On the mental health problem

What is to be done with regards to mental health problems? I feel like far left politics attract people with a lot of baggage and narcissism who find a way to wreck every space they enter. Far right politics attract turbo-schizos, you can just tell by the kind of people that come here to raid. Everytime I see another schizo-fascist post here I really think these people are beyond saving and should just be thrown into a gulag and hope they find a way to rehabilitate there.
What are your thoughts on

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"Mental illness" is a stupid concept. If we dig hard enough, we'll find that even the seemingly most well adjusted people suffer from various mental issues, but if these mental issues don't interfere with capital accumulation, (they are able to keep a job, don't hurt other people) they are rarely categorized as mentally ill.
We are all fucked. Some people just hide/repress it better.

The funniest is when the far left and far right agree on things.

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"cuck philosophy" made a very good video recently about the Lacanian conception of "Schizophrenia" under capitalism being a cause of unstable ego formations due to the constant mirroring effects of our larger commercial culture… Foucault said that mental illness is primarily a result of alienation under capitalism.

For me, schizophrenics are often genius in their analysis - you ever watch those pizzagate videos? they make amazing connections that any sane person would miss. And such is the universalism and absolutism of the right in the pursuit of hypermeaning in a dissociated landscape that fuels their ideology. Everything is about purity and certainty. Room for hesitation as it concerns political, moral or existential matters leaves room for that doubt; the doubt that they are incorrect, but they invest so much emotion in their worldview that it becomes a diamond echo-chamber, unbreakable. Obviously, this culminates in extreme reaction; fascism, so I have no sympathies for their ideals. They are crazy, but a result of he postmodern condition.

Most of the mental issues of the left are personality disorders, not cognitive disabilities, so I don't worry so much about it.

you are also creating a broad category in your assessment - I believe precision in regards to mental phenomenon are important nonetheless.

This is only half true. I do think most mental health issues are a combination of an otherwise healthy person who just isn't well adjusted to capitalism, and the effects of soul crushing alienation. But there are also cases of very clear imbalances on the level of brain chemistry, like bipolar disorder, or crippling depression caused by abnormally low levels of dopamine and serotonin.

I think both left and right attract mentally ill people, in case of depression like myself left wing more so because there is a sense of comraderie inherent in it (laughs in sectrarian). I try not to bring mental illness into politics and wouldn't have mentioned it outside of this thread, but I know in my own case there is no sense of hope for meaningful work and no reason to do meaningless work just to survive when one is suicidal. While I don't think alienation causes depression I do think it worsens it in those that are predisposed and that ending alienation would help allieviate depression in less severe cases as it would give people meaning, but we could also allow people to move between different types of work without such massive risk of poverty while between jobs, helping people find work that fits them without feeling trapped at the first company you sign up for.

Thanks for reading my blog poofters.

a lot of depression would probably clear up if people had the opportunities to do the type of work they'd enjoy. the job market has artificial scarcity though so people have no choices but to live miserable existences for the sake of profit.

This is basically right, but the study and treatment of mental illness is still relevant to people's reality. We should stress both that mental illness is real and needs to be treated, but we crucially need to oppose a bioessentialist understanding of mental illness as "faulty wiring" or "unbalanced chemicals" instead of being the individual psychic reaction to socioeconomic alienation and exploitation. Mark Fisher has a great quote on this:

There is slready something we can do for our depressed comrades.

"Illness" is a stupid concept. If we dig hard enough, we'll find that even the seemingly most healthy people suffer from various bodily issues, but if these issues don't interfere with capital accumulation, (they are able to keep a job, don't hurt other people) they are rarely categorized as ill.
We are all fucked. Some people just hide/repress it better.

Do you seriously not see the difference between an alien presence in the body (viruses, malfunctioning organs, cancer, etc) and ideological categorization of mental states, which is what 99% of the DSM is?

I just stand behind my more well put together comrades so to speak. Internet groups exist for almost every destructive tendency so I just keep it there.

