
In my opinion, this guy is a pretty calm leftist that I really agree on with most subjects, and love his debates with politics and explaining things.

Attached: badmouse.png (225x225, 11.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Like most youtube leftists, he's pretty cringe at times. It was interesting to watch his recent transformation from anarchist to crypto-Maoist though.

Too bad he is beta as fuck. Should listen to cumtown instead.

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Didn't he disavow sectarianism though?



badmau5 started out as a libertarian or something
i don't know how non-americans end up as one of those but he admitted to it
makes me wonder

Modern lolbert ideology started in the US but spread to most of the Anglosphere. There are probably more Austrian economists in the UK than in Austria.

how old is he?

I'm a "hardcore ☭TANKIE☭" that normally hates on every other leftist but i actually like badmouse, doesn't strike me as another "leftist" grifter who's only in it for the money. He just seems naive on some topics but he's FAR better than other youtube "leftists" who only talk about fucking video games and pop culture shit.

I can thank badmouse for my descent into socialism. I'd probably be an Ancap if it wasn't for him.

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oh, fuck off

another patreon whore

A libertarian in the actual normal sense, as in an anarcho communist. Not "anarcho" capitalist.

No, he was an "anarcho" capitalist, went anarcho communist and then ML.

can you trust the judgement of someone who switches so easily between radical ideologies?

This is the trajectory at least like 40% of Zig Forums has gone through tho, with another 60% of those having also had a digress through fascism at some point.

It so funny seeing leftists use this fuckin right wing meme unironically

Can you trust someone who clings to the same ideology despite being presented with good counter arguments?

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I mean, isn't this board made up of at least 50% ex Zig Forumsyps? And from that, over the years the average ideology of leftypol has changed pretty drasitcaly by the looks of it.
Why does it matter? As long as he's a leftist and produces helpful content which he does, does it even matter what he used to believe?

some of these people make a lot of money by caring more about the style of presenting information rather than educating people on marxism, and in our intellectually lazy culture there should be some minimal responsibility to put across life changing revelations which attacks reactionary ideology as a video creator.

Contrapoints (for as much as she does) is popular because she is easy, she makes simple content, I would like some radical stuff coming out of breadtube, at least.

Pretty sure the complexity of the messages contrapoints has in her videos has nothing to do with her popularity. The exact same substance could be gotten across on a more generic youtube format and would get nowhere near the popularity. Her popularity and associated support is entirely down to her style, the very high production value and personality.
A more appropriate example would be Shaun whose content is simple, basic 'culture war' stuff for most of it and presented in a generic youtube style which makes him the leftwing sargon but intelligent.
Also i really don't understand the constant whining about why 'breadtube' isn't doing videos about chapter 3 of volume 2 of capital. The internet isn't anywhere near ready for that, that's the sort of video which accumulates a total of 153 views after 2 years, with 30 dislikes and ancaps in the comments crying about muh billions.
The sort of base level engagement that 'breadtube' does is infinitely more successful at bringing people back from the brink of fascism and demobilising reactionary attitudes than any video about marxism, no matter at what level, how well presented or anything of the sort will ever do.
In essence, FUCK 'educating people on marxism', that stuff is entirely arcane to them. First bring them to a place where they're intellectually capable of engaging with a critique of the existing order, then they'll be able to find the resources to go further left on their own.
Moreover the stylised, high-production value aesthetic content will always be better than the dry lecture. No amount of Cockshott, or Wolff or Zizek or Chomsky lectures will be a youtube sensation and Muke or Badmouse explaining the falling rate of profit will never break out of the small circle of fans they have and educate the people who aren't yet marxists or on the left.

I'm just worried that people are overly-complacent with the level of analysis people are placing on capitalist society.

A lot of it is individualistic, moralistic stuff without the institutional or materialistic approach to how power arises and is maintained by the bourgeoisie. Being an anti-racist alone is not such a revolutionary mindset that will smash capitalism.

He's alright. Breadtube should have our critical support in general.

Bad Mouse did, but I guess that user is basing his analysis on the fact that Bad Mouse often talks about imperialism, colonialism and exploitation of the third world.

Don't give a shit about youtube stuff, but he's making high-quality leftist videos which have proven to appeal and radicalize young people who often turn far-right, so I think he's good.

When 'our side' is on the defensive then its not 'complacency' to hold the line. Sure it would be nice if we were on the offensive and making major gains with a general strike every tuesday, workers' milita marches on friday and every other employee in every industry reading the state and revolution on their coffee break. But we're not there, we're in the tail end of a deeply, deeply reactionary period where crisis is intensifying and fascism is reasserting itself as a presence within society.
Talking about institutional approaches is all well and good if you have institutions of your own to use. But we don't. We have nothing. 'The left' is scattered and disorganised, it has next to no institutions, no tools with which to affect society, no muscles to flex. That 'breadtube' allows for a place where disparate leftists and left-adjacent types can congregate online to some extent is already a great achievement and symptom that the tide is turning in our favour.
I feel like people don't understand how much of the time between the Paris commune and the October revolution was spent organising workers, how many reading groups, unions, newspaper printers, cooperative banks, friendship societies and all the vast networks of workers organisations that permeated society back then that took decades to create through diligent efforts of socialists, before the sort of militancy that we saw in the advent of ww1 was possible.
After ww2 and even moreso after the cold war, all of that is gone, we have nothing and as such the last three decades since the fall of the eastern block have been the period of deepest, darkest reaction, hopelessness and despair, an immense setback for the working class. In many ways we are starting from scratch.
We're not going to create a revolutionary mindset from nothing. It will come s the crisis deepens further. Whereas the most useful thing that can be done at this stage in the developed countries is provide spaces for leftists to congregate, online and offline, and 'recruit' people to those spaces. And that takes individualism and moralism, not citing passages on the m-c-m cycle or how the soviet union was good actually. Anti-racism is not enough to smash capitalism, yes, but dissuading someone of the belief that the 'great replacement' is happening is an essential first step before they will ever engage with left wing politics and step into our camp. And i don't care whether every video contrapoints does for the next 12 months is some variation of 'why terfs make no substantial arguments' and 'trans rights!!!!' because its still a move in the right direction.

We can see the 'culture war' is bullshit, but we must also recognise that the culture war is a weapon in the hands of the right, and just because its bullshit doesn't mean it can't hurt us and we can ignore it and focus on our materialism and economics and marxist theory. Fascism has always been and will always be inane, idpol bullshit, but it must be combated or else it will kill us and everyone.

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This but unironically

Good post.

I appreciate him because during his anarcho-liberal phase he built up a following largely made up of leftoids, that he's now coming around as a soft ☭TANKIE☭ causes him shit from his audience, yet he continues to go down this path, which shows he's got integrity and is not in it for the e-fame. If he was he'd make another video on free speech or Jordan Peterson but instead he makes a video where he defends East Germany. Based.

Anarchist - Maoist pipeline dude

Certainly like him more than Muke, who while I never watched his shit anyways it appears from a glance at his twitter activity that he remains a leftcom.

I just peered into Hbomberguy’s discord for the first time and also so they were coincidentally talking about Badmouse. It was boring handwringing about him being a ☭TANKIE☭ lol. I think even Destiny’s leftist followrs have largely ascended to defending the history of 20th century socialism. Ironic given he is mostly an apolitical gamer. Meanwhile, the ecelebs like Contrapoints, Shaun, and Hbomberguy have really cultivated the radlibs with their elaboration on the rational YouTube thinkpiece.

Excuse all of this bile. It’s really a shame I know all of these people.

Destiny is definitely not apolitical, he's a hardcore socdem.

It happened over a very long period of time, like what are you talking about "can we trust the judgment" who gives a fuck he's just some youtuber. The guy is dyslexic I'm pretty sure and once he got help with reading he became an Anarchist because that was a logical transition and then a Marxist once he read more. Are you implying you weren't born a liberal?

If anything Badmouse is someone who actual Marxist "content creators" should be looking to emulate if they have modest budgets & limited expertise. He's someone who has completely appropriated the radlib video essay form, but substituting the content with relatively digestible, increasingly Marxist content. This is a very appealing formula to exactly the kind of people we want to seriously consider Marxism and by extension Socialism/Communism. Personally I prefer the dryer academic work or the more professional work by people like Prolekult but these are people with actual expertise in Political Economy & Media; I don't expect this standard from someone like Badmouse who is learning on the fly. If you're having the youtube conversation to begin with, the you concede it has value; at that point you need to start playing by the rules laid out. If you don't want people to be constantly recommended "le rational skeptic" videos taking them down the right-wing youtube pipeline you need to learn to play the system so that even if Porkies like the Kochs are paying for algorithm manipulation you can at least fight against that current. I have a lot of problems with the "content creator" sphere that extend far beyond this but if we're being honest the people finding success on "breadtube" whilst succumbing to all these structural flaws, before this they're ultimately radlibs. Take what we need for them and manipulate their model to spread Marxist analysis.

