Yugoslavia thread

Thread for the appreciation of the greatest socialist country to ever exist.

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This is a job offer in Yugoslavia, translation:

Industry of Construction Machinery and Iron Constructions - Titograd

181 Lenin Boulevard

Commission for the establishment of working relations has decided to establish a working relation with You beginning with a mandatory 30 day work trial.

You can come to work immediately.
Income according to the Rules of the company.
Work placement reference HTZ.

Apartment secured for a year from the day of the establishment of work relations. Until the apartment is given, we're covering the costs of living away from the family.

Travel and moving costs will be covered by this Industry.

Please answer with your decision as soon as possible as we have to fill this position immediately.

Comrade salutations

Chief of human resources

Attached: joboffer.jpg (536x767, 59.09K)

There is a thread on Marx

Which is a different board than this one!


Duža nam je kita?

Why are Yugoshitters so insistent that their IMF-backed "socialist" country was the best and had the highest quality of life in eastern Europe when it is factually untrue? Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the USSR and the DDR had a higher HDI than Yugoslavia.

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You're just jealous.

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Yeah, we're all massively jealous of your genocides lol

Yugoslavia never committed a genocide. That is what the Ustase fascists, NATO, and their allies did.

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really makes me think

Ah yes, the good old evil soviet empire meme, so evil you take IMF loans LMAO

HDI wasn't even first measure until 1991.

Stay Mad, Chetnici

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I really need to "redpill" myself on Milosevic.

Milosevic was a neo-chatnici who fermented ethnic nationalism to destroy the union.
Also his populism and then capture of the state is a pretty good model to what happened in Russia and Hungary.

I didn’t say the Soviet Union was an evil empire, but they demonstrated clear chauvinism when dealing with their allies, and the Yugos were right to call them out on it and go their own way.


hurr durr

Fantastic socialists they were.


Attached: Slobodan Milošević Our Old Partizan.webm (512x288, 11.23M)

Literally where? Yugoslavia actively provided arms in opposition to NATO wars you fucking idiot.



СИВИ СОКОЛЕ, пријатељу стари,
Дај ми крила соколе, да прелетим планине.


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Milosevic was a reactionary ethnonationalist that only reached power by fermenting a destructive conflict between the Kosovar Serbs and Albanians. Even the anti-communist Kosovar Serbs admit they acted as hired-thugs for him as he took over Yugoslavia. To Praise him is to praise the man who destroyed everything Yugoslavia was meant to be.


Was Yugoslavia syndicalism? i've heard the workforce of a factory was the one who decided everything

Nah Yugoslavia was classic ML-ism with some self-management aspects. It is much like what the Kosygin reforms proposed in the USSR.

I just remember reading this post in /marx/ and it sounded just like syndicalism:
It does sound more like self-management tho, as you've said


To elaborate, instead of having a GOSPLAN, in Yugoslavia planning did take-place on the ground, and most industries did have workers' councils. However most important decisions were taken by managers that were appointed downwards from the central office, and while legally the SKJ was not an institutional party these managers were all SKJ members. As such a bureaucracy developed that stifled production as they did in the rest of the Eastern Bloc.
What's described there isn't syndicalism (that'd be economic governance by trade unions, and Yugoslavia, like most ML states, had a centralised, mandatory, and singular union). Due to the worker council structure it actually had fewer roles than in most ML states.
It was very flawed self-management. The issue is that Tito tried to follow Djilas' model of economic self-governance but only after he kicked Djilas out of the country. I'll try to find the reading I've done on it for Uni (some of which was declassified CIA shit lol).

What happened in Hungary?

Yugoslavia joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation oh wait.

Good reading on Self-Management in Yugoslavia, and the SKJ's role in the economy and society.


How exactly was killing Bosnians "clearing out Islamists"?

Don't try to understand the thought process of the Chetnik.

There were warcrimes, but Srebrenica certanly was not one of those. The place was literally used as a staging ground for mujaheddin attacks on Serbian villages and the only reason it managed to remain in that position was because it was under "peacekeeper" protection.
Also reminder that there were at least a thousand Saudi fighters in Bosnia as well.

take the hammer and sickle off, you're spitting on it with this bullshit

t. Naser Orić
Real question is, are you a real Bosnian or just diaspora scum

Stop this reactionary nationalisms, "They're all terrorists so they deserved to be killed" is Israeli-tier logic.

You forget the part that the women, children and elderly were evacuated you mongoloid. The men left there were literally all the fighters that HAVE been launching attacks while being kept safe by UN "peace keepers"
Was it a tragic event?
Of course it was, loss of life usually is, but stop trying to paint them as innocent civilians that were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Like two months before the massacre Oric and the rest of their leaders abandoned them to the Serbs and Izetbegovic used them as a scapegoat.

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As far as I know this is correct. Yugoslavia was friendly with Nasser's Egypt, Socialist Algeria, Vietnam, Cuba etc.

Absolutely correct.

Why the fuck did the mods delete two posts talking about Yugoslavia?

I'm not Bosnian at all, just human


You were saying? Pre-1991 HDI measures of socialist countries are obscured or retroactively lowered (HDI is a relative scale much like Autism Level, which causes a lot of misunderstanding) for propaganda reasons. I wish I could find actual statistics of HDI in the 60s and 70s cause it'd show even better results for socialist countries.

I think it's pretty good metric for all the socialist countries. Pretty much are very high and even Best Korea and Best Albania are very close to very high.

Broz was lucky, he died of old age a well liked leader instead of getting assassinated or coup’d by fascist counter-revolutionaries.

Why are all the anti-Milošević posts getting deleted in this thread? Don't tell me it's because of 'anti-imperialism'.

Srebrenica was a massacre of Bosnian civilians you fuckhead. Same civilians who were denied entrance to a Dutch UN base. According to some reports the Dutch even participated in the massacre.

What is going on in this thread?


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The Yugoslav wars were 91-95, nice try, Cetnik.




Are you stupid or just pretending? Yes, US/NATO bombed Serbia in '99 over Kosovo. That doesn't absolve Milosevic of the crimes he committed/ordered/allowed during the break-up of Yugoslavia. It also doesn't absolve him of conspiring with Tudjman to split Bosnia between Croatia and Serbia, thus causing the death and suffering of many Bosnian people. That was one of the reasons behind the breakup of Yugoslavia, Tudjman and Milosevic didn't believe Bosnia was a legitimate State and that the Bosnian people aren't a people, so they decided to split it between them. A direct phone line between the Croatian presidential office and the Serbian presidential office was found in 2002.

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weird how NATO fucking kidnapped the guy but they could never actually convict him for all the years he was locked up

you have no idea what happened in Srebrenica and other villages, do you?

There were islamists in Bosnia, sure, but the massacres were ethnically motivated. A predominantly muslim Srebrenica in the Drina valley would've made it really hard for the Serb Republic to maintain political power.

Just off yourself.


Nothing to redpill yourself about, really.
Milosevic probably wasn't that much of a nationalist as he was an opportunist. He used nationalist rhetoric to gain power and later on supported nationalists outside of the SKJ to maintain some degree of power in serb regions.
I honestly don't know why and believe and reproduce serb nationalist myths about a war that wasn't profoundly disgusting and aimed at creating ethnically clean regions.

everybody can be a communist on an anonymous board. At least the Titoites aren't keen on supporting barbaric nationalists.

like those "autonomous serb regions in the first pic here were literally ran by anticommunist nationalists who didn't make a fuss about who they would've supported in WWII. Nobody ever denied that, only some weird online ☭TANKIE☭s ever paint such an idiotic picture.

Because he died in custody during the trial, fuckwit.

wow, he mysteriously died. how convenient for NATO.


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who was in the wrong for the 1999 bombing of yugoslavia? why did NATO support savage nationalist albanians while denouncing savage nationalist serbs? it makes no sense

This thread is for discussion and appreciation of 1945-1991 Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, not whatever came after the break up.

well you kind of have to talk about the big elephant in the room

NATO obviously. There are various reasons for why they did it but mostly out of geostrategic deliberations.

Cheers to Zig Forums for keeping the Yugoslavia spirit alive in 2019

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They didn’t side with NATO though you retard.

mods = utter fucking sociopaths

that sounds more like stalinist ussr's spirit

Trotsky, Bukharin and the majority of Krondstat deserved it for being stupid and or splitters/capitalist allies

Too bad the purges ended up targeting more than those three, weakened the red army and didn't even kill those who would actually contribute to the demise of the soviet union.

lmao butthurt lib. assad's an evil monster who gasses children too, right? nato pls save us!

Are these guys any good? I'm expecting some obscure history

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I Love Tito

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bio sam u NKPJ druze pitaj sta te zanima

ukoliko ne stignem da ti replyujem tl;dr sekta su, ali makar nisu SJW sekta.

da dodam, u sustini sve opcije koje imas u srbiji povodom komunisticke partije su kurac. Ili su SJW ili su prosto zastareli na zalost i nemaju nikakvo trenje. Ja sam deo sitne grupe koji pokusavaju da zapocnu nesto novo, pa ako oces mozemo da pricamo preko diskorda:

Kronstadt sure, Trotsky and Bukharin were literally just criticizing and voting against Stalin, which they should have a right to do under proletarian democracy. Without the freedom of the minority to criticize the majority there is no democracy.

Gonna repost the readings of Yugoslav economics because they got deleted for some reason:

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I want to apologize to all our comrades from Bosnia or Croatia, i kinda feel like I went down the road of usual Serbian megalomania, but I just get angry when people just keep focusing on one side of the war. I lost family too in this clusterfuck so I know how you folks feel, I really shouldn't have left my autism lose.

Zizek is such a piece of shit.

Don't be a radlib purist.

Online rip of Lepa Sela Lepo Gore for you lot. Fucking watch it

A classic.

Džamije lete

He literally endorsed NATO bombing of his own country. He deserves GULAG.

But it existed until 2007

Zizek is Slovenian you dolt.

Једног јутра на уранку,јебо четник партизанку
Он је јебе па је пита,"Јел ти жао друга Тита"?

Найс гугл транслейт.

Jebi mater pederu.
Jebi mater pederu.
Jebi mater pederu.

(interesting choice of username given what board this is)
After transliterating I realize this is a rhyme but I don't actually understand it.

LMAO stay mad.