiers" aren't fighting actual armed combatants. Nah to weak from all the soy, I bet it's better to just to kill some more little brown girls. If antifa proves anything a teenage girl with a bat is too much for you guys.

He was in a mosque. Anyone there was either a muslim or a muslim sympathizer.

He killed muslims. The people who massacre innocents every other day. Sounds like perfectly placed justice to me.

Fucking hell, you even write like a little bitch.

Then why aren't you targeting the people who let them in?
Face it, it's because Nazis are basic as fuck when it comes to theory.

I'm starting to get convinced that this faggot is unironically mossad

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That would be jews.

Did you watch the video? At the end he was shooting people who were on the sidewalk after he drove a few blocks away from the mosque. There's nothing revolutionary about shooting pedestrians on the street.

That's a different guy you brain damaged retard.

If forgot, the Jews are some omnipresent force you will never have power over, so instead you play into every capitalist hands by buying into bourgeois nationalism at every opportunity.
Yup, the jewss definitely did that.

Mods are fucking retarded, why don't they delete this thread.

I like how no one but fucking Zig Forums even knows who Sadiq Khan is or what this means
He's a shitLib but he's pretty good at living in Zig Forums's head rent free

You mean he shot people running away from the mosque? Those would be muslims.

Doesn't matter who it is; it still writes like a queer.

Go back to reddit, shillshit.

Who is Sadiq Khan?

You're emphatically retarded.

You faggots are in for it rough, and this might be a hardest pill for you to swallow.

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Or, y'know, they were conducting official business of some kind. Family and friends of attendees might also have their own personal reservations toward the religion.
Then your concept of justice is different from ours. We are not fans of Islam by any means, but guilt by association is idealistic nonsense.
It's called being an adult, spergo.

"Reddit weather" tier of retarded

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So you're pathetic cowards are just going to keep ignoring us. Why are you killing little brown girls instead of armed terrorists?

So government officials that support islam? Just as bad.

My concept of justice involves killing those who would kill me if given half the chance.

It's called being a weak-willed faggot.

He drove 2 minutes away from the mosque and shot at some pedestrians who weren't running away.

More importantly, why does this faggot keep ignoring all my posts about Israel and its possible connection.

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The man is a living god, so if he thought they were muslims, I'm willing to accept his decision.

Yeah I'm sure those women and children were just looking for any opportunity to kill fat white virgins. They're absolutely bloodthirsty.

Just where exactly do you think new muzzie terrorists come from, dipshit?

See, this is what I mean when I say you are a weak willed faggot.

Women are muslim producers. Children are future jihadists. There are no innocent muslims. They are all invaders. Nits make lice.

The London Mayor who said (After some ISIS fag tried to set off a bomb on some train) that "Terrorist attacks are just part of living in a big city!"

Or literally anyone else that would have some sort of incidental reason to be that building. Repairmen, deliverymen, etc.
And this intent requires proof. Killing Islamic radicals is defensible, but you have to actually prove they are Islamic radicals.
For many people, especially Westerners in Abrahamic faith, religion is more of a cultural thing than an ideological one.
Said the ITG.

Radical Mosques and Saudi funding. Oh wait I'm sorry I meant BROWN VAGINAS.

lol those muzzies got rekt

To be fair, the first thread on Zig Forums about this was about as status quo egalitarian Reddit liberal as humanly possible.

If every Muslim was a born terrorist we would all be dead. Kind of just exposing how Idpolled you guys are about race.

So muslim sympathizers that do business with muslims? Just as bad.

They are muslims. They are in a non-muslim country. What more proof is necessary?

Not me again retard. Answer the question you coward faggot. Why are you killing unarmed civilians instead of armed terrorists?

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Reminder the people calling for the deaths of all muslims are the same ones who cry on how the "soviets killed 900 million christians"

Then you look at the faggot that made this thread and you stop giving a shit about how "liberal" we sound when we say it was fucking terrible.

Stop taking bait you stupid retards.

Religion of terror meets terror itself. No sympathy for the wicked.

Just how irony poisoned are you?

If I made my intent to kill you crystal clear, would you wait until I armed myself until you defended yourself?

You probably would

The so called 'fascist alt-right neo-nazi bigots' aren't even religious. Go back to Facebook.

OP confirmed for a Zionist faggot. Nothing new here, we can move along now.

Mostly because muslims are too cowardly to actually present themselves to fight. They attack opportunisticly then run away and hide behind their women.

If they won't fight, we'll drag them out and remove them where they stand.

I'll say it again: you're a weak-willed, basic bitch liberal without the stomach for a fight.

As expected

Point still stands. if you weren't weak pathetic soyboys. You'd be killing ISIS terrorists not unarmed women and children. Stop trying to weasel out of it. You guys are loser cowards.

There's that word again!

That's right. Without those brown vaginas shitting out future terrorists on our soil, radical mosques and saudi funding would be next to worthless.

What are you implying that a little girl could have killed that loser if she had a knife or a bat? I completely agree. His bones are probably weak from his lack of testosterone. It probably would take one hit.