the cultural hegemony necessary to get the changes in social order the trans community wants, requires ignoring rape, where people claiming to be trans have to be believed over people claiming to have been rape victims, or at least subjected to unwanted sexual advances. There are some similarities towards ignoring rape allegations inside a marriage, to "safeguard marriage as institution" in the 1950s
there also is the medicalisation issue, in the 1950s women who did not want to be housewifes were diagnosed with hysteria, now we have "toxic masculinity" as a mental disorder.
all cultures in class societies have this aspect of skeletons in the basement. Bourgeois lgbtq+ and bourgeois feminism movements as just as reactionary as family value conservatives. Pay attention to the neo-liberal pattern of socially progressive and economically conservative.
In addition to this there is an economy about where political energies are spend, and hence there is competition which aspects of politics gets attention. There is evidence that most political movements that focus on sex and culture, decay and never achieve their economic goals.
Trans people are materially real, however so is the pseudo-clerical mob that seeks out the feeling of power from "excommunicating" people they don't like, and hence allegations of transphobia are abused in a similar way, allegation of anti-Semitism are abused in smear campaigns against critics of Israel. In the short term this will shrink leftist movements, and in the long term it will erode the power of a word, once "transphobia" is eroded, trans people will end up where they started as a disenfranchised micro minority, and the capitalists will move on to ride another issue.
Also there is the aspect of all cultures being about establishing a informal hierarchy that is not based on merit, leadership skills etc. But you do need competent people to lead, so the more you make concessions towards effecting cultural changes the more you have to deal with creating fake ranks for placating. Analogous See job-title inflations like regional assistant manager for oiling the squeaking door of the broom closet, on the second floor.
capitalism is keen on fanning the flames in culture wars to create schisms in the working class. One way to do this is to tell minorities that they have entitlements towards the majority. This has the effect of left movements tending towards being minority movements that cannot effectively challenge the economic order, because they lack scale. Minority movements are self-reinforcing because the minorities no longer feel as if their experience is insignificant, and will resist any attempts to make movement reach larger parts of society, because that would mean their personal priorities would no longer be reflected by the priorities of the movement. Trans people are particular prone to this because they are a very tiny group and have a very unusual personal experience
Lastly there are the discourses about systems vs the discourse about types of people. Most of what defines the lives of people are systems, that have no human qualities and are usually harder to understand as a result. It might be possible to anthropomorphise Marxist categories, make the falling rate of profit a character , there could be a mister-over-production, and a wage-thief as well as Alienator. Market-man would be a invisible demon that both steals and gives wealth in order to create a wealth distribution that corresponds to the typical upward wealth distribution you see in market economies.