What's the leftist opinion on Teddy K...

What's the leftist opinion on Teddy K? I know he talks some shit about "leftists" but that seems more about "American liberals".

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He had some good ideas barring the whole kill random people to destroy civilization lmao

he should have read more critical theory

He's what led me out of thirdpol to leftism

I've heard his manifesto was literally a watered down version of a much better critique of the left SOCIALLLY, as far as i'm aware he didn't adress economic shit.

He's a bit nutty given he killed random innocent people, but he had some interesting if not totally original thoughts about industrialization and civilization.

He's pretty good. Too far in let's destroy all civilization not overall good. J like his critique if american "left".

Am I allowed to be a Leftist if I'm actually reactionary and oppose immigration? All of my economic and environmental policies are left-wing.

Reactionary encapsulates a lot of things, how are you reactionary? and immigration wise we would have to listen to your reasoning.

The purpose of the government is to help the people living here right now. The purpose of immigration is to give big business a bigger work-force, while disadvantaging local citizens who're unemployed. This ties into my being "actually reactionary" as the word filter says. One of the justifications the government gives for the immigration is that (because of low birth-rates caused by left-wing social policy) there aren't enough local workers for the massive, international corporations to function, even though I see hundreds of homeless people on the streets, largely because of drugs (another left-wing social policy) and lack of education (right-wing fiscal policy).

I think that's okay, i wouldn't shush you away anyway, i'm nobody to do that, we need as much people as possible.

The permanent army of unemployed (aka the reserve army of labor) is a fundamental part of capitalism. It exists so long as capitalism exists. The purpose of capitalists seeking foreign labor isn't to give the unemployed jobs, it's to reduce costs on their own end.

i know you're new to this board but you might wanna stop this because it's gonna upset a lot of people here

(cont) Labor lieutenants of the capitalist class from Gompers onward sought to orient trade unions toward scapegoating and throwing out the foreign-born. It is a policy that serves the interests of the capitalists by dividing workers and scaring American workers into accepting pay cuts by hanging the threat of poorly-paid foreigners over their head.

holy shit you're dumb as fuck, these are problems because of right wing policies
if you had universal medical services (including mental health), affordable/low-cost housing and something like a job guarantee there either wouldn't be any homeless or it would be a very small number

as far as low birth rates go, they would probably be higher (not that much but definitely higher) if capitalist society supported families instead of draining every penny they had

Kind of this. Capitalists use migration to drive down wages. The cause of this is not migration (which I might support reducing) but the capitalists who use the excess workers to reduce pay.

By priotitising migration over class struggle we would only split the working class along race boundaries, as migrant workers tend to be working class. We should instead use what the capitalist does against them, showing solidarity with those they allow into the country, radicalising them and creating a far stronger working class.

Meant to remove that first sentence. Sorry.

He has a 100% accuracy rate thus far

He as idiot. We can’t use precapitalist society as inspiration for the construction of a postcapitalist future. Nor can we turn the clock back to the pre-Industrial era. His work has no value. He is just an edgeloard.

the idea isn't to construct a post capitalist future but to destroy capitalism along with industrialized society

This is imposible and utopian.

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It is no more utopian than believing in some communist revolution to save humanity from capitalism

The one wants to make industry work for all, the other wants to abolish industry completely. Which approach is more likely to have the most supporters?

number of supporters is irrelevant



I agree with left-wing economic policy, but not liberal social policy.

Don't turn the foreign migrant workers against local workers. That's why Zig Forums claims you want to destroy nations.

I don't want to accidentally piss you off down the line on something like abortion, immigration or traditional gender roles, so I figure debating it now is best. I've come here now because I hate capitalism, because it destroys families, kills local jobs, fuels immigration and makes self-sufficiency impossible.

The nuclear family is garbage. All the other shit you said is pretty much true though. "Traditional gender roles" laid the foundations for capitalism.


but they've existed before capitalism

This is nonsense. "Foreign" and "native" is a false dichotomy you clown.

If such is the case, why not simply allow the unionization of foreign workers to also demand better wages through a worker's union? Turn capitalist tactics against them by securing a large base of support.

Yes. Why control the economy, but not the health and reproductive habits of the workers themselves?


Ehhh, the extended family has existed before and for far longer than the nuclear family.

I don't know how that reads but I meant to turn migrant workers AND local workers against capitalists.

If Zig Forums thinks we want to destroy nations because of this, yes, we want to destroy nations.

You could always be a nazbol user.

Obviously everyone points to his critiques of leftists/liberals, but I think it's more worth noting his theory of disruption of the "power process". It's basically just a description of Marx's theory on alienation. The only thing that I disagree with him on is that the problem isn't industrialized society in general but the capitalist mode of production. Instead of a revolution to regress society to primitive-communism, progressing it to socialism and then communism would be a more efficient way to deal with the problems of alienation we face today.

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