Chapo are NazBol gang
Erhm didnt you hear, Chapo Trap House are NazBols and thus cancelled.

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Other urls found in this thread: Kampf (Ford Translation).pdf

Damn that sucks I like Radio War Nerd

The guy probably reads the board, might even be OP. Stalin ain't right-wing, and equivocating nazis and Bolsheviks is old hat. Shilling for the CIA when you ain't paid is funny: at least COINTELPRO Richard Spencer is on the government rolls. It's in his economic interest to try and get himself associated with lefties, it's his job to sabotage proles and lumpen alike.
Another thing: even if Syria did use chem weapons, who cares? This isn't a petite booj argument about morals, it's a literal struggle to the death all over the world between ideologies. People will be killed. Probably in pretty bad ways. It is unavoidable that if you are a pacifist the side opposing you has no drought of murderous psychopaths at the ready to execute you. The CIA are not nice guys. Again, who would willingly be a mouthpiece for them without getting paid?
Equivocation of verifiable CIA interventions with lefty conspiracies (which is the content of the article, btw) is the author- who is a Portland effete lib professor- trying to cope with the reality that dirtbag leftists are winning because they cut through idpol distractions and infighting to the core of the idpol problem. The core is society being unequal in conception and practice from its founding principles.
Democracy isn't great and people like this fear that it might be true. They look to calling Stalin authoritarian as a basis for their return to form: to defend democracy while not looking at its objective failures. They grant it innate superiority and immunity from critique. They will ignore political realities and follow CIA lines about bringing democracy (a "gift" akin to infecting someone unwittingly with AIDS/HIV) to impoverished, "savage" countries always and forever.
You cannot take seriously anyone who engages in this idealistic, irrational thinking. They're always going to push this religion of democracy, feminism, and MacDonalds because they've got no fucking dignity and want others to be debased just like them.

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Lel have you ever looked at the authors twitter? This sounds absurd but literally the only way I can desribe him is an anarcho-neocon.

it was a smear put forth by the right so who cares anyways

it's extremely bad and his book is just a longer but equally goofy version of this medium post

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Didn't finish reading the article but did want to mention how low the stakes these guys are playing with.
They went to cpac and the worse they got was being called some names by some losers who know what podcasters look like. Just goes to show how upper-middle class americans really just aren't playing with any chips down on the board and don't lose anything when co-mingling with the supposed enemy.
Not that i see them as nazbols now of course, just that i still think that nuking the northeast megalopolis would do vastly more good than bad for the world.

Alexander Reid Ross is such a fucking joke.

Lmao he's been keeping tabs on us lads, and he seems to be so autistic that even the most autistic memes look serious to him.

He lives in my city, anyone want to try and track this guy down?

Really think it is a good idea to post that when this site is in the crosshairs of the feds? Who cares what some jerkoff radlib writes up about some other jerkoff radlibs raking in the paypig monies.

acute irony deficiency

Chapo is already cancelled for being socdem imperialists who just want more free shit for first world white people and defending incels.

My God, what a dogshit article.

The proof of CTH being reactionaries is really tenuous at best.
Also the comparisons of the alt right and emerging dirt-bag left is an appeal to horse-shoe theory that compares not believing that Russia caused Trump to win with pizza-gate conspiracies.
It's a terrible article, because CTH is in no way comparable to people shooting up mosques and driving cars into crowds of people.


Chapo are more woke retarded than legit Nazbol

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How did they defend incels?

They have explicitly said they're against meddling and regime change in both Syria and Venezuela, and they implicitly defended the DPRK on one episode. They're definitely socdems but I'll take anti-imperialist socdems over "anarchists" and "communists" who spew state department propaganda all day.

next level leftoid.

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Also Amber recently spent half of an episode defending Cuba and now and then she'll praise the USSR in some way.

Virgil is a reactionary.

worst chapo for sure


he can get it though

Not a single trace of conqueror blood in this one.

The like-dislike ratio makes me hate humanity oh so much…..

Why? You dislike the video? Seems like alot of likes…

Highly disputable when you consider a executive from the BBC attributes the chemical attack in Douma during 2018 on the ‘moderate’ rebels. Also highly hypocritical when you consider the U.S, Israel and Saudi Arabia use white phosphorus regularly.
No evidence. The Mueller report has debunked this ridiculous conspiracy theory.
More classic red-baiting McCarthyism. Anti-Imperialism is one of the most important tenants of Communist Praxis so fuck off.

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It's worth pointing out that even if every single accusation is true then it's still demonstratably a fact that the US being involved in a region suffering a power vacuum has undeniably massive negative effects on the local population that vastly outweigh the damages any local "dictator" has done.

Then why did the communists ally with the imperialists in WW2?

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Good point based AnCom.

Read a book.

To defeat a greater threat. What is so hard to understand about this?

Japan was small beans compared to even France's presence in Africa and the Middle East.
Russia and the USA have been besties in every single war, heck, Russia backed the Union in the American Civil war too. I think only during the Russian Revolutions did America ever directly militarily fuck with Russia via the White Russian Army.

So, anti-fascism is more important?

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When there's an existing fascist empire, yeah.
It's strategic, not idealistic.

The British Empire was imperialism was fueled by spooky as fuck 'British Israeli' nonsense. The royalty believed themselves to be a descendants of King David and that their race deserved to rule the world. I shit you not; they don't bring the ideology up because it's embarrassing to our modern senses but it made perfect sense if you attended the state ran churches.

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Look you stupid smug faggot, anti-imperialism, anti-fascism, anti-capitalism aren't some kind of principled moral good that we should be trying to conform to. these are just shorthand terms telling us the importance of discerning the important issues that face the socialist project, nothing more. There is no strict heirarchy of which is more gooder, you have to actually use your goddamn brain and analyze a situation to determine the best course of action to defend the socialist project from its enemies.

In 20/20, it was probably a bad idea for communists to ally with the inventors of capitalism and masters of the international financial markets to advance the socialist project. But at least we won the war!

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It's my understanding that the soviet union were never "allied" with the anglos or yanks, nor anyone else at the time for that matter. The only real relationship the USSR had with Britain or America post 1917 were Yalta and Potsdam.

Fighting the same enemy =/= supporting imperialism

What timeline are you from? They were literally called the Allies. Look up lend-lease & Anglo-Soviet Agreement.

And yes, communists did support imperialism because they won then proceeded to buttfuck the entire planet with not-imperialism. Now we're sitting here today, with blackbox hyper-capitalism that is about to snuff out the human race.

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Ah yes, so in support of communism in the long run, the best choice would have been for the USSR to allow the germans to win the eastern front war, literally ethnically cleanse the majority of eastern europe and replace them with settler germans, bring the victorious, veteran, and undamaged multi-millions strong Ostheer to the western front to defend against the british and consolidate their hold over france, double down on the crackdown of socialists across europe harder than the US ever did by making it a literal kangaroo-court capital crime for anyone just being suspected of being a socialist, which also means that the PRC and all the other even in-name-only socialist states never actually materialize.

This also means that even if the US won both wars, there is nothing at all stopping the anticommunist sole superpower from beginning to install proxies across the world pretty much immediately at the end of the war, engage in direct imperialism following the end of the British imperial empire, persecute socialists across the world unopposed with impunity, and exploit the destruction of WWII to indebt every damaged country to them in exchange for "rebuilding".

How fucking dumb are you?

Those horrible German illegal immigrates genociding the Slavs… if they won, just like in the TV show Man in the High Castle! We needed a good war to stop them and to protect the borders.

Sarcasm aside, the best option would have been for the war to have never have happened after the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was made. All wars are bankers' wars.

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Allying with imperialism or not, it was definitely worth it for that wee cunt shooting himself in shear, pant shitting terror

If that's your jam, you be you. WW2 was big fat mistake, WW1 was the biggest and fattest mistake though.

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Are you denying the policy of Lebensraum?

every fash killed was a live worth living in my book, and it will be in round 10 years or so too

full class unconscious is becoming reality.

It's about as real as Greater Israel and the NAU. Do have a primary source that isn't creationist museum tier though? I'd be interested.

That's all I really needed to hear, thanks, bye.

Ah jeez gimme a break, I never took the field trip the holocaust museum.

Explain the Doctors' Trials transcripts, please.

a gentle reminder

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It's illegal in my country to question the Nuremberg trial's conclusions. So my opinion is that I agree with it's conclusions! I did learn a word though, Hitlerite.

What did the edgy Marxist civnats ever do to you– oh I know, it's because they're Catholics, isn't?

The nazis werent real catholics, if they were you're glorious leader would have painted a berlin bunkers ceiling with his final art piece.

Germany and Italy populations were primarily Catholic, its likely why they fancied fascism, since the Roman Catholic Church romanticized the imperial cult of old. Germany's SS were pagan though, thanks to Himmler the Hapa. But if you go by that standard than all the Allied forces are masonic countries because of all the good old boy clubs.

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I'm not asking you to question the conclusions, I'm asking you to explain why the medical staff on trial gave the answers they did? Furthermore, if these experiments never happened, how are they accurately cited and by modern medicine if the data is entirely fabricated?

haha cool thanks, scum


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You realise he's a fascist baiting you right Kampf (Ford Translation).pdf

fuck off