Angry Proles see the problem, yet fear the solution. What Do?

I'm writing this from the ruins of the European Social Democratic Dream. I'm in a bar in the ourskirts of Helsinki, talking to other proles.

The whole evening has been dominated by a heated discussion about the global warming, and how the current right wing government has been too weak on the issue while gutting the rights and protections of the working people. I say heated, because people are angry. But in truth, everyone is agreement, especially on four key things: 1)
environmental catastrophe is an imminent threat to us all. 2) Nothing close to sufficient is being done. 3) Right wing policy is destroying both the livelyhood and hope of working class and 4) Populist right wingers, who are again on the rise, will only bring us more uncertainty and false "solutions" like we have seen in Hungary and America. Everyone is in agreement that shit's fucked up, we're standing on the brink and the working man is once again getting screwed. The popular anger is so thick in the air, you could cut it with a knife. The ground is fertile for agitation.

However. These people are still scared. I go out and smoke a cigarette with an old granny, whose been even more radical than me in her statements. We have a laugh, and are in full agreement about how Orban, Bolsonaro and Trump have fucked shit up, and how both the environment and the working people need new champions. She alludes to Macron, and I say he's no better than Orban. We both kek. We're walking inside, as she suddenly stops and asks me "well what alternative do we have?". I take a short breath, look her in the eye and say "revolution". She looks genuinely happy and energized and asks me "I'm with you, but what then?" Without skipping a beat I say "Socialism. Nothing else is enough at this point." Her smile disappears, she looks disappointed. "Son, it's already been tried," she says and goes back to her table.

There's a man well versed in climate science in the bar. We dominate the conversation for the rest of the evening, and are in perfect agreement on what should be done. However, as he says it's never gonna happen, I say it could if we just had a system where we could plan our economy and production rationally. He nods, returns to his card game, and the conversation dies down.

WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE TO DO? They are ready, they know the problem, but still they're afraid of the solution.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry for accidental double post. Mods, please delete the other one.

They pretend they have something to lose. In truth, we know that there is nothing to lose but our chains.

Just gather your bros and storm the parliament when all the leaders are inside, easy more or less. If the revolution is Blanquist for a while, well alright, but what else are you able to do?

This is literally "it's easier to imagine the end of the world than an end to capitalism"

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Who says one can't precede the other?

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Can you elaborate on the Finnish political situation? Not very familiar with it tbh

You are a faggot leftist traitor to Finland. Simo would have split your dome with a 7.62x54R round from 1000 years. I can't wait to decapitate leftists once The Civil War 2.0 begins. I will sacrifice faggot leftists to God in his name as I place their faggot heads on pikes.(Get a load of this guy, eh. )

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Hell yeah dude keep posting please this shits great

Quite frankly, I think the principal problem in this country is the wars we had with USSR and Russia before it. Still, I smell a very distinct air of radicalisation. Just the other night, in this same bar, a well respected patron proclaimed that in the coming election (next Sunday is the election day) they'll vote for the Left Alliance party, who are the "radical" SucDem alternative to the establishment SucDem party in Finland. He got a lot of support for his position, which was shocking to me because this is one of the blocks in the capital where the right populists enjoy strong legitimacy. Again I got the feeling that people are really ready to get radical, but feel they have no outlet for their anger.

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White Guard

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WHAT THE FUCK. So Stalin was right after all to kill the faggots. Suddenly I want all LGBTxyzhiv+ and people who watch porn lined up and shot jew style. No mercy for fucking degenerates.

All discord is full of cringey people like that. And that pic is a strawman anyway, there isn't even an official leftypol discord.

We've basically suffered through a Macron-lite ruling government, which was made up of a Right, a Center-Right and a Populist Right parties. They enjoyed a strong democratic mandate, but their blatant lies, gutting of the welfare state and introduction of downright humiliating systems in its stead (like requiring "long-term" unemployed people to commit free labour as a means of mental self-improvement) has left even many of their staunch supporters disgusted. Finnish national identity has a strong element of unity that has been built through the common ownership of institutions like the education system (that's been gutted), the medicare (which the rightists are trying to privatize) and taking care of each other through humane social wellfair system (which the government has systematically tried to destroy).

In addition, there's a strong class element to the Finnish social democracy that's still remembered. In 1918, there was a civil war that started with an attempt at a Communist revolution by the working class. The revolution was crushed, and there was a genocide that wiped out not only revolutionaries, but many Union men and Leftists who never took up arms. This created a tension that was never truly resolved, but ensured the bourgeoisie always eventually gave in to SucDem reform. And while the working class has certainly been placated by these reforms, they have not forgetten their origin.

But as I said, this is all made more complicated by our history with the USSR. Even as you might meet a Finn who doesn't disagree with a single policy of Lenin or Stalin, the chances are they'll hate their name since the porky has painted the USSR as the ultimate enemy of Finnish freedom.

Stall the Stalin with superior tactics and watch how "brave" Soviets make very nice treaties. Always kill leftists with a smile, like our friend Simo here.

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Everything that's great about Finland today is thanks to Leftists, and this fact isn't even contested by the average Finn. It's creeps like you Simo would snipe out of existance. If he lived today to see what the bourgeoisie have done to his country, he would probably do it as repentance for all those based Commies he killed.

Can you recommend some text on the Finish history? This post got me interested. Particularly the civil war of 1918.

I am no bourgeoisie and I know that Simo would be sickened with the destruction of Europa, Finland, their culture, being hoodwinked by kikes, and Zig Forums freaks supporting Rothschild's Globalism by being tools of Soros. You are the moron footsoldier for the richest and most evil families in the world. Fool.

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The Finnish government was anti-Soviet and would not have been against allowing its territory to be used by the Nazis to menace Leningrad. The USSR opened negotiations with Finland to obtain temporary leases so as to secure Leningrad. The Finnish negotiators thought the Soviets proposed a fair agreement, but the government refused. The Soviets tried again, offering more favorable terms to the Finns, but once more the government refused.

As Molotov explained after the Winter War ended:

Considering that later on the Finnish government did in fact ally with the Nazis not merely to undo the peace treaty, but to create a "Greater Finland" by invading Soviet territory, I'd say the concerns of the Soviet leadership were amply confirmed in practice.

For more info on Finnish-Soviet relations see chapters V and VI of the following:

Are you fucking retarded?

pretty sure smug women were beaten back in the day so i don't see how that's pure at all

Fascist ideology is pure contradiction, they glue it all together with jews playing 12d chess.

Anime is literally a fascist invention to further brainwash the world into being retarded obedient slaves to capital. The fuck. I want a genocide for degenerates NOW. And a mass anime book/DVD burning in every square of the world.

This isn't the first time I've seen this, I just hate it when so-called trannie/fag/dyke "commies" promote their idpol shit instead of just killing themselves and doing everyone a favor. Absolutely NO one wants them.

Thanks Finland, very cool treaty!

What does the "soros tool" part even mean? Does he insinuate that we are all personally paid for having opinions and an internet connection?

The bait was effective.
Report and move on folks.

Something about communism wanting a one world government and then the jews come in and take it over and rule us all.

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Antifa is funded by Soros and is a very good example of COINTELPRO. Leftists have always been the worthless footsoldiers of rich oligarchs from The Tsars to The wealthy bolshevik jews that now run Russia and are fucking Europe up badly. Keyword: RICH CAPITALIST GLOBALISTS. You're fucking clowns in a clownworld that further the agenda of the ultra wealthy; like idiot dogs that eat scraps and bite common people.

The USSR is fucking dead ☭TANKIE☭ idiot. Russia is nothing more than Israel's puppet, just like America.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

damn, took you guys nothing to appropiate that meme uh

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So if its cointelpro how does that represent us?

The end goal is the disappearance of state. Notice how Bakunin says "the communism of MARX". Do you not know that Bakunin himself was a communist?

shit bait

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Sauce? :^)

Question. Do you Zig Forumsyps actually believe that leftism is some Jewish plot?



Spartacus was a jewish agent sent to destroy the proud Roman.

Unfortunately there are no good English works on Finnish history, especially the Civil War, that I know of. The Winter War between Finland and the USSR is studied as a sort of modern battle of Thermopylae in military strategy, but that's about the only aspect of Finnish history of which quality literature is accessible in English to my knowledge.

