Why homosexual relationships was banned in USSR? Because of the reactionary Russian society maybe...

You said that homosexuality was caused by capitalist alienation.

I'm sure there was a subset of Romans who felt that homosexuality was gross when Tacitus was written, but I don't know how reliable of a source Tacitus is, since he was a Roman and not a German. I just assumed it was the same as it was in Rome. Where catching was unmanly but not illegal.

no u

funny because Tacitus mentions none of this
[citation needed]

In greece it was only pederasty, homosexuality was only accepted toward the end of the their society signifying a decline

This was only during the end when things were collapsing. Same with the acceptance of mass prostitution

we're talking about pagans here.

I don't really care that wasn't the topic

well you haven't been correct in the slightest so…. yeah

Yes lots of mental disorders are a result of capitalist alienation

Tacitus is the most reliable source we have
Also Romans killed fags too, they just got more relaxed toward their end

Is Tacitus the sole authority on the subject?
The Sacred Band of Thebes would like to have a word with you, to say nothing of your idiocy assuming pederasty signals the decline of a civilization, considering it was a thing throughout Greco-Roman society even in the early years

bullshit, source me where the hell you're getting this idea from
what is "pagan" to you? because it's normal definition would be anyone unchristian (and since we're talking about homosexuality I'll say nonabrahamic).
you're wrong on the other topic in any case, but again you seem to have a retarded notion of what "pagan" is

Just to add this grafitti was from Pompeii in 79AD, would you consider that the era of decline for Rome?

These mean the same thing

What planet are you on? A minimum wage job today provides an ability to buy a Kia on finance – personal transportation that is more comfortable than any Rolls Royce built in the 70's.

You're fucking deluded, stop LARPing as a theorist

but that's all this board is