Spanish general elections

This Sunday we have general elections here in Spain. How come nobody made a thread?

Who should I vote for, lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

VOX, for pure accelerationism.

Guerra civil 2: la venganza when?

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Vota por cualquier partido comunista meme y ya está, mejor que apoyar a podemos y a PSOE es, y si acaso consiguen algún diputado, veremos si el ascenso de VOX fue planeado por los medios o si fue porque los medios aquí aprovechan cualquier cosa para obtener unos cuantos dineros, si es la primera, no dirán nada sobre los partidos comunistas, si es la segunda, veremos informativos sobre el comunismo, el ascenso de este y mierda por el estilo.
Eso claro, teniendo en cuenta como está el clima político, si gana el bloque de derecha, el 1 de mayo va a ser legendario si eso le añades la que se va a liar en Francia, ojala se contagie aquí.
Tened en cuenta, si acaso gana el bloque de derechas tendremos que organizarnos y rápido, sea dispersando propaganda de los gilets jaunes, hablando de un nuevo 15M y demás.

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A question for spanish comrades here: Is a right wing government a la andaluza with vox as a minority coalition partner likely? And if there were no overall majority for either block, would another minority government be accepted?

I don't think so, the left is mobilized and they will go to vote. Even then, knowing how the spanish state operates, it wouldn't surprise me if they go and cheat the elections, IMO since Franco's death the bourgueoisie are trying to replicate what was Spain in the 1870s~1910s, a banana democracy between liberals and conservatives.

Yea, why wouldn't it? It all depends in what the media has to say about it, and they will oppose it or accept it depending if it benefits them.
BTW I'm pretty sure what will happen are another elections, as PSOE and Ciudadanos will try to make a new goverment without any actual structure.

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I guess I'm wondering how accepting Spain's constitution is of having a belgian style semi-functional non-government. From what I can tell there will be no clear majority for anything for quite some time.

That seems to make sense.

This, if you're apsinh and not voting for Cox you're porky or SJW (that is the same shit)

Btw, hows Catalonia doing?

What idiot.



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Poco importa que el partido sea revisionista o no lo sea, lo que importa es que llegue al congreso, para mandar un mensaje que existimos, y si acaso algún partido meme saca algún escaño, entonces, además, veremos si el impulso que ha tenido Vox desde los medios ha sido porque los medios son unos morbosos que tienen que hacer noticia cualquier cosa para que la gente los siga viéndolos o si este impulso a sido deliberado, desde algunos sectores tanto de la derecha como de la izquierda, para blanquear al PSOE frente al pueblo, después del gobierno de austeridad que tuvieron, donde modificaron la constitución para que fuera mas imperante pagar deudas a Alemania que mantener los servicios públicos, para que sea el frente contra el fascismo.

Igualmente, ¿Tu que esperas?
¿Derrocar el capitalismo mediante la democracia?
Si es para que la próxima crisis derrumbe el gobierno de derecha (que hay una a la vuelta de la esquina, y tenemos varias burbujas las cuales siguen creciendo hoy en día, como la del turismo, la de los alquileres y una nueva del ladrillo, tengo entendido), recordatorio que el 15M ocurrió durante el gobierno del PSOE, aunque esto habría que discutirlo mas, y el daño que le haría a la derecha ser la que "cause" la mayor crisis de la historia sería de risa, pero bueno.

Además, ahora mismo debemos organizarnos, sea en grupos de whatsapp, Telegram, Discord, y/o demás redes sociales, para lo que podría suceder, si el próximo gobierno es del trifachito, tenemos que hacer que el próximo 1 de mayo sea el mas asistido, el mas radicalizado, el mas combatiente de la historia de España, y tenemos que crear un movimiento similar a los chalecos amarillos los cuales triunfan en Francia, incluso cooperando con ellos.

Podemos are the real acccelerationists. Socdem reforms make labor more expensive, this causes the rate of profit to fall and incentivizes automation. (which also causes the rate of profit to fall)

Attached: FallingRateOfPRofit.png (935x594, 145.97K)

You're a joke, Vox is liberalist, not fascism, the misindetedhood is because fascism share ideology with liberalism, in special his anti-marxisms thoughts, but that don't turn them in facists.

Read to fucking Marx, the only way to get a revolutuoin is througth the aceleration, all those problemns you've mentioned, are esasily resolved by a tough marxist theory when the revolution begins. The only way to create a class conscient, is leting the capitalist by itselft do it throuh the ruin. The15M was a joke and didn't get nothing, just reformist faggot toke serusly, reformis like Unidas Podemos.

What are you, a normalfag? Normies are the problem of this society, they deserve the bullet as well as liberalist. How you could organizated vanguads in a NSA imperialist aplication btw?…

Yes and not, because the right used this to attack communist, blaming them for failure of socdems like the falling profit.

Once social democracy causes the rate of profit to fall, their isn’t much that can be done to reverse that. The only time in history the rate of profit was successfully increased was during World Wars (won’t happen when all the major powers have ICBMs) or when the US gave China it’s Industry. Which is very unlikely to happen again.

THe only thing that seperates liberalists from fascists is that fascists are less idealist. >>>/liberty/101607


liberals believe that property can coexist with freedom. That’s pretty idealist.

Freedom is having Property, you're thinking of Liberty. Liberty cannot exist with Property, Freedom is.

Maximum Freedom requires taking the Liberty of people, owning another Human being as your property requires taking away that person's Liberty.

Freedom means the same thing as liberty. Which mean emancipation. Has nothing to do with property.

Accelerationism is a meme and will never work.

As I should get to bed right fucking now, expect bad ortography.

it was sarcasm you fucking autist

Final Stage of Capitalism -> Misery -> Revolution

And this measure can be accelerated adding stuff to the mix, to put an example:
Capitalism + World War exhaustion + Dictatorial regime + Liberal pushovers + No food + Corruption -> Misery -> Bolshevik Revolution

Another example:
Capitalism + World War exhaustion + Dictatorial Regime + No food -> Misery -> Spartacist Revolution
This one is from a developed country at the time, Germany, and it failed, but still, we're not reviewing succesful revolutions, we are seeing attempts at revolution.

Another example:
Capitalism + Imperialism + Nationalism + Dictatorial Regime + Brutalities + No food (?) = Ho Chi Minh
The thing is, with colonized countries, nationalism can serve as a sort of freedom movement, and can teach socialism when it's against the invading country, which is obviously taking their resources for the benefit of capitalism, this can be a doubled edge sword, tho.

Another example:
Capitalism + Dictatorial Regime + Chaos under the sky + Imperialism + Brutalities + no food (?) = Mao

The thing is, we haven't reached late stage capitalism, in fact, I think capitalism will kill the planet before we even get to late stage capitalism.
Also, accelerationism is shit, don't force it, or you will be one of the enemies of the proletariat, there's no need at accelerationism, capitalism will look after that itself, as it is an unstable economic system, and all attempts to make it more human will be met with resistance from the bourgueoisie every time unless there's an inmediate threat, and as capitalism advances, will try to get more at the offensive at public systems, be it healthcare, be it education, be it the military even.
Also, people have a lot of endurance to shit happening to them, they see the end of the world more pausible than the end of capitalism, it needs to get into the boiling point to just have a revolution, or armed anti-capitalist resistance

It mobilized people in a scale never to be seen, and yea, it was Occupy Wall Street in Spain, but imagine, just for a second, that it comes back, and it has enough class consciousness to achieve something we can work with.

You know that we live in a society, don't you?
You ain't gonna organize without getting into the muds of normieness, unles you wanna be the leader of the beta revolution.

There are pedo rings on Whatsapp, and while it's true that the NSA is watching whastapp, your just playing the NSA's game if you think they're everywhere to get you, and they're not.
Also, it's to organize a movement of masses, this isn't 1917 russia you fucking LARPer, I've been in CDR whatsapp groups, and there they've planned stuff to do, be it to cut a highways and such, and the Gilets Jaunes are in whatsapp groups too. It's what people use, and you gotta use it too, unless you wanna force people to make virtual machines and install TOR in them, I'm pretty sure that way you will get people to your side.
You should be careful at Whatsapp tho.

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Just to add to that drivel about late stage capitalism, it's misery which leads people to revolution, not late stage capitalism itself, the only thing that you need to start a revolution is class consciousness and misery, people don't like risking their house, or even their family, at revolution right away, just when the misery is too much and it's widespread when it happens, and even then, after, you have to defeat reaction.

No accelerationism is reducing the amount of time we have to live under capitalism.

You also need a fighting spirit. If the people have become so broken by the misery they are literally unable of fighting back. But then again at this point if full automation hasn't been achieved then it does no good for capitalists to be this brutal. If the workers are too broken to fight back then they're probably too broken to work too. After all capitalism can't exist without workers or without automation.

If they don't have the will to fight, that means they haven't get into the right amount of misery, it needs to get into a boiling point for there to be a revolution, capitalism gotta be under their nerves every day, pushing and pushing, adding more pressure to the mix.
What I should add is also that any powder keg needs fire to start it's explosion, though.

Dios mío este hilo. Es una vergüenza, especialmente el imbecil que no para de gritar "aceleracionismo!!!". Por estas cosas la clase obrera no da ni 10 centavos por el comunismo.

Si, vaya, no dudaría que fuese un Zig Forumsaco intentado colar que votar a vox es avanzar el comunismo.

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Is Unidas Podemos really that useless?

They've changed from Unidos (masculine) to Unidas (femenine) to pander to liberals.
Yea they are, as they started to stop class consciousness in a Spain post 15M.
Even then, you shouldn't vote for Vox.

Expand on this point to a brainlet

There was a large portion of the population which didn't really have any political party representing them, at least in the Left, as PSOE demonstrated by changing the constitution to make more important paying debt to german banks than to pay for healthcare, and people were disillusioned at Izquierda Unida from its stagnancy of eurocommunism, civil wars in the party and pretty much being a crutch for the PSOE. As this section of the left was left alone, they were left unprotected from populists and communists, because of this, Podemos was born to redirect the anger of the people at the goverment at just voting, instead of making another 15M and maybe something bad happening.
Podemos redirected the anger to the votes, talking about how we should change things voting and participating in liberal democracy, instead of going into the street and fight for your rights.

There was no longer a controlled opposition of leftism, as people didn't trust in the controlled opposition, and thus, they made a new one.

You're both wrong; liberty means property ownership. That's why life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are in the declaration of independence.
But liberals are basically idealist capitalists, while fascist are materialist capitalists; anarchists are idealist socialists while communists are materialist.

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Well I still kinda think that Podemos has at least the potential to make a difference, but the fact that they are only relegated to just electoral politics is disappointