How do you reconcile advocating for socialism/communism and supporting big corporations by buying their products?
How do you reconcile advocating for socialism/communism and supporting big corporations by buying their products?
How do you live in society and criticize society?
simple, Wal Mart and Amazon are internally planned economies are setting up the infrastructure for socialism. We don't even have to change the names once they get nationalized.
Fucked up the comic
so its okay to be a hypocrite? Got any books or texts which talk about this that aren't some smug comics? I remember zizek talking about it in one of his movies but I'd like to learn more
if you think any of the people in the comic except maybe the phone girl are hypocritical you are a faggot
calling someone a faggot isn't really an argument
Learn about historical materialism.
There is literally no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. Pretending otherwise is lifestylist.
t. louis xvi
there's nothing to reconcile, you need food, water, housing, clothes, healthcare etc. to live
but where do you cut the line? For example, I need rice, eggs and meat, but I probably dont need that box of maltesers or coca-cola. Same way I need a phone, I don't need to get the more expensive one
you don't
you're stuck in the thinking that your own personal lifestyle choices can do something, it's a common result of the extreme individualism that permeates our culture
they can't, you won't change shit by turning yourself into a monk
the only valuable and effective change is systemic, and it doesn't happen by people's individual decisions, it happens through politics
what a lame thread
is this kindergarten??
thanks for taking the time to respond, you have cleared things up immensely
to add one more thing, living on subsistence levels (just enough food and water to keep yourself physically able to perform labor, grey shapeless clothes that provide skin cover/protection, an austere cube apartment with bare walls and a bed etc) isn't the point, the point is to live a satisfied, joyful, dignified life
but it has to be done sustainably, in a manner that won't result in the meltdown of our planet's biosphere (and our own eradication), which obviously means putting some kinds of limits on consumption and fighting consumerism itself
Shit thread.
Anyways, I just avoid interacting with big corporations as much as possible (particulary those with poor records regarding unions/generally being exploitative).
not really a fair comparison I think, clothing is essential, while owning a nintendo switch, or going out to watch the new movie are not essential things
I don't know my dude, I would probably rather give up my clothes than my vidya. At least I would if it wasn't for the social stigma that comes with nudity.
movies and vidya are one of many things that make life worth living
socialism =/= identically dressed pod people who work 24/7
be like Epicurus, as you say.
is there literally anything else to do? Basically no its this or starve. We can't go make a commune in the woods, it hasn't worked for any ancap and there are states fucking with no taxes. So why would it work for a group the usa will not let immigrate into this country (yeah you can't become a us citizen if you were a communist). You have to live in the system or you die. Theres no other option. Our goal is to change it and do as little harm as we can not try to eliminate it through consumption. That never works, its not what radical left vegans, feminists, or rad left human rights advocates think. The goal is to change the system its the only way. Whether through one of the two R's of reform or revolution. Its a highly debated topic.