Adults care only about four things:

Adults care only about four things:

Money (Capital/Finance)
Sex (Love)
Politics (Religion/socio-psychology/philosophy)
Vintage items ("the classics"/old childhood toys)

Everything else is ballast. It never ceases to amaze me how much adults babble on about "quality", "maturity", "family", "honour", accusing the younger generations of lacking said things, yet so many of these elders have lived checkered lives, indulging in drugs, having kids out of wedlock, killing people, swindling, and they're so burned out, yet they see themselves as "respectable" beings yet they want to cave in to their own private worlds of booze, toys and memories with no regards to the fate of their children and they consider themselves sages of science and culture.

They indoctrinate children to go out and change the world, yet the elders themselves want to remain intact from "world-changing", going as far to blame the young for "ruining the nation," yet the elders fail to understand that they themselves have the money and power to actually change the world.

Adulthood is just glorified adolescence. It's not just Boomers. The Xennials (born 1975 - 1985) are picking up the elitist mentality of "fuck you Im an adult, I do what I want"/"toughen up kid, life don't owe you shit", yet they throw a hissy fit over new tech and memes all the while indulging on opiates, alcohol, nihilistic media, and toys. These folks are the radical conclusion of Generation X.

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You poster this on /doomer/ too right? didn't enter the thread but i saw it there, got quite a few replies, i wonder how this one will go.

i understand this, considering my mother gave birth to me at 21, and clearly hasn't had time to develop herself as a person since. She is dumber than all of her children yet she demands respect, I told her that our inter-relationship depends on the assumption of authority of parenthood, but now at this point, I am older than you were when you gave birth to me, so have a little respect to me you little whore - I tell her, let's be friends, not relative agents in the system of the family. Yet, she fails to understand the concept of her destructive ageism.

The kicker here is that it's *always been this way*, from ancient times to now. Life is scary, unknown, and hard. No one, from the dumbest teen to the oldest person on this planet, ever figures it out. We really are all just winging it, even if it seems otherwise. There are more than a few instances of some of even the greatest people of all time, those you would think are "adulting" properly, not having their shit together. I don't care if you own property, run a successful business, are never late, always pay your bills on time, or do any other offcial adult stuff, you're still a dumbass in the sense that subconsciously you're as naive and afraid as everyone else, you just plan for it better.

Yes. I know. At least the elders back then admitted to immaturity and tried to better themselves. Nowadays, people use their physical seniority as a license for fun and are praised for it.
Anytime a teen jacks off to porn, researchers go "REEEEE, you're damaging ypur dick." But when grown men go out and drink themseleves to death? No response.
When a fourth grader makes a sex joke, people go into crisis mode. But when grown men make innuendo jokes for hours on end, "Meh."

Another issue is that people are offended by kids having "worldly interests". That is, when kids start ogling at dollar bills and coins, when teens listen to podcasts, or when tweens start judging attractiveness by bodily shapes, adults (especially churchgoing adults) have heart attacks. Yet, they want their kids to grow up and learn about the harshness of reality.

Either you want kids to remain docile and innocent and get fucked over big time, or you allow them to lose innocence "becoming corrupted" to mature.

usually not a great strat to settle interpersonal issues

it is the material reality, comrade!

also its fine to raise your kid to play mature videogames and watch adult tv but if they curse then they must have had influence from other kids - there is no blame put on bad parents yet they always feel like victims.

You clearly have unresolved issues with your parents. Focus on finding peace in yourself and forgiving your mom. You don't have to be friends with her, just don't carry this toxicity around.

t. narcissist's mom son

Don't call your mother a whore. That's not very nice.

Your relativism seems to ignore existing class structures in human societies, historical progression of human societies, and assumes we're all born into a blank slate environment. I suggest discarding your nihilist philosophy that ignores nuance in anthropology and sociology.

she is not very nice.

sounds like spooky eurocentrism but okay.

listen to this guy

you said yourself youre dealing with a child, dont be mean

You are focusing on only one of the elder stereotypes.
The other one being the grumpy old person.
Both are as old as time, people just tend to romanticise the past and forget that stupid old people always existed.

Yeah, gotta rise above and break the cycle of cancerous parenting.

To me the best way of changing people's atitude has been ignoring the bullshit being the better person. The envy you couse has wonderous effects.

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You can become like a black hole or a lighting rod: ending the chain of their negativity and stress by not returning it back or passing on someone else.

If a mad person or a mean 6yo shouts bad words at you, you won't be that offended because you know they are disturbed internally and can't behave themselves well. The same approach works for all these "adults", the only difference is our expectations towards them.

you are framing this issue in way too anecdotal and convenient way. There does not exist clear dividing line that sets 'adults' apart from 'kids' or one particular generation from one another. Biological development and self awareness goes hand in hand and any attempt to deny one factor in favour of other is pure ideology.

Obviously whoever survived under capitalism long enough under favourable RNG will have tendency to believe they will keep winning. Do you really expect those people to voluntarily read and critique system they are spooked to believe they are in charge of?

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You would think thats the case but apparently not. To a certain degree self-awareness and physical maturity are intertwined but in the grand scheme of things, it's the individual will.

Yes. The good ol days are never as great as you think they are. Unfortunately, alot of anons here think pre-Trump Zig Forums is an exception and blame zoomers for everything wrong.

*as a license for D-E-G-E-N-E-R-A-C-Y.
Fixed it.