Donbass People's Republics

What do you think of the 'People's Republics' in Ukraine? Are they any good? And what about the foreigners who volunteer to fight for them: are they just delusional or are they actually doing good?

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Other urls found in this thread:Заря_(батальон)'s_Republic

Ukraine supports fascists.

I dunno but I read an article about the international "tankie brigade" that's fighting over there. They sounded like if Zig Forums formed a militia, like flying Anti-Imperialist Action flags and lots of conversations about why Stalin got a bad rap while rolling around on the tops of APCs. Came across like a goof troop but they also hate Nazbols and they're fighting actual fascists so

I've watched some videos from there and the guys running the show seem like chain-smoking gangsters. But there's also a lot of Soviet nostalgia in the population and it's a heavy industrial working-class area that doesn't want to get turbo-fucked by Ukrainian oligarchs. The situation in the rest of Ukraine seems totally dire.

Kek, I made this thread because I read that article. Although obviously the writer is too far removed ideologically to give a completely fair picture of them.

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It is undeniable that they are antifascists and anti imperialists. They are heroes.

They seem pretty based tbh

lmao yeah at this rate they're going to start writing "read leftypol" on artillery shells.

Probs gonna get banned for this but fuck it.

Any potential the Donbass "revolution" had to achieve anything is long dead, all that is left is Russian puppets and Velikaya Rus' chauvinism. While the revolt itself was fueled by legitimate concerns about Ukrainian chauvinistic nationalism, now it is just a relic continuing fighting for the sake of it. Those praising the "BASED STALIN WORSHIP" have to realise that reverence from Stalin is not from any communist nostalgia, but chauvinistic russian nationalism: the kind that says Lenin was an evil jew and Tsar Nicky did nothing wrong. If you don't believe me, Regardless, most of the Donbass leaders are dead now, killed in convenience assassinations and replaced by pro-Kremlin commanders (if Kiev or Moscow killed Givi and Motorola it doesn't matter, for both of them it is a boost for their side). And the Donbass Republics are only really keeping afloat due to Russian aid shipped in from the east, which actual Russians are getting kinda salty over since people in Donbass get better benefits than those in say Rostov-na-Donu. Also doesn't help that the entire economy of the Azov coast was based on Ukrainian-Russian aerospace projects, especially the Russian space programme.

And as for foreign volunteers, well you'd find yourself in good company with: Bulgarian fascists, Hungarian Turanists, literal fucking Chetnici, Chechen mercs, Paramilitary Cossacks (that moonlight as Putin's personal Okhrana back home), and Nutjob Eastern Orthodox Jihadis. Obviously comrades in the revolution tbh.

Eh, guess i'll take the chechen mercs, whatever the fuck that is.

Veterans of the Chechen wars who didn't become jihadis.

Fucking great guys

Depends on the groups

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It's 2019 and you have kids in a militia who will laugh at you if you don't like Stalin. Unironically based.

Fucking horseshit, have you actually watched any material THEY make? they outright state that they're sick of Russia's unreliability and lack of actual support. if you're going to point out people like fucking Strelkov, you can just go to fucking Zig Forums, anyone who does their research knows that people like Strelkov have no influence and the vast majority of those people were either removed or left after a few months of war.
So you say… except that one of the biggest and most famed groups in Donbass was a Christian Communist brigade, the majority of whom were made up of people born and/or raised in the USSR, such as an Pushtun (afghanistan) man, who was raised in a soviet orphanage after the mujahedeen killed his parents and who outright stated that he wanted to repay the USSR and its people for what they did for him and afghanistan by removing the fascist scum in Ukraine.

You're just spouting cherry-picked nonsense ignoring people like french and spanish volunteers who cite the soviet union and its fight against fascism in Spain and during WW-2 as part of their motivation, or for the former East German man who, despite being a successful business man, dropped everything to fight and help Donbass. Or the sniper from Holland. These examples can go on and on.
Hardly, they're the more industrialized part of Ukraine, and they've been TRADING with what they have with Belorus and Russia. The majority of Aid from Russia is voluntary materials provided by Russians, not the government who are, at best, sending food.

For your Babushka carrying a portrait or a 50-year old Afghan vet it has nothing to do with the USSR and more to do with daddy Stalin making Rossiya stronk.

I'm going to shoot the potential "muh red brown alliance" point down right now, k.
Look at how the Yellow Vests are seizing the means rn

Mate now that Motorola, Zakharchenko, and Givi and dead the entire Donbass governments are more hollow than a Kinder Egg. Most of the popular leaders from the start of the rebellion are dead, and the whole thing is running on fumes.
Is that so father, please show me a good figure of their size, their name, their exploits: I can read Russian so I would love to hear of this because I haven't heard a fucking thing of such a group ever existing.
Considering I'm am talking about thousands of nutjob Cossacks and you are bringing up individual rando examples, I'm not the one cherry picking here lad…
Lamo, "at best the Donbass has to rely on food from Russia", did you actually read that? Also a country that needs to rely on about ~20k tonnes of humanitarian aid a year is not doing well mate: especially for the place's small population.
But don't let facts get in the way of your feelings.

Yellow vets don't have anti-communist slavic fascist organisations fighting with them.

Support for the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk against the Ukrainian fascist

They beat Action Francaise members in the streets after a bit.

I used to follow the situation there closely, a few people I was acquainted with were there for a while. I'd say it has plenty of revolutionary potential.
Those who are serious about fighting are stilll there today. Probably one of the most famous is an American named Russel "Texas" Bentley, he's retired from the front lines but still actively works to support and help out.

Here's an interview of his:

Here's his youtube channel:

A useful channel on the war:

Yeah but most GJs are socialist of one tendency or another and they are heavily against the more rightwing and racist elements around them. Iirc there's a video of leftist GJs beating up other GJs holding racist signs.

I am French so I know my subject well in the yellow vest you have everything from nationalists to royalists but also antifa and communists like me but the movement so much more and more towards left-wing claims

it should be known that the proletariat in France is mainly of the economic/anti-liberal left (the past of social movements and the long socialist past in France to play for many)

I was speaking more towards the idea of just waiting for a Socialist movement to develop then disposing of retards after they stop bringing manpower .

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Russia is times more fascist by Eco's criteria. Ukraine just has some SS LARPers.

t. Russian

That's good

Unit #404 for 1 example, the other group is the same one to which the afghani volunteer Abdul belongs to, I don't remember the name.
Whoopee fucking do, so can I.
exactly yet you speak like you're the authority on it.
IN Donbass? You tell me to provide the name size and exploits of 1 group yet make a nebulous claim like that yourself. Amusing really. judging by how you're wording this it seems like you read the english wiki article on the Donbass war and decided to run your mouth since most of what you're saying is literally reworded phrasing from there.
Well yeah, having a war and being essentially pinned between a capitalist manipulator of the Russia federation and the fascist Ukrainian Junta makes it problematic. You're still ignoring the fact that they literally export coal to help BUY more.
The pot calling the kettle black comes to mind

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LARPers who actively fight as a part of the military and who have connections directly to several major political figures in Kiev including Poroshenko

Also a group of mostly communistsЗаря_(батальон)
Hardly, there still remain a few leaders and few if any are directly tied to the Russian government

No doubt but there are replies above that listed the shitfest that fights on the other side.

Even if there are "communists", it's the regular kind of Russian "communists", i.e. imperialistic Stalin-loving scum who dreams of fighting "the fascists" (oh, the irony) and gives zero fucks about class struggle or equality.

Anyway, just listen to this guy and stop consuming whatever Putin-backed shit you've read to think that DNR and LNR have anything communist to them beyond "muh mighty USSR times" circlejerk.

I could understand the confusion in 2014 when nobody had antibodies against Russian propaganda "Ukrainian nazis are going to start a genocide on Donbass and in Crimea" but holy fuck it's 2019 now.

By the way, Ukrainian nationalistic candidates barely got 3% together during the previous elections. Ukraine has no more nazis than any other country but since its army was a piece of shit in 2014, they used nazis as mercenaries. Not the wisest move but again, stop consuming and spreading Putin's (and Surkov's) propaganda.

t. the same Russian

so there's literally no hope for Ukraine?

we BMW ///M now

I've stayed there for a while and they are doing better than Russians in terms of not being obsessed with the past greatness but the abysmal corruption ruins everything.

In the ex-USSR states Leftism and especially communism are mostly associated with grandmas voting for higher pensions, so I see no revival in the near future. Even if there's one, I'm afraid it will be another imperialistic circlejerk instead of you know, actual labor-focused movement (of course the workers are treated like shit in non-EU ex-USSR).

A European group of Fascists went and checked their elections as legit. Make of that what you will.

The Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic had a lot of seats in the DPR Soviet at first, but in 2016, the leaders were expelled and the party lost all political power.'s_Republic

The oligarchic economic system in Donbass has remained largely the same, aside from a few token nationalizations. Anyone advocating radical changes to the economic superstructure is expelled/purged (Communists) or assassinated (every anti-capitalist DPR commander was killed by "his own" security services).

Sucks because there was serious potential here. Communist nostalgia is widespread in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine. A successful socialist post-Soviet state could have incited a red tide throughout the region. It makes sense why Russia, Ukraine and local capitalists conspired to crush the revolutionary potential.

Leftist DPR commanders (Batman, Mozgovoy, etc) should have been more aggressive and try to stage a coup. They were too meek and were destroyed - at least we can learn from their mistakes.

French commune 2.0?


lmao is that in Munich in the Kaufingerstraße? I can't even imagine the salt of all the yuppies there.

I'm sorry, but what the fuck - nobody says that there isn't a struggle in Donbass over what type of state should be carved out. It could very well and up as a fascist entity, some center-right Putin asset OR a rather progressive front with communists and other progressives being the dominant force. Should communists just surrender the fight in favour of the fascists, who will then appropriate it? This isn't how national liberation works. I'm sure 60 years ago you'd consider the Viet Minh in the Indochina War "fascists" and ridicule the communists fighting alongside them.
The Slavs aren't subhumans who are constantly drinking and abduct people on the street to record snuff videos. A Slavic reactionary isn't scarier or crazier than a French or an English reactionary. You give French fascists trying to subvert the Yellow Vests a pass but you scoff at reactionary elements in Donbass because they are Slavs.

Putin is center-right, I think a few Russian nutjobs who make Stalin icons and celebrate tsar Nicky are less scary than a bunch of NATO-backed and Israeli supplied SS brigades.


Is there any chance Russia would let a genuinely leftist state, or even a state with genuinely leftist elements, exist on its borders in the long term?

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Isn't Putin a closet communist?


He is closer to becoming the new Tsar than a close socialist.

I would've pointed to WWII-era Yugoslavia under Nazi occupation for another example.

Considering that some of the anti-Nazi resistance groups were basically just motivated out of racial hatred for Croats and so on.


i was completely neutral about ukraine since i don't know shit about the conflict and all i saw was dumb american news takes saying "this is russian encroachment of a soverign nation"
until i watched this:

you don't kill civilian people and be openly right wing fascists under the support of western imperialist powers and not deserve to be hated by real leftists. fuck ukraine.

you're making donbass sound better and better user

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i mean action française is working with them and the party contained quite a few vichy collaborators, georges sorel also worked with action française and he's sorta relevant in fascist theory and political ideology considering he helped create the damn thing

Don't smear Sorel. He was our guy. The right has always cannibalized left wing theory for anything they can use for their ends.

See that part west of Odessa?
Is Ukraine doing anything to these Communists?

Should I even point out that in WW-2 Soviet Muslims waged Jihad against the Nazis?

No I mean as-in Orthodox Christians that are basically Jihadis.

i'm not bashing sorel by any means if anything early fascism was pretty good, people like valios, sorel, and most of the french and italian national syndicalists were pretty good and despite claiming to be third positonists were more like left wing nationalists

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So what does the election of Volodymir Zelensky mean for the Donbass? Does it make peace more likely?

Transnistria is supported by Russia so Ukraine can't do anything about it. Also it's not Communist.

Yes, it makes Donbass being peacefully integrated with ASSR-esque autonomy vastly more likely. The only issue is if there was a backlash in Russia for signing such a deal, which is possible but at the same time the Russian government spends a lot on aid to Donbass which causes a degree of resentment. As mentioned, it also helps Zelensky is from the Russian-element of the Ukrainian population: which gives him a degree of cred.

There's this guy who has a youtube channel called Popular Front and he went to Ukraine trying to make some field journalism, and well he said that Ukraine isn't exactly fash but it has a lot of them working and fighting for the goverment, also he said that Donbass is a ☭TANKIE☭ shithole

Every anarchist from America is a worthless piece of shit

Donbass is as full of fash as Ukraine.

[Citation Needed]

Of course it's not communist, I'm just thinking in terms of Ukrainian right wingers.
That said, isn't donbass supported by Russian long range artillery at least?

I sympathize with this statement in popular fronts case. He even supported the 2012 coup in Venezuela for some odd reason.

Everyone hates you Bordiga.

It's dominated by Russia, that's my point. Can a tiny leftist state survive on the doorstep of a great bourgeois power?

Lenin did nothing wrong regarding kronstadt and mahkno tbh

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I want to know if his claims that fsb kidnaps people disobeying the 10 pm cerfew and the large prostitution ring that comes out at night in donbass are true or not though.

Putin signs decree making it easier for eastern Ukraine residents to obtain Russian passports

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Interesting while this was not unexpected it was thought Putin would give blanket citizenship rather than just make it easier.

As opposed to what, a NATO-backed fascist shithole?

fucking based

What is the significance of the presidential election to this move? Is Putin doing this because he thinks the new president will be more accommodating, or because he wants to pick a fight?

Here's finnbol's interview with a Donbass guy:

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The new president gave an interview about a week ago to some talk show w here he said that he wont recognize their autonomy he wont amnesty the prisoners and that Putin is his enemy. The Ukranian Parliament this week passed a law banning the Russian language in everything except private speech which Poroshenko signed into law so in response Putin pretty much annexed those territories just now.

The new president is a clown and likely didnt realize what he was saying. Poroshenko is still in power and could be for weeks or months depending on what happens the parliament is still loyal to Poroshenko and are also passing a law that will significantly limit the new presidents power. Putin sabotaged Zelensky's whole thing all of Ukranian pro war media will expect maximum hostility from him now or else he will be seen as weak and ineffective so the whole reason for his election of stopping war has been sabotaged

Well considering the rumours was that Putin would flat-out give citizenship to Donbass citizens: I imagine that Zelensky's election moderated his move, while he still have to made it in-order to gain some leverage.
A big part of the Donbass scene is that since about 2017, the regional elites are out of power so Russia is de-facto in control. Now this user is right that the Rada will try to pass some reactionary shit, and Zelensky is posturing. I severely doubt this is a reaction to anything Zelensky said or the Rada did purely because such a move was a known quantity. Atm both Ukraine and Russia are gonna get pissy with eachother before they go to the talks. Go-in with puffed-up chests to swing their dicks around. Behind the scenes, I imagine connections are already being made.

Putin is what Putin is. We dont know what he is yet because that will be decided by history and how it turns out. We know he is KGB and the entie ruling apparatus is former KGB. In ten years the world may change and China will be the superpower and Putin will not be in power in Russia but the Russian communist party the second most biggest and in reality most popular party in Russia btw which that so called right wing government didnt shut down at all it's usually the first things the right wing does when it takes power and that party will follow the Chinese model of politics and economic development and the post Soviet 40 or so years will be seen as a sort of colonial occupation of Russia by the imperialists which Putin fought off or something like that

I am so confused about the Donbass Republic topic here in leftypol.
1)Why is it any more relevant than pretty much any other revolutionary conflict currently happening, like Yemin or the Naxalites in India or the communists in Filipines.

2)Why you people throw so much crap in Rojav4 while showering this with praise. Yeah, they have private property, so did Stalin's early USSR, are you guys left opposition all of the sudden? Donbass not only has private property, arguably more than the one big US military base in Syria, but building a socialist nation is not even the stated goal!

3)Most of the battalions seem to be part of reactionary and or nationalist movements. I agree with what some posters said that breaking these groups and unifying them in a cohesive socialist movement is a possibility, but again, so does any revolutionary movement, so again, why this of all conflicts?

I mean, I'd appreciate some info on it. Don't tease us like that you little skank.


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It's not a revolutionary movement ( neither are the Kurds btw) it's a Russian backed separatist state it's more like the IRA/FLQ/Kurds their ideology is not wanting to be part of Ukraine.

It's not as transparently evil as the Kurds. They seceded with legitimate complaints and got attacked by Ukraine and Russia intervenes on their side. The Assad government was in a state of war with foreign backed Islamists and the Kurds seceded from the state and immediately Murica who is not like a well meaning party to the conflict moved in with military bases and troops and set up shop on their controlled territory

Ya s Donbassa. Ukraine was invaded by hordes of pindoses and that is just because WE decided and told so. Now we are in a state of absolute freedom: we can do almost whatever we want. Whole world just sucks a huge dick while we are getting more lend wherever possible.
TOTAL IMPUNITY = spit in any dumb capitalistic pindos face. Punin never hides what he does, he BRAGS about it insted. The same thing is with Crimea. Crimean tatars was called in USSR "churka" they are stupid and noth worth any pity, they also want som spupid world emirate which is pathetic. Long life to Novorosia!

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Because the US Government supported Ukrainian Nazis even publicly taking pictures with them and supporting Reactionaries is okay when it's Fascists.