What does Zig Forums think of anti-germans? Why do they love sucking american and jew cock so much?

What does Zig Forums think of anti-germans? Why do they love sucking american and jew cock so much?

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They are CIA.



i tried to join a meeting here and they were all anti-deutsche. i can't find a single 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧leftist🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 in my city that isn't anti-deutsch. coincidentally my city is the center of european banking and the place were the rothschild family started…oy vey.

they intimated some muslim girls and vandalized their BDS stand in my university.


they are waving around giant israel flags and the comments are full of "leftists" calling for the destruction of palestine and beating up muslim girls

one of the biggest "leftist" newspapers in germany, jungleworld, is in their own words, "decisively NOT anti-zionist or anti-capitalist". these are the same goons always jerking off about one big US military base in Syria and color revolutions btw.

as to why? well, psyops by mossad and CIA (the NSA has their center here in this city for surveillance of Europe, Asia and Africa as has been revealed in wikileaks), retarded frankfurt school philosophers (muh neomarxism), idealist anarkiddy germans feeling so guilty for the holocaust that they in turn support an apartheid state to absolve the german state of guilt, idealism, anarchism/"autonomous movements", liberalism, idpol retardery. These are the reasons.

nothing is right in this post sorry

t. anarkiddie

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no, they want the german state abolished and germans to be either killed or to be guilt riddled slaves

yes, that ideology is called left-liberalism, an infantile disorder that leads to retarded shit like antideutsche jerking off to netanjahu and friends.

german state as in the german status of constantly feeling guilty over hitler (while unabashedly supporting current-day imperialism)

they dont seriously want germans to be killed, it's just edgy posturing. although they will of course make fun of germans dying and so on to trigger others epic style.

and yes anarchists want states abolished of course. so do socialists, it's just that we prefer the state to wither away on its own after the proletariat has seized control rather than to assume that a stateless society will be able to fend off reaction and counterrevolutions via muh paramilitary militas.


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are you fucking retarded? these people are barely left to begin with. they are liberals, just like most anarkiddies are with the exception of ancoms. if supporting an apartheid state ethnically cleansing an impoverished indigenous population is your idea of leftism, then you should read the sticky or fucking kill yourself.

im glad BO btfo'd you anarkiddy r0java cucks to leftpol so we didn't have to deal with your retardery anymore. you fit right in with the nazbol posting there, you imperialist scum. go suck off israel and bookchin some more.

Kosher hot sauce for everybody!!!!

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new word filter?

in order for world peace to be achieved, germany must be eradicated and annexed to italy, poland and france. destroy the german culture and language to ensure it can never rise again

I don't fucking care about German culture or whatever. Spooks. What I do care about is anti-imperialism, which is something Antideutsche oppose by supporting Israel and the USA.

there can be no socialism until all traces of the filthy deutsche are eradicated

Epic joke fam :DDDDDDDD

i'm just trying to extract salt from OP

It was me who sperged out ITT i just switched to phone hence the flag

Why? Being upset about anti-deutche is perfectly legitimate.

once the deutsche are removed like the cancer they are, all will be right with the world.

You're an epic memer and thread derailer my friend.

this from you who starts raging about imaginary problems

They're probably the kraut equivalent of COINTELPRO. If they aren't they're just retards who are a minority of the Left who need attention so they scream loud enough to seem influential.

Either way Germany has had one of the worst left wings in Europe since the end of ww2 and even moreso after the fall of the Berlin wall. The only European country I can think of that has a shittier overall left wing is Italy

They are not a minority in anarchist and Antifa circles. Every squat in Germany has Israel flag stickers lmao

So an uninfluential minority ;)

Imaginary problem? Do you even live in Germany? Have you ever had contact with German antifa guys? Some are based but the antideutsche wing is utterly retarded and influential. Our leftist party in our university parliament split because the antideutsche sperged around (yes a student parliament party split over the issue of Israel, no I am not joking).

Eh. I'd argue 90% of the "far left" in Germany is anarchist, unfortunately (which is one reason our left doesn't amount to jack shit while fascism is spreading like a cancer).

They sound like COINTELPRO and you should just start beating the shit out of them tbh

I am sure it started as COINTELPRO but they have enough legitimate followers by now


Marx would turn around in his grave

Ah damn I figured it was probably an even split between socdems sympathetic to the East/M-L's/and anarchists

Sorry if I'm talking out of my ass I'm a burger so I sympathize with having to deal with a left that is hot putrid dogshut. It's just everything I've read about Germnay in recent times makes it seem like Die Linke is more similar to Corbyn's/traditional Labour party (ie still fundamentally succdems but with a strong Marxist presence and a weak Zionist one)

I didn't count them in my made-up statistic as far left.

Some of Linke is old school succdem, some rare communists, some anarchists (heh…ironic), a lot of them are SJW-tier idpolista liberals. It's a huge uncoordinated mess. I do regularly vote for them.

The idpol ones are more empathetic to Zionism and the US. The old school succdems and the rarer demsucs and the even rarer communists are mostly anti-Zionist and anti-USA though.

Right now the idpol liberal wing is stronger than the other wing because the most influential politician in the party, Sahra Wagenknecht, is going to step down. If she founds a new party then it will be the most based party Germany has, genuine left populism which is what the Left Party lacks (too focused on idpol meme issues and not offending the bourgeoisie).

Why the fuck is Germany collectively brain damaged

The key is equating anti-capitalism with anti-semitism. That way they can accuse communists of being the same as nazis.

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Ah so it's more like the Democrat Cops of America than the Labour Party I see lol

One good thing I will say about the US Left is that it's almost universally anti Israel and vehemently pro palestine. This might largely stem from white guilt over the native Americans but it's the Right attitude to have so I don't really care how most of them arrived there even if its through cringe decolonial shit rather than pure materialism

Based I hope she does it. I really wanted Bernie to do something like this when I was more naive a few years ago and believed he was a crypto commie still but it's pretty obvious at this point he isn't lo

Also mods de anchor this thread wtfl.

Anti-Deutsche are the sanest radical leftists, though that does not say much. At least they support Israel and the US.