The absolute state of DemSuccs

They finally get somebody decent elected, Lee Carter the former troop in Virginia, and they fucking drop him as soon as he gets a primary from the right so they can knock on doors for a literal DNC member (Yasmine Taeb).

Say what you want about electoralism but they even suck at that jesus fucking christ

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Source? What do you mean by "they dropped him"?

Search all you want, you won't find an endorsement tweet for the commie troop

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I don't understand. She's in a different district (35th) than Lee Carter is (50th). So she's running for a separate position.


This. Furthermore, you can't expect down ticket races to pass a purity test by not joining any Democrat orgs at all. Hell the bigger issue is where they either dont join Democrat Cops of America at all and or commit to centrist shit/groups. Getting into and endorsed by Democrat Cops of America is a good sign

DSA will likely endorse him in his district unless they have a better prospect. Also keep in mind they don't just endorse anyone on message last it dilute them, you have to have some campaign viability too

Why not? The democratic party needs to be eliminated, not "subverted" (quotes are used because it is impossible.)

Why can't the Democratic party be seized the way Labour has?

The reason is the labour party was founded by the trade unions and always has had radical elements within it. Even during the peek of blairism the trade unions had a lot of power. The democrats however have always been the party of the middle class and big business (but slightly less racist the an the GOP). The democrats are more in line with "liberal " wing of the Tory party here

Labour hasn't been seized though. They're capitalists just like the tories

Why are you even surprised that demsucs do nothing.

They are capitalists not Left in the slightest

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Labour is an imperialist party, wtf are you talking about?

Unions are an important demographic for the Dems as well (at least historically; with the overall decline of unions they're become less relevant).

The democratic party isn't a real political party. It is more like a firm that exists solely to promote the ideas of its donors. You can't change it unless you are bourg.

can we fucking ban these cryptoliberal americans

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what makes them crypto liberal?

MLs, socdems, and all tendencies can only advance their goals if they form a united front against neoliberalism and race and gender essentialism, it's increasingly hard to do so when the left eats its own as is so common among the Posting Class

SuccDems are not a tendency, left-wing or our own.

They are, in fact, the most insidious of all Turd Positions, and last I checked, peddling reaction under the guise of progressivism was a bannable offense.

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There are good criticisms of D*SA but not this misleading "gotcha" stuff that just seems made up at that. It is in any case the reality that in many parts of the country there exists no organization at all that's even ostensibly anti-capitalist which is something to keep in mind when asking people to join some Leninist cadre organization (that often have even more serious internal problems except we don't know much about them until it all explodes at once and collapses the org completely because Leninism functions like a conspiracy).

My biggest problem with them is their relationship with the democratic party. They will never be relevant anywhere as long as they continue endorsing and campaigning for unironic Dems.

because they literally con not disguinsih between a "social democrat", aka, a parlaimentarian, reform advocating, centre left position, and a "democratic socialist", a pro-revolution anti-capitalist ideology whose main feuture is completely unionized, worker owned and run factories. It's a huge fucking difference, but in the USA the "DSA" is a social democratic party. So American cryptolibs who never read Lenin, Luxemburg, De Leon and have no actual idea what's the difference between these groups just think Democrat Cops of America are democratic socialists. Books like reform or revolution (and some of Lenin's writings) very clearly outline the difference between Social Democrats, and socialists who advocate for a democratically run economy, and people who have actually fucking bothered to read them will be able to tell that there's nothing "democratic socialist" about Democrat Cops of America, Backstabbin' Bernie or AOC.

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Why is it that social democracy, which is essentially long wet fart in a room of Leftists, makes American left-liberals so teary eyed and boistrous? I mean I understand that the USA was extremely classcucked til like 5 years ago and still is in many ways but people who call themselves Democratic Socialists in America aren't even on the level of Hugo Chavez or even fucking Tony Benn but instead like the SPD in the 1990s or some shit lol. And they legitimately believe it is a winning leftist strategy for the 21st century

I mean just read the headline and subtitle of this bullshit:

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it still is what are you talking about?

Literally one and later i said "and still is in many ways"
Thanks for allowing your autism to get so hung up on that you didn't respond to anything else i said,lol

Nothing changed 5 years ago though.

thats the only thing you were wrong about

I just meant stuff like Bernie running the first time making part of the country a little more class,conscious I didn't mean there was some massive leftist surge or anything

You answered your own question. I think there's a real dilemma here because most people who serve as the D*SA rank and file were just ordinary "Obama coalition" liberals until recently. There's a lot of frustration they haven't read Lenin but… they haven't read Lenin. I dunno. My feeling is that people are looking for something more structured and more focused after the amorphous mess that was Occupy Wall Street, and D*SA is structured but not too structured, and it has this aggressively optimistic vibe that draws people in. I also think a lot of D*SA people are working adults; the average age seems to be in their late twenties, early thirties – these are people who have spent years now in the "gig economy" in which they have all the "structurelessness" they could ever want and they're sick of it.

The Leninist groups weren't well positioned to exploit this, and my impression is these groups are so cloistered and obsessed with internal politics, like monks in a monastery during the Dark Ages. I have some friends who were in one and the way they tell it, they were actively turning these new people away. They're great organizers otherwise, though, I'll give them that – which is why the left.

MLs I run into on Twitter seem to be in two camps vis-a-vis the D*SA. There's the "be nice but criticize" – and I like them – and then there's the turbo-aggro approach which I don't think works.

The big majority of people are going to show up not knowing much about socialism and are going to feel really intimidated. One thing D*SA chapters did well is create low-pressure socials where you can just show up and meet people, or have meetings where people just talk about their jobs. I looked around for some promotions and I came across this one for a potluck in northeast Tennessee. What other socialist groups are in friggin' northeast Tennessee? You see what I'm getting at. And they have a potluck version of their logo ready to go and any chapter can plug that in. I've seen one which replaces the shaking hands with clinking beer mugs. Mainly it's not intimidating and it's easy for people to jump in and go. It's almost like a fraternity or a series of local "clubs" or something.

This might also be very American with the fraternities and clubs and so on.

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I get all of that but if the goal is an even more moderate version of kautskyism then it is fucking doomed from the start

It does not. Bernie isn't leftist by any means.

I'd describe Bernie as a "left nationalist" basically.

I know you fucking pedantic faggot but the point is that the USA is objectively more class conscious now that it was in like 2003. Yeah that isn't some great leap because the USA is one of the most right wing classcucked nations ever but it still counts was literally all I was trying to say i wasn't trying to defend Bernie or anything Jesus

wew lad please do tell.

There is nothing "left" or nationalist about Bernie.
Bernie is a succdem/wellcare capitalist nothing more.
Social Democracy is reliant on the exploitation of the third world which is imperialist.

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Imagine getting this triggered that someone made the objectively true statement that Bernie is to the left of the majority of American politicians and assuming that's somehow a defense of social democracy

There isn't a sliding scale in american politics wellfare capitalism isn't anymore left than less than free market capitalism.
It is still capitalism and seeks the continuation of capitalism
succdems are reactionary

Lad Bob Dole is "to the left" of pat Buchanan that doesn't mean we're calling him a leftist when we say that. How is this so hard to comprehend?

how do you even figure that? Something about liking gays or other irrelevant social shit?

Both sides in bourgeois politics are just as rightwing just as capitalist.
Bernie's policies are just as capitalists as the next guy except he has a different target audience
How is this so hard to comprehend?

Whatever sperg

ok liberal

It must be really sad to lack the intellectual capacity to understand simple concepts because they are your enemies and thus think anyone who does posses said capacity is also one of your enemies

That is actually what you are doing.

I however am simply disagreeing with said concepts.

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You have lost

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Good day

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Sorry for posting Twitter but it reminds me of this

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Wait what happened now?

Sexual assault allegations