Only relative decent one out of all the other liberals. God damn I fucking hate western "leftists". As soon as they're done with the fascists they turn their gaze to MLs and others who are slightly more left then basic bitch socdemmery. Always with that patronizing attitude and instant dismissal.

What's funny is that these people spend all day researching about the alt right and giving them the benefit of the doubt, yet they have NO problems making strawmen of MLs and revising their knowledge whenever they can.

Explain how he's a liberal.
Protip: you can't and you should kill yourself for making such a dumb comment.

I never meant that badmouse was liberal, I was saying he's the exception. Why so mad?

What is this supposed to mean then? That everone on youtube is a liberal and he's the only non liberal? Finnish Bolshevik is a liberal? Mexie is a liberal?

Do you want me to type up a dissertation about that post? "Breadtube/left-tube" is the clique of radlibs from contra to hbomber, I don't include finnbol because he's not in their clique. Badmouse however DOES TRY to join their clique.

Also yes, mexie is a liberal.

Finnbol is in their "clique", yes. But okay, if you considder Mexie a liberal, then you obviously have brain damage.

Glad you typed this on April Fools' Day, or I might've taken you seriously. I don't think there's any tide turning in our favor at all, unless you're believing that radical liberals will be making some Marxist metamorphosis. They won't.

is right. Any "leftism" untethered from a materialist approach is just useful idiocy for liberal capitalism. Subjectivist, moralistic critiques are almost worthless to us, but they play into the idea that capitalism can and should be improved to rid it of the "bad things," and this capitalism rid of "bad things" is getting closer or tantamount to socialism.

Finnbol isn't in their fucking circle lmao. He's with Jason Unruhe and that Red Star youtube channel, you know, the people contra and co fucking despise. God you are dumb, you're probably badmouse himself throwing cover for mexie, right? No way anyone else would get this uptight. Mexie is the most radlib petty-booj there is, then again, "socialism" in the west has been bastardized to fit into liberalism.

Attached: Finxexbad.png (1201x738 1.4 MB, 905.4K)

Nah dude, he is hardcore neolib
He's succdem in identity politics only

That's not the destiny we're talking about, but ironically the one you linked sure seems like a hardcore socdem to me.


his mouth is so toothy and he sometimes gets so close to the camera, you can see up his nose with his toothy teeth.

My problem with Bad Mouse is that he seems like a bit of a brainlet

oh god i didnt know

i take back everything i said

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Can you explain how Mexie is a liberal? Because she's a girl?

Yes. Liberalism is when you're a girl, and the girlier you are, the liberaler you are.

Holy fuck is this a serious question? She has never expressed any serious commitment to socialism (not social democracy), anti-imperialism and class struggle.

She hates people who dab on intersectionality

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She said something like
"It's not that I necessarily support everything the Soviet Union did, but I support anyone who attempts to apply Marxist theory"

What she means by that is anti-communism with western marxist characteristics typical of the New Left. Been there done that.

What you mean by this is "I'm retarded and should kill myself".

most people take some time to find their footing. I didn't just wake up one morning and think "Whoa, capitalism is bad. Marx was right even though I haven't read a fucking word of his manifesto." The process of opening one's eyes and making sense of the world, then finding a model and descriptions of it's problems and proposed solutions is a process that inevitably leads down many paths.

That seems to be made-up. In her natural disaster video she praised Cuba, and explained how a planned economy is much more efficient in proving disaster protection than the market. She's commented under FinBol's video how Stalin and Lenin were great on women's rights. She's made videos about the global labour arbitrage. I haven't heard her once saying anything SocDem.

Where? All she's said is that she's against liberal IdPol but she thinks it's stupid to not help marginalised groups because of class essentialism - which, of course, is a bit of a strawman but she isn't some raving SJW intersectionalist.

dude that should just be flat out the least, most basic platform of anyone on the left. To recognize that we all can, and will, make fuck ups (even big ones) but that someone fucking up for the right reason is still a comrade.

For a second there I thought that was from a Varg video


is that you badmau5?


Tits with timestamp or gtfo.

what kinda music you like mate? (no red army choir or anything explicitly leftist please)

Check out Wingnut Dishwashers Union, great anarchist Folk-Punk album

He’s a literal retard

Excellent post comrade.

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And his change from lolbertarian to anarchist

Three Arrows finally making use of that third arrow:

hey thanks man

He was my foray into breadtube. It began after I came across his The School of Life video back in mid 2017. Gradually over the years I managed to get rid of Zig Forumsio after going through a lot of breadtube, and it was all thanks to him.