MUH READ SETTLERS thread 2: New Afrikan Boogaloo

Return of the thread about "Settlers: The mythology of white proletariat".

That book is anti-marxist bullshit. PROVE ME WRONG.

If you want read it:

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Other urls found in this thread:

The idea that there was no white proletariat in the US is absolutely retarded even if you believe that the US remained a settler-colonial state up until modern times.

Fuck Sakai

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Black Red Guard made a video about it recently. Thoughts?

Literally never seen this book mentioned outside of Zig Forums, and I always get the nagging feeling that 90% of Settlers threads come from Zig Forums

I also have a theory that 100% of all Settlers threads are made by burgers

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I’ve read part of it. It isn’t nearly as bad as you make it out.

I do wonder why it’s upheld by so many Gonzaloites and other wackadoo leftist tendencies who believe in breaking up North America into 50 woke ethnostates. I wonder if that’s later in the text or purely an invention of those groups who think that America’s past as a settler-colonial state obviously makes volkisch and ethnonationalism by black and indigenous people woke and Marxist.

Yeah, that book could be good. But the conclusions Sakai draws in it are wrong.

The book is just detailing the United States' history as a settler-colonialist state and then later as an imperialist power, making the case that whites had never really developed true class consciousness and united in solidarity with non-white proletarians because they were, at first, settlers benefiting from the genocide of Native Americans and the slavery of Africans and, later, labor aristocrats enriching themselves on imperial loot and the oppression and exploitation of colonized peoples, so they had sort of a class interest to see the bourgeois regime continued.

That's true enough, but I don't see how you get ethnostates and fetishizing the precolonial period as a lost Garden of Eden out of that.

Sorry, wh*te people. You are not proletarians and you are NOT socialists. Read Settlers.

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People like that are unironically one of the biggest obstacles to revolution.




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What did Sakai mean by this?

The thing is, Settlers specifically rejects the notion that the lack of white class solidarity with non-white proletarians was due to racism, but because whites largely constituted a labor aristocracy that benefited from the colonial/imperialist regime (and basically stood to lose more from its loss than they had to gain from its destruction).

This… this is just pure idealism. I haven't read the whole book, maybe Sakai delves straight into this idealism, but so far I haven't seen any basis for this crap in the book.

Why is strawmanning settlers such a meme on this board? If you think it's arguing or something similar you need to either read it or go back and read it again. It certainly oversimplifies things but its core arguments, i.e. that global class stratification is more complex than bourgeois / proletarian, and white Amerikans have never achieved class consciousness en masse because of imperialist superprofits, definitely check out.

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I will say that Settlers is less relevant today than it was when it came out in the 80s but that's precisely because 30+ years of neoliberalism have gradually reproletarianized the Amerikan labor aristocracy.

definitely not ethnonationalism

Critique of "Settlers" by Rashid Johnson

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that's more a critique of PB white people who misunderstand third worldism to mean "white people can never be revolutionary" (so basically this board kek) than an outright condemnation. but y'all don't read so

I have read parts of it and he cherrypicks historical events to support his theory while he ignores all the instances where white workers allied with black workers/slaves. Silvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch, albeit written from a perspective of women's history, provides a far more fairer account of all this. White people weren't idiots who thought of non-whites as subhumans per se, they realised they were exploited by their masters just as them. The whole superprofits theory is extremely shaky as you need to proof a correlation between ramped-up imperialism and the extension of social programs and high wages. Such a correlation does not exist ipso facto even though it could be proven in some examples.

Remember that Marx investigated the genesis or capitalism in regards to colonialism as well with sheer economics and math and couldn't find any such relation despite years of study. If you read The Law of Worldwide Value by Amin you can't find such a correlation either even though the guy pretty much proves that "unequal" exchange exists.

That's not even mentioning the other highly dubious stuff like Sakai being hard to trace down if he's a real person (pictures, interviews) and that extremely nutty Mein Kampf quote. Something about the guy doesn't smell right.

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That'd be because basically nobody who reads Settlers is a Marxist beforehand unless they're reading it as a result of this bullshit. Sakai himself is a Liberal with an awful understanding of Marxism, and he essentially believes, or rather, this is what can be inferred from everything he's said publically, that, just like radfems who believe that sex is itself a class, Sakai believes that race is a class, because he doesn't understand what classes are. There are actual Marxists who have made all of the more general claims he has about inter & intraclass relations being complicated by all manner of things but again, they're actually Marxists.

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On Sakai and his misrepresenting W.Z. Foster

The chapter on race relations begins on page 194. The stuff specifically about Negros begins on 205.


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There are no white wage laborers with no property in America. They are all petty-bourgeois or bourgeois settlers. Whites are not oppressed, they can only oppress.

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This is such a shit false flag Zig Forums it is just objectively not the case

(This is j sakais comment on mine kampf)

Nick Griffen, the guy who created BNP could barely read Mein Kampf and he was the guy who created a mainstream Far-Right party. Back when Hitler was in charge no one in the day could stand to read Mein Kampf, I know a German Neo-Nazi who can't read it.

Face it, you’re a settler and exploiter living off the blood of centuries worth of New Afrikan labor. Go back to Europe



I'm saying that something's off with the guy because Nazis can't stand Mein Kampf.


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Since you live in fucking USA you are fucking living off the blood colonized people no matter how dark your skin is. Or do you live in vaacuum, princess?

Are you samefagging or just retardedly easy to bait?

Did we really need another thread? does the idea of the white worker not existing really need two threads?

I suffer along with my New Afrikan brothers and sisters. I bear the same sky that my ancestors did, and as they will continue to do until we destroy whiteness once and for all.

See here how spooks are used to oppress

Lol ok, dr. Mengele

I'm just going to link the last thread because Sakai was already completely btfo on nearly every claim he made, especially in regards to historical claims which Ismail pointed out.
We don't even need another thread, the last one was sufficient enough.

Yeah I respect this guy because he does genuinely good work and has organized a lot of impressionable former SPUSA retards into generally better leftists but he is an egomaniac with some shitty and inconsistent ideological lines. Just very selectively reads and then mocks people for bringing up his own contradictions, disregards those later parts of Huey Newton's work that call for more profound multiracial organizing and smears it as revisionist, is appropriately critical of cultish Gonzalites but then uncritically accepts various parts of the MLM ideology drawn from Gonzalo.

y'all motherfuckers need Egocom gang

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Dude, I hope you are shitposting

One question why Sakai spells African and American with k? "New Afrikan", "Amerikan". Is there any reason behind that?

These honkies don’t believe in karma lmao

t. my scared shitless white spooks.

Settlers doesn't go far enough. Whites aren't the only group that benefit from first world imperialism.

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He didn't say that. He said, that it's completely absurd to think that people are guilty of crimes commited by their ancestors

Honestly go back to Zig Forums, you're not even good at falseflagging.

Do you have anything more on superprofit theory?

Yep. Sometimes are his takes absolutely cursed.

You are if you benefit from crimes your ancestors committed. If your dad steals a million dollars and then gives it to you, you aren't allowed to keep the money.

Yeah, but this is totally bullshit analogy in this case.

What do Sakaists and Third Worldists think of non-white who contributed to Colonial genocide? Also why does Sakai never bring up Bacon and Shay's Rebellion?
Honest question here.

because the letter 'c' isn't prominent in many main african languages. the 'k' in amerika implies that it's a fascist country and the 'k' in afrika implies unity i guess.

there is no white proletariat Nazi masturbation fantasy is here

Because he is just black nationalist not a communist.

blocks your path

Settler colonialism was bad for displacing natives, however what’s done is done, the natives were erased mostly through disease and racial mixing with whites, not by murder, so their is no reason to remove whites from the land. And America’s position as a settler-colonialist state isn’t why it’s reactionary. It’s position as a global hegemony is, which is eroding, which will coincide with an uptick in revolutionary politics in America. We should prepare for this. Not doing so is shooting ourselves in the foot.

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this tbh

In his video about Settlers you can tell he's an egomaniac solely from the way he's talking. It's pretty obvious he's getting some sadistic pleasure out of telling whitey that unless they feel white guilt, they're useless to the socialist movement.

Also, him thinking the Revolution will be led by black people specifically? Straight up delusional.

Reminder that in the Americas something like 90% of the original indigenous population was wiped out by the settlers' plagues tearing through the continents ahead of the settlers themselves. By the time burgers started large scale settlement of the "wild west" (mid 1800s) it had been a couple hundred years since the previous population had been through an apocalypse. That's why the land was so empty of people and why settling was as doable as it was.

I wonder if it's even possible to have avoided those deaths given how many plagues the "old world" brought with it. Obviously the subsequent and very deliberate genocides were at the discretion of the settlers though.

Only if modern medicine existed before Columbus sailed. However modern medicine only existed because of the Industrial Revolution, which only occurred due to the wealth Western Europe got from all the natural resources in the Americas. So it would be nearly impossible to avoid the native deaths.

Annexation isn't the same thing as settlement.

This reeks of more casual racism from /leftyfascist/. They quickly denounce any independent movement of the New Afrikan proletariat as "idpol", a movement that must be subordinated to the white-dominated vanguard. They think New Afrikans are incapable of leading themselves to revolution, they think we're all just dumb niggers like you clearly think, fascist

If you want a shot at building a mass-movement dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism, it's incredibly stupid to divide it along ethnic lines. Thinking an ethnic minority will accomplish it on its own is even more stupid. This is why you mobilize on basis of class, not race. Get fucked, liberal wrecker or Zig Forums false-flagger, who knows.

Siberia is Russian majority.

A revolution requires the support of the mass majority of the population to succeed. As such it needs the support of most people of all races.

go back to twitter schnitz nobody cares about your white guilt

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Exactly. This is Black red guard in nutshell

just end yourself

t. mystery meat mongrel
but the real question is, are you a "white" Zig Forumsyp or a "black" one wishing he was pure.

How do you expect the revolution to succeed without mass support?

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i think the idea is to smash eurocentrism and racism so that we can have greater class consciousness, to then allow for mass support. This is the central idea of being critical.

But that's not what they do. They engage in racially divisive rhetoric which is just liable to alienate all potential allies that aren't radlibs. They eschew class consciousness for race consciousness, engaging in identity politics almost on par with their white supremacist enemies. If you want to build class consciousness, talk about class, not race.

The mass majority of the exploited classes. I think we've already established that whites as a race are net-exploiters. An entire bourgeoisified, colonialist settler race.

This only strengthens my feelings about this board. It adheres to racist ideology and quickly attacks people based off their race or racial mixtures. You white settlers brought my ancestors here, raped our women and spawned thousands of mixed-race slaves diluted with white blood. It's in the white settler racial consciousness to see this as bad.

Race issues are class issues.

precisely, it is no wonder why westerners are so complacent with liberalism. But many will see this as race-war or whatever, when the object of critique here is precisely the bourgeois attitude which pervades the white population.

No, you, Sakai and other radlibs are the only retards to "establish" this. If you don't think there's a white working class that's being fucked by capitalism as hard as working class blacks, then you have been rendered completely delusional by identity politics. Of course, there is a white working class that's going to take offense to your collective guilt-tripping (of an entire race, wow), and not sympathize with your movement. That's a problem if you're just 13% of the population and actually want to get shit done. This is why idpol is cancer. Amazing how you can't realize that.

Not an argument. Focusing on race is shit praxis for reasons already explained. If you want to keep sabotaging the class struggle through insisting on maintaining a race-based analysis and strategy, be my guest, but don't be surprised when you're left with a fractured movement of different identities fighting over who is the most oppressed.

what a fallacious proposition. The bourgeois mindset is being promoted by westerners today, i am criticising it, this is the essence of my position.

White NPC detected.

Not a burger, and inherited responsibility is a spook.
Because they're not, and you are just trying to pin the blame on them for something their great-grandfather did. SHOCKING that this won't be very popular in most circles. People like you have absolutely zero chance of getting anything done except circlejerking over Sakai forever.

What a retarded position. That mindset is being promoted by just about anyone. We should just exclude everyone that's not a dirt-poor, non-white, woke factory worker then, and seize the means of production with >1% of the population. Third Worldism is defeatism.

you entirely miss the point.
i cannot speak with you.

Great, don't speak with anyone else either because you're giving us all a bad name with your idpol faggotry

you do not bother to represent the third world, you encapsulate proletarian identity as the white, bourgeois state it expresses itself in the west today. You are the one promoting idpol here, you are privileging a eurocentric perspective over a global understanding.

Being pro-idpol is being anti-settler.

Where the fuck did he do this? He's not focusing on idpol at all, your the one trying to bring identity into this.

Fuck off falseflagger

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4/10, got me to respond multiple times. Reminder that when people look too much like a radlib stereotype, it's probably Zig Forums.

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Also, making Sakai threads should be a bannable offense

racism as we know it today (basically a pseudoscience that tries to link race to Autism Level, crime statistics and bullshit like that) was the ideology of the dominant class during the XIX century. It was literally developed by bourgeois to justify their imperialism and to gain support for it. Racism is ideology as Marx conceived it. In this sense, you fail if you attribute inherent racism to white men, specially white proletariat.

And no. I'm not european, or even north american. I'm a spic from south america.


get niggered white boi

NiggerMengele strikes again!

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Has settlers become the radlib bible?

Nick griffin is more class conscious than most radlibs

Yes, it has. At least for radlibs larping as maoists

And especially Nazis larping as radlibs

Please read what Malcolm X had to say on that.

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Malcolm X was obviously settlerized, even his first name is of Settler origin. He wasn’t serious in his work. You have to reject all that is Settler, relink with your Afrikan roots

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I have never read settlers and I never will because the very concept of decolonization is anti-materialist drivel that is reactionary and a tool of divisiveness used by petite bout academia to keep working class people hating each other. This thread is pointless and even interacting with the concept of decolonization is stupid we should literally just ignore them and bully them when we are forced to interact with them.

Not reading replies to this