Why is this neoreactionary ted bundy look alike popular amongst some leftists...

Why is this neoreactionary ted bundy look alike popular amongst some leftists? What's the deal with accelerationism anyway? Most of his writings seem like some incoherent ramblings by a bloke who friend his brain on speed

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This much is certainly true.

However, reading early Land, pre-Dark Enlightenment, you can easily read him as a kind of heretical Marxist.

There was a reason that he and Mark Fisher got along so well back in the CCRU days despite having some core disagreements. In fact I think Land even tweeted out a thing about K-Punk earlier today. There was definitely some shared admiration, and I believe they reference each-others work in both of their main texts.

Land's accelerationism is definitely different from generalized left-accelerationism, but it is speaks to the core of that idea. Land is (arguably) worth reading, especially Fanged Noumena, though Dark Enlightenment is honestly kind of a gross slog. I'd skip it unless you want to get a sense of what NRx is like and why it might appeal to someone with Land's background.

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They're first worldists who want to keep consumerist capitalism but pretend they're not capitalist. Nick Land basically offers consumerism as a solution to capitalism rather than revolution, which appeals to people raised in consumer culture because they don't have to change anything.

Untrue, he looks like Winters from Band of Brothers.

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It seems like Land is more on of the mind that humanity will be consumed by a kind of uncaring technocapital singularity inevitability than he seems to care about consumerism or maintaining it.

Hard to say, I'm not an expert on Land, but I was of the impression that NRx is what he thinks will slow down acceleration a little bit. Can't say if that's accurate or not, I've only read through the first bit of Dark Enlightenment and skimmed a bit of the rest. Maybe you're right, he does appear, from my limited understanding of NRx, to seek to maintain of sort of slow growth/status quo.

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He's not rightwing he's a left accelerationist


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Beneath all the cyberpunk bluster, Land is just a sad old run-of-the-mill reactionary fuckhead, notable only in the fact that he's smart enough to realize that communism is inevitable. Marx the revolutionary says that the productive forces unleashed by capitalism will reach a crescendo incompatible with capitalism, at which point the social relations of capitalism will collapse and re-form into communism. Land the reactionary says the same thing, except he puts it in scary 'Skynet'-type terms and tries to slow its progress because he's a reactionary fuckhead.

He sees the inevitability of Communism, is fucking terrified of it, and has crafted a snowflake ideology for the express purpose of delaying its onset. Your position on the left-right spectrum should be defined entirely by your relationship to Communism. If you're trying to bring it about quicker, you're on the Left. If you're trying to retard its progress, you're on the Right. Land is as purely right-wing as its possible to be.

Because some "Leftists" have fucking brain worms and don't understand what Accelerationism is, and even Left Accelerationists are fucking retarded themselves and all of their arguments are more succintly explained in someone like Moishe Postone's work, to much greater theoretical depth and detail (although to be fair I'm pretty sure Postone died before he could complete his magnum opus, as it were, to attempt to resolve some of the problems with his insights)

I am about to read this, but tell me before I go on; does this explain anything at all about weird subcultural stuff like how Discord is a Tranny ERP hub and the relationship between Identity & Technology within something like a virtual space?

If you want an explanation of the erp you should lurk on a discord
If you want an explanation of identity read this


Sorry file was too big ^^;
Read Sadie Plant Zero's and Ones


enterprise resource planning?

Erotic Role Play

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well yeah i don't visit discord but there's probably a lot of roleyplay regarding trans

Based and Torvald-pilled.

Basically what I was asking, since I'm a brainlet, is are there any answers in xenofeminism about how to understand how technology, specifically in a post-internet era shapes and changes the somewhat static ascriptive social categories of things like gender, race, sexuality etc

Nick Land is still a Marxist despite his "hatred" of the left. We are all sons of Hegel, we all have the same master.


i'll just post these old post from /lit/

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Because he's an entertaining writer.

They are and he did. Land is genuinely nuts and still the least retarded NRx writer. Moldbug is genuinely worthless, he's like a Buzzfeed writer. It's like Land is the compelling guy and the rest of NRx are just some autists he hangs out with.

I mean, for the record Land's ideals are shit. Accelerationism is shit. But Land's vague techno-fascist outcome is honestly more logical than the left-accelerationist viewpoint.

naw, mostly just though provoking

Keep calling Nick Land "crazy" you fags. You'll only learn when you're sucking off the xenofeminists bbc Jamal in the back alley of a Deluezeain book store as amphetemines are injected into your eyeballs.

that sounds kind of dope honestly

Hi Jehu

I imagine his dystopian dream world is one in which humans have gone extinct and a bunch of robots still meaninglessly perform the functions of capitalism.

I haven't seen many leftists who like him but I imagine some believe his pro-death-by-capitalism sentiment is just a parody LARP? I vaguely remember a thread here where people theorized about it because his wife is apparently a leftist.

You sound cringeworthy

Because the contemporary western left is filled with unironic academics who read theory as a hobby. Land is a sci-fi writer so his work seems refreshing to them.

It's been a while since I've been accused of being someone else lmao, whomst is Jehu lad?

I used to think this, but have since realized that he genuinely does identify with the Freudian death drive.

I guess the most common theory "he went insane from drugs" it is then.

Also I remember him BTFOing Ancaps on property rights with a very Stirner-esque take, that was kinda cool.

No he views this as a utopia.

Land is popular because he’s a materialist. Maternalist right-wingers are much more insightful than normal right-wingers. Because of this Land’s ideas are pretty interesting. Same goes for Hobbs.

He does indeed view this as a utopia . He's a nihilistic edgelord who gets hard on the thought of humans going extinct. His support of fascism stems from his hatred of humanity, which is of course the least humanistic of all ideologies since it puts capital above all else. He views a world controlled by robots and where humans are long one as the logical conclusion of capitalism

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AnCap / laissez-faires shit is less humanistic than Fascism.

Ancap/libertarian shit is just a reskinning of traditional fascism. None of it is applicable irl therefore most ancap cucks default to fascism