Capitalism always ends as a tragedy of commons

Just fucking look at this poor folks:

"Trying communism killed millions"? Wait until the stock market growth eliminate most of life on this planet, smartass.

Attached: rent.png (1037x761, 2M)

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Sorry for the grammar and the 2mb image. I cried my eyes out after watching it and also am sleepy.

but hey planning errors and comparatively less pain caused by the corruption of the state in 20th century socailism is worse then ecocide of all live on earth under capitalism

These peoples water is diluted anyone with a understanding of history sees this!

Pure moralist ideology. Just a daily reminder that "Mother Nature" killed 99,9% of species on "her" own.

Holy fuck, I had no clue this shit was happening, that was actually really fucking depressing.

I'm very well aware, thank you very much. The existence of suffering and death doesn't mean we have to increase the suffering and death.

For me socialism is the way to minimize it, not "let's torture and kill the capital owners lol lol".

I don't get the joke

This reminds me of this video:

isn't that just a really big seal?

Seal, sea lion, sea walrus.. for me its all the same.


This is a comic about degenerate junkies doing junkie shit ("Megg, Mogg & Owl") but this specific panel reminds me of all these retarded online discussions of taxation, billionaires, idpol, etc.

You purposefully conflate human and animal suffering, thus "pure ideology."

Still makes no sense. Is there more two it? They are all roommates in a presumably 2 bedroom apartment but they're forcing the single guy to pay 80% of the rent for his 50% of the apartment? Where is the joke there.

(The witch and cat boyfriend girlfriend was kind of funny I guess…)

The joke is initially the absurdity of them expecting him to pay all the rent and their reply that they should pay less because there's two of them (which you could say is a commentary on how single people get screwed in general) and then the joke becomes wait, is it weird if she fucks her cat if it can talk.

I agree it's not really my kind of humour but yeah.

Lol we get it you watched Pervets Guide for the first time the other day

Why should I care about other humans more than other intelligent animals?

it helps to know the characters and their personalities

why do u marxists want to import so many niggers
also why dont you pool your resources together and create your own means of production instead of stealing it from some successful guy

Yeah, you faggots don't get chased out of town for your dumbshit ecomonic practices/politics, you don't have to alter any infastructure because the core of your theory dictates it's not necessary and should be able to self start anywhere hypothetically, whereas we are hunted to the ends of the earth and sabotaged anytime anything remotely NS is attempted to be established.
You can wear your dumb fucking hammer and sickles anywhere except maybe the most hick bars, VA's, and I dunno some fucking republican party political offices (some, because the fucking conservatives only give a shit about money and would rather sell you your gay fucking tshirts than lift a finger to stop you espousing your bolshevik bullshit) try the same thing with a swastika shirt, it does not into work. Keep reading and quit just regurgitating what your faggot university professor keeps shitting into your ears via their crappy lesson plan and you'll realize how stupid and gay and fake your doctrine is, just hurry up about it because sane people are tired of you faggots existing.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

We don't.
Because we don't care about your idealist property laws. If that guy is so great he'll do just as well without his massive wealth.


Have you read any Marx? It's all about changing modes of production. It can't just start anywhere, you need a developed capitalist infrastructure for communism to work, followed by a revolutionary period where the production is mobilized under the control of the working class. This is all in the Communist Manifesto.

Attached: victimsofcommunism.jpg (1200x900, 267K)

"successful" in capitalism means exploitative

Because animals lack subjectivity, ethics, language, and our intelligence. These point to the fact that you can not have a reciprocal relationship with them as you have with fellow human beings. (Not to mention the fact that you biologically rely on them for sustenance.)


Attached: carnist memes vegan meat vegetarian.jpg (1200x872, 131.56K)