The Civil War is additionally still very touchy issue in Finnish history, though practically all serious work on the field continues to prove the Leftist case right. To give you a short(ish) explanation: We had a very similar situation to Russia in 1918. We had a growing, radical urban working class, but most of the country was still agrarian, and most of the peasantry was landless. However, because of our history, we also had a growing nationalist-romantic movement that was at the height of its power. As the workers and the landless peasants rose up encouraged by the Bolshevik revolution, the nationalist movement (lead by a former general of the Tsarist army who hardly spoke a word of Finnish) was ready. The peasants were too untrained, and the urban workers were too few in number. In addition, while the rumors of Russian troops helping the Reds were mostly lies, the whites (nationalists) were significantly aided by well trained and battle-hardened German troops. The revolution was beaten back, after which thousands of red fighters were murdered without trial, thousands more were starved to death in concentration camps and yet more who never picked up a gun but who could be classed as "Commies" were executed arbitrarily. It was a genocide we still haven't reckoned with, and it has made many workers very, very wary of right-wingers to this day.

But. We might have not had the most successful revolution, but we sure had the most bad ass looking revolutionaries. Pic related.

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/leftyfuckboi/ only think in simple lateral dimension with linear logic. leading to perfect disposable revolutionaries not unlike WWII/Vietnam era profiles that are unironically most useful to the wealthy elites– "Kill The Millionares and Middle-Class for The Billionares and Old Family Networks." This is the essence of the leftist. A dog that deserves to be beaten and kicked until it is mean, then unleashed to attack who the master wills.

Leftism is a plot by the rich to use losers and trick them into killing the middle-class.

The USSR is dead little bitch. Can you deny this fact?

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Check the /his/ mega in the book thread sticky

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If by the middle class you mean petite bourg niggers, then yeah if they don't step back

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Sooo, no sauce? :^(
Nazi logic: It feels true, so it probably is and I'll present it as fact.

You are attacking ghosts.
You think that the Left is a single "monolith" and to make it worse, you are so ideologically blinded that you actually believe, despite so much of the "linear logic" prevalent within leftist circles demanding the deaths and destruction of the ruling ("billionaire") class, that we are "tools" of the billionaires.
Now, stop attacking the "left" as though it is a single unified force and open a wikipedia page.

I don't see ANY of you fucking with anyone but "petite bourg types" like Tucker Carlson or RINO-sens/reps who might have 7 figures, but are definitely not wealthy by inflation and by power-definition. I fucking dare any of you guys to go fuck with Soros at his house in New York or try and raid any of those Rothschild's Mansions. You'll beat on 5-6-7 figure bait, but not the really big guys and that's why everyone know's you're nothing but fucking cheesy idealogue merc dogs.

Good. The Revolution is important to Partisans just like it is to dogs. Even someone I once knew who became a leftist dog…I would kill. That's the only way to do it.

ANTIFA is a coopted ALPHABET type org. I can't remember if it was created that way originally or if it has been usurped. In any case, they know what they are.

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In any case, you have no source whatsoever. You rely entirely on your feels.

You can't just say "socialism", you have to say "socialism, but not as you or your grandpa knew it". If you can convey that modern IT means no more awful Soviet bureaucracy or social democracy that's going to erode then you're probably on the right track.

i didn't understand a single word of this

Again, who are you attacking? Are you attacking ME or are you attacking a group you THINK I'm part of? And even then, are you attacking the group or the ideology, since rhetoric rarely matches reality?
And the absolute BARE minimum of "us" opposing the super-rich
Not only that, it is virtually impossible to attack the richest of the world since they are by definition "international" and "rootless".

Finland should have just joined the USSR as a soviet.

Daily reminder: The revolution will not be televised.

forgive me master…

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Finland lost some territory yes. USSR lost completely. Now RUSFED is a puppet state of Israelis. We cool bruh?

Finland seems to have had the foresight to not get wrapped up in jew bolshevism and horrible times that befell Russia and still plague her today.

You are used by the rootless clique by definition if you buy into any Marxist or Leftist ideology/think. I will gladly take up my rifle during The Revolution and kill as many /leftypolspergs/ as I can while making sure CIANIGGERS die too. "…slightly left-of-center…, far-left, CIVNATS, Alt-Right, etc. One can only vote with one's rifle once things break down, user. Make sure you do the same.

I can tell from the picture that his sword was only folded 100 times, not 1000.

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I mean you're definitely memeing but just in case I am personally not being paid by a rootless clique and if I was, I would not want them dead.

This is what happens when you think literally everything is controlled by the je- uh, capitalists.

I feel you, OP. I'm a Finn as well and have noticed people getting angrier. Even before the upcoming election which always makes people more politically active. You should just talk about socialism, and what it really means. No vague stuff like government control and workers owning the means of production.

I am not maymaying in the most hilarious way. You dirtbags certainly aren't who I thought you were. I thought you wanted the ultimate destruction of a society that is anti-human, extremely racist towards native peoples across Europe and blames them for Imperialism when it was The East India Company and all of it's own incarnations?! You are simply a part of the anti-European clique that wants to see all people Kalergified or murdered if they resist. You are the perfect example for my hatred. A Marxist scumbag who must be torn asunder.

Damn, now that you told me what I believe in I really do believe in the absolute destruction of Europe and only the European middle class at that.

By the way, a communist world "government" would solve the question of ending the billionaires.

Every time

Carlson is full on bourgeois, not petty anything. He is literally the heir to the Swanson Food Fortune. You people are such absolute retards, why don't you do some basic research before coming here and spouting your bs.

Thanks toveri. I just feel like many people want what socialism actually means, and they get excited when you talk in these terms. They just close up when you mention the term "Socialism". If I may be so bold, is there a party you'd recommend joining? SKP has sexier aesthetics and more general appeal, while KTP is currently irrelevant but packs all the turboautistic "Not One Crine" Stalinism this country truly needs.

Communism and Marxism are now used by billionares to keep you down. I can solve the question of "who is a subversive deeply triggering and problematic marxist faggot?" during The Revolution that we both want, by murdering all marxist scum. All leftists must be sacrificed to their God Moloech. Baphomet is also a good spirit to sacrifice leftists to.

Partisan or Hyper-Nationalist if you want a label. As for Carlson, he's wealth…but not elite money right? Kill the Booj not your masters. You've proved my point redditcuck. Filthy dog that is kicked and beaten until it is vicious; unleashed against the common man. You will end up trying to hurt middle-class or working-class Whites more than anyone rich like the moron you are.

Whatever you say, man.

Vigilance towards an incorrigible enemy is often seen as uncouth, yet absolutely necessary. Kill all marxists for the good of humanity.

And do it all at the bidding of billionaires.

you know what man, life fucking sucks because people have been eating up pro capitalist / anti socialist bullshit for literal decades. What I would do is ease them into it by explain what the fuck socialism actually is and then naming it later on after they agree with the description.

Taking exactly what I said earlier and saying NOU isn't even good pilpul. In any case, leftists and marxists need to be killed during the revolution even if they were your own mother. That's the only way to go about life, again…you faggot.

I support accelerationism just like you. I want to see you all dead in the first 6 months to a year, while I bide my time and start sniping non-whites who have persecuted me my whole life and the marx/left faggots who enable them. You will always be my eternal enemy and I am glad for this.

don't be such a retard, what else are you going to replace capitalism with? capitalism that's more shit ?

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You just want to replace the current system with a more shit version. There's a reason why most people find your kind retarded.

You are so unbelievably cucked. You pine for more of the same system that is responsible for the current mess we're in. Your blind acceptance of ideology makes it impossible for you to realize that all of the nationalist movements accomplished the opposite of their goals and destroyed their societies, both culturally and economically. Meanwhile, the communist movements led to increased life expectancies, higher culture, and greater development of their economies.


I want to completely destroy currency by definition, little jew. That would mean all financial structures on earth are completely dismantled.

If a country is marxist then I desire to destroy it completely. If a country is deeply triggering and problematic then I wish for it to be devastated and in ruins so that the whites kill everyone, move, or form something greater as a separatist state. You completely misunderstand what is most important. Partizanship was never about compromise or the parlaying with an foreign, non-white, and subversive enemy structure.

Yoi seem to have an odd fixation with sniping people from the shadows, instead of fighting them face to face without your guns. One true viking you are.

This. What always cracks me up about white nationalists is that the very people they've been thought to see as their enemy are in fact more successful at attaining what the Nazis most want - unity, stability, security and continuity. Commies just don't take shit like homogenic culture as their main goal - it's simply the natural result of socialism. A more pathetic breed of cucks than the white nationalists has truly never existed.

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What would you do if you were surrounded by animals? Reason without contempt? Surely they will take me seriously! No, you simply kill the fucking animal scum in anyway possible. Honor is something only to be had among Whites, but laughably that was only for faerietales and perhaps a few very old tribes. I don't get the "viking" dig though. That I am not. Nordics have their own twisted logic that I will not follow. I'd rather just snipe you and disappear ad nauseam.

Why assume that all nationalistic thought from a White Man is White Nationalism? Partizans and those Anprim types are created for defensive purposes to a poisoned society. Honestly, I would rather have Neo-Monarchism or a PMC Hyper-Militaristic state run by only Whites.

Also Che was a CIA-asset, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? That doesn't destroy currency, you still have money after that. Eliminating banks doesn't do anything to change this. And lol at "jews", as if you think there aren't any white bourgeoisie (or bourgeoisie of any other race) who aren't involved in finance. Financialization is a natural consequence of a capitalist system. Your inability to analyze the problem further leads to you to propose surface-level solutions.

You don't create anything. Far-rightists have never created anything. The only deeds of note of far-righters has been killing people. What about developing infrastructure? Improving life expectancy? Launching space programs? Promoting the arts? All these things happened under communist countries. Barely any of this stuff happened under fascist countries. Maybe the Autobahn is the only deed worthy of note by the Nazis that wasn't mass-killings.

It's extremely interesting how right-wingers like you can only talk about killing people. Here on this board we have all sorts of threads dedicated to figuring out how our ideas could improve the lives of people, and the challenges we'd face. We have threads on how the Internet and big data could be used to efficiently plan much of the economy (cybernetics), how to move beyond the consumerist culture of today and promote the arts in ways that are accessible to everyone, how to promote the welfare of people and families with things like maternity leave and job training, debates over freedoms like the freedom of speech and freedom to be armed and to what extent they play a role in a new society, and concepts like sortition and electronic democracy that could be used to overcome issues like term limits and lack of representation in government, and so much more. These are all things you can find on Zig Forums.

When I go to Zig Forums or any other right-wing area, almost all of what I see is talk about how much you're going to kill everyone. You guys spend about 95% of your time talking about killing people and how bad the state of the world is, and 5% of your time talking about additive actions to bring about a better society. You guys have no vision for the future, so why should I be surprised that fascists have never produced anything close to the civilizations communists have produced?

I see, I guess the people I've been around are more open to socialism since most of them have shown interest. Older folk may call it utopistic, but in my experience most people have no idea what socialism is, like they can't even explain it. I'm not a part of any organisation myself, but I read KTP's website regularly. They're pretty "autistic", but they seem more focused on teaching people who are interested in socialism. SKP rarely writes articles that interest me. I'm sorry but no, there's no party I could recommend joining, but if I would it would be KTP. I don't think the popularity of the party matters here, both are irrelevant in mainstream politics today.

Civnat-Feminists are the worst of the fucking lot there laddo. Jeaezus De Christo Alemane, all of your garbage means fucking nothing. Ain't no commieboyo braska faggot fuck ain't never done a thing besides run up in a tank or trench it up in an actual frozen ditch or in clandestine ops to subvert his mother/host Nation. Women fucking suck at everything brain-related and the cunts who ruined the world with frankfurt and french revolution are responsible for it. I will continue to murder their reincarnations in this lifetime and the next. Besides fagboi, The Shadow Elites already have everything they need to survive some rather vicious destructive World Events, unlike yourself. They only care about their families, so I must do the same in tandem with trying to save Whites from losing themselves in muttered devolutions of passing-mixed genes and utter ruin.

You don't have to listen to anything that I have to say. You are my enemy along with all non-whites and other marxist scum types. I must kill as many of you as I can before I die or do what I can to bring you ruin. Is that not your philosophy, faggot?>>2862129

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Once again, it's all about killing with you. You have no vision for the future, and you did not come here to engage us in good faith. I guess there's really no hope, and this conversation's a waste of time.

Mods should just anchor or delete this thread.

I'm kind of wondering how you got this much brain damage tbh. its actually quite fascinating.

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Actually, scratch that. I meant they should ban this poster. The thread had a good topic to discuss before it was derailed.

Now why would I share a vision of the future with the dead? Does that make sense at all? Anyone with any sense who is pure European blooded is preparing for the worst for a kiked-marxist world run by shadow elites that wants nothing but our extermination. Perhaps your vision of the future is the redditcuck version where Whites are subjected to cruelty and disgusting inclinations of those who are not. Balkanization of America and a White Ethnostate that slaughters anyone that comes near its borders is a good start, but ultimately finite. I don't want to be around animals like you and neither does anyone else that is still loyal here. It's too hard for animals to understand.

this is unprecedented levels of autism.

Go back and reread my post. You're proving my point. Your discussions, even among your "fellow Europeans" have never had anything to do with the future. I know because I see it all the time. When you guys have won in the past, all you ever have been responsible for is mass slaughter, and then your societies collapse.

God hates fags, not autists.

Sure thing kike. I believe you. I don't give a shit about your pilpul and niggardly bullshitting because I don't want to live around semite animals or other subhumans. You'll be neutron bombed by the elites you serve in the end, so it's a moot point.

So you admit you're autistic? At least that explains why you think Jews created an ideology hellbent on destroying the state while simultaneously creating the new world order run by globalists in order to build a larger more controlling state.

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I'm actually a non-verbal autist. I can only strangle kikes and shitpost on transfeminist dialation forum. It is nice to hear you say that jews created marxism because they were hellbent on destroying Nation-States though.

So you're admitting that they want to dissolve power structures? Why the fuck would they want to destroy shit that keeps them in power?

pick one

Israel runs much like a Nation-State, but only for The False Juden. You speak like a Zionist. Weaving round and round in a most disgraceful manner. Power resides among many of the oldest families and much to their dismay, the millions of Whites who are still left due to spiritualism that you couldn't possibly understand because of your hatred of all Whites as you have shown. "Once 500 million remain, we shall have our paradise on this world."
I personally believe that The Nation-State is the pinnacle of what a country can achieve, but I do not believe that it is viable in The Age of Aquarius and what we have now. There really aren't many Nation-States left that I can think of honestly…even False Zion is struggling to achieve what has come before without draining the lifeblood of my people. You are simply an upset young jewish person or a goy that believes in such non-sense faerietales. All I can tell you is that you must keep yourself alive. Live for your family, then die if necessary if all options have faded.

guys like this get btfo on /marx/, probably why they come here to troll

I've been on /marx/ and I get banned immediately when I don't worship your jewish faggot that hated the retard goyim proles who worshipped him. You have no arguments.

replying to b8 should be a bannable offense.

How come communists are opposed to Israel while most of your spiritual American comrades worship Israel? Hmmm.

I was talking about 1917, not the winter war you retarded nazi.

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clearly you're lying because the board owner there only bans people who are posting gore, there are nazi threads from years ago there.

Communists don't exist. You Marxists worship semites just like the rest of your abrahamic filth boogymen. Spiritualism has nothing to do with desert-kike loving scum. You will support Israel in the end whether you know it or not and that is what makes me feel so smug.

1917, 2017, 2025, 2050. It doesn't matter what year it is when a man, woman, or even a child votes collectively with a rifle in hand to end the scourge of marxist scum. Get your dome split Zig Forums!

You can't see dissent of a hegemony controlled by marxist faggotry if the censorship is swiftly carried out. Basically it's just a more organized version of this board–a place where neo-libs, non-white racists, trannys, marxist scrubs, and other deeply triggering and problematics gather to bring praise to the Rich Elite and Greater Israel that they claim to hate. Nothing more, nothing ever.

*breaks the Zig Forumstards brain*

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