Do you seriously not see the difference between an alien presence in the brain (viruses, malfunctioning organs, cancer, drugs, etc) and ideological categorization of physical states, which is what 99% of medicine is?

lmao apparently now all illness is an alien presence. fucking read Mao

They're literally making it up, it's an attention ploy. Most people with serious mental illnesses (i.e. not just feeling sad sometimes) are deathly afraid of others finding out because they don't want to have their opinions dismissed out of hand.
Far left politics do benefit the mentally ill though, since getting work under late-capitalism HR hell is extremely more difficult when it hinders your social abilities or makes people think less of you.

Can't make this shit up.


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I think there's something to be said for people being attracted to "fringe" politics (whatever that means) being fucked up in some way, but why wouldn't they be? I only really see it as a problem when groups take advantage or otherwise exploit / manipulate people. The right does this with no fucks given and with tragic consequences, but I think there's a left-wing version of it where people are saying they're going to slice their wrists because of World War III when Trump lobs a few Tomahawk missiles at Syria. If you thought about it rationally for a second, this is foolish, but a lot of communist Twitter or the PSL or whatever tends to ramp up the doomsday clock when something like that happens – and I think that inhibits people's ability to think and act as Marxists instead of the mere "reactive left."


I find that far-right attracts alot of disgruntled neurotic men who're obsessed with "masculinity"; they become like robots reiterating how "women are eternal children who shouldn't have a job", "lack of oppression leads to fun", "liberals are socialists are commies", etc.

Their political ideals come from podcasts and "cult movies", not one lick of sense about science.

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*lack of oppression leads to D-E-G-E-N-E-R-A-C-Y.
Does this site have wordfilter for the "D word" now?

Pic related is the right in a nutshell.

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This wordfilter has been here for like 2 years.

youth in asia


This is probably more true than you know. I remember in a Dr Carl Hart interview, he was being asked about addiction vs habits, and he said according to the DSM a habit only becomes an addiction when it is interfering with your daily responsibilities. So you could be snorting an 8ball of coke a day but if you manage to hold a job or you're retired or a trust fund kid, you dont have a cocaine addiction.

Why some leftists still believe in porky pseudo-science is completely beyond me. I guess most of this board still depend on mommy and daddy to make their most important decisions, based on previous conversations I've engaged in here on this subject.

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That's an interesting way to frame addiction. I kinda want to agree with that but it depends. Wouldn't withdrawals from said drug still be an interference, although not always drastic? Is personal distress not a factor in defining addiction. I hate the idea that anyone who takes one substance will ultimately lead a life of addiction, since most people don't become addicts with habitual use, but can addiction be defined by such strict criteria.

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Funny you should say that…

Spoken like a true Communist. In fact, I think you have sluggish schizophrenia Comrade, please report to the concentration camp.

I honestly just wish there was a form a therapy that didn't train people for complacency. For instance, Solution Focused therapy has to be the greatest offender of this.
They literally call their clients consumers and ignore underlying issues in favor life-coach style approaches. I'm going into psychology, and I currently want to burn the whole field to the ground.

I honestly think right-wingers are closer to being borderline than Schizo.
For instance, borderlines selective choose what information to take in at any given time. Despite the fact you noted mental health issues among leftist, somehow managed to ignore this.

Don't even attempt to imply the right does not think this of their opposition as well. Either way, the right-wing schizo-posters that user is referring to is a very specific type to fascist, hence the term schizo-fascist. We literally have a fascist-poster here who spams every other week about demons, sexual energy, the Age of Aquarius, and Aryan spirit "science" in generally incomprehensible paragraphs.

I sincerely wish there was a form a therapy that didn't train people for complacency. For instance, Solution Focused therapy has to be the greatest offender of this. They literally call their clients consumers and ignore underlying issues in favor life-coach style approaches. I'm going into psychology, and I currently want to burn the whole field to the ground.

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Wait a sec, are you talking about me or that guy who "knew some finns"? I always respond to him with my own schizo shit, so it makes for good political theatre.
I'm as far left as you can get.

Fuck life-coach shit user. I appreciate your efforts as somebody with a legitimate mental disorder and personality disorder.
I went to a ward and got prescribed ssri blockers. Thing is, i want a prescription for anxiety-relieving benzos or psychedelic medicine/ketamine for my depression. Too bad that shit's "fringe" in the mental health community.
Met a guy who talked to me about how antidepressants deactivate portions of the brain which responds to psychedelic drugs, and also stops you from having dreams. It also stops you from feeling meaningful emotions. I just want a prescription for whole shrooms.

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I somewhat agree with you. I think right-wingers tend to be more predisposed to Schizophrenia,, and lefties more predisposed to Autism Level. But, to use psychology to dismiss entire branches of political thought is just a typical leftie cop out.

Just get more sleep.

I sleep 10 hours every night, sometimes 12.

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The "I knew some Finn's" guy who thought the Age of Aquarius marked some apocalyptic end time.

I see, in your case your are suffering from a general deactivation of the central nervous system. Try using stimulants like caffeine or adrafinil instead.


That was a joke, sluggish schizophrenia is a made up diagnosis for suppressing dissidents.

Why does the government get rid of all the good stimulants. No modafinil, no ephedrine, no legal-to-purchase amphetamines. Shit's trash dog

I've been cutting soda out of my diet and drinking tea instead for caffeine. Adrafinil looks promising, although i'm sure it won't solve my issue of perspective.
Anyways i just want to get my hands on a treatment that actually works and psychedelic drugs for nootropic/entheogenic use seems the most promising.
Anyways it's obviously still fring and research is discouraged by a fear of drugs.

I wish I could get a hold of some DMT, but it does not seem too likely. If you manage gain access to some, tell me how you did it. I think Adrafinil would be your best option at the moment, it certainly helped me "wake up" from a period of depression a couple years back. As a last thought, have you considered if you are suffering form sleep apnea? Best of luck to you in improving your mental health.

From what I understand Adrafinil metabolizes to Modafinil in the liver, they are functionally the same. The difference is the government bans one and not the other.

I wake up with a headache alot so sleep apnea is likely.
As for acquiring dmt, i heard that possessing / selling it will get you charged with "conspiracy against the government". Anyways, ayahuasca is basically dmt soup, and it's simple to make. There's also a guide to make purified dmt here; >>>/drugs/6931
(Ayahuasca = straight-to-base)

None of us this surprises me, the Kikes are their lackeys; or as you might call them the capitalist class, want to disempower lower classes by restricting their access to drugs. Especially, the safe, well understood, and effective ones. They keep the good stuff for themselves.

I'm going to need some sauce on that.

Sauce; a junkie i met who's weed dealer allegedly got "disappeared" by the government for selling dmt.

Probably got killed in custody by fascist cops for being a low-life and/or a nig.


Well, with penalties like that I would be better off using some of my bourgeoisie money to take a trip to South America.

Side note: does anyone know if Huber is still alive? He seems interesting.
I'd like to know more about him, as he's one of the few people I've read who actually seemed to care about fixing psychology so people were not mollycoddled into accepting their mental illness as a normal part of life, with questioning capital's role. Was he actually posadist levels of crazy like they make him out to be, or a coherent thinker?
Here's some context

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*without questioning capitalism's role

Well, I did a little research.
This shit is kind of nuts, because there's kernels of truth, but then it's layered in non-sense.



To summarize, they are essentially saying the medical doctors are a class unto themselves that has actually before the bourgeoisie and has some influence over them. This creates a state of "iatro-capitalism" .
Also apparently health doesn't exist or something? idk

Also, ignore shitposting flag btw

that sounds like horseshoe theory to me. hmm no… that's DEFIANTLY HORSESHOE theory actually.

Careful goy, he's a 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧radical centrist🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧.

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sounds pretty in line with your ideological forebears

I take that as a complement.

i bet the one black guy there makes sargon and co. think they are cool as fuck

But what we do hate Israel.

Fascists don't hate Israel. They hate that they aren't Israel.

They can all eat dicks.

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