
Is Belarus /our country/? Their president used to be member of the Soviet Union Communist Party, their gorvernment's 2 biggest parties are Belarusian Socialist Sporting Party and Republican Party of Labour and Justice, and they still use their Soviet emblem. Their president is independent, which is interesting, I think they are coy about socialism on purpose, just so that the global bourgeoisie dont get alarmed and start targeting them.

I really am just talking out of my ass since I know nothing about them, please leftypol breadpill me about belarus.

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If I recall correctly Alex was also pal with Hugo Chavez.

this thread already exists

You're a moronic retard. You can't 'hide' socialism from the bourgeoisie. They're not fucking dumb, they know the game of class war they're playing.
Belarus is just a broadly despotic ex-soviet rump state kept in a sort of desiccated reality bubble of the late soviet union, waiting out reality under the protection of Russia in return for being Putin's bitch and aligning within Russia's economic bloc and sphere of influence. There's nothing deep or significant about them whatsoever. The nations politics come down to a threeway tug of war between elderly soviet nostalgics, nazis and young liberal kids who want to be 'like the rest of europe'. Lukashenko is based insofar as he pisses off the belorussian fashfags to no end.
Belarus is just European DPRK, but without Juche, more boring and under Russian protection rather than Chinese. Also without nukes so even more cucked.

However i am looking forward till Lukashenko kicks the bucket and his cute twink son takes over so we can finally have the attractive young socialist world leader we were denied by Kim not taking care of his health.

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Well you got me sold, sir. Belarus, more like BASEDlarus.

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Belarus' economy is rising despite world bank continually making false predictions of it decelerating, while commenting that they should have more private competition in the markets. Feels good watching right wing economists be proven wrong.

Attached: belarus-economic-update-1804-ig-en-780x439-01.png (780x439 146.75 KB, 144.66K)

Belarus is likely about to unite with Russia.

Well thats a fucking bummer.

Hopefully they can get something like an autonomus region to continue their publically owned economy. Putin's foreign policy is pretty good so it's not uch of an issie there. I don't want them to get maidan'ed.

When you're in opposition to the most powerful imperialist power on earth, then your foreign policy is automatically good.

please don't vulgarise these things to such a degree, its retarded and demeaning at best and harmful at worst.

Nah that isn't happening, Russia and Belarus are slinging shit again.

The Moscow Times is owned by a Dutch company. Please check the origins of whatever you post. For example, many "Chinese" newspapers are published in Washington. If anyone is interested I could actually check the company's location, it's not far from my home.

And? It's a partner of Reuters group based in Moscow with Russian writers. Unless you are suggesting it is a part of the eternal Oranjist plot of world domination.

Belarus is a real world example of a country successfully implementing Nazbol theory and praxis

Serious question. Why isn't Belarus typically brought up among discussions regarding countries with actual existing socialism? Yet China is frrquently brought up and we all know how far from socialism China really. Even worse is when the liberal and reactionary burgers bring up Venezuela. Yet poor Belarus is ignored completely.

Is it because Belarus is actually successful?

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ignore my spelling errors. I'm retarded.

Nah it's because Belarus doesn't claim to be socialist. Also I would contend it is ironically a better example of inter-war concepts of State Socialism rather than anything neo-soviet or that modern. Basically you keep market mechanisms but you nationalise the commanding heights of the economy: Lukashenko is basically a Slavic Attlee.


It is a paper written in Russia, with its offices in Russia, and written by Russians. It's just owned by a dutch bloke jheeze this is like "The jews own it so it's inaccurate" tier shit ngl.

Very good rundown
tl;dr it's a slowly decaying dictatorship and latching on to it does nothing but betray a fixation on soviet aesthetics.

Based entirely on putting tarrifs on the Russian gas transiting through their territory. Very successful, wow.

As much as it may piss many people off this is unfortunately true.

Don't be so rude to your comrades.

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If you think that ownership of a paper doesn't affect the content then you are delusional. The Moscow Times obviously pushes western propaganda.

meant for this liberal

So what are you saying they made-up the fact that Lukashenko and the Russian ambassador are in a war of words? Would you rather trust shit owned by Putinite oligarchs like RT or Rossiya 24? Engage brain mate.

The Moscow Times and Reuters make a living posting anti-russian articles, barely above Radio Svoboda levels of bullshit.

They literally have op-eds from members of United Russia. And again, are you claimjng the article is fake because if not it doesnt change shit about its content.

What I'm saying is that it's making a mountain out of a molehill. This is not indicative of any severing of relations between Belarus and Russia.
Just say oligarchs for fucks sake. There is no Putinism.

This. Journalists have to whore themselves out to propaganda to make a decent living.

United Russia is not a real political party. It's just the entity of choice to represent oligarchs and any opportunist is free to associate with the party. It is hollow just like most parties in any liberal democracy.

Hmm… I'm gonna go with critical support for Lukashenko.

I don't mind being boring:

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Not really, there was an issue at the border a few years back. People who think Belarus will just happily walk into Moscow's embrace is just daft.
It is important to make the distinction because the anti-Putin oligarchs are trying to sneak into power based on their opposition to Putin while hiding the fact they are as much blood-sucking parasites are the rest of the wanks.
>United Russia is not a real political party. It's just the entity of choice to represent oligarchs and any opportunist is free to associate with the party. It is hollow just like most parties in any liberal democracy.
Yes, and the fact the Moscow times actually takes op-eds from its constituents means it isn't like Radio Svoboda at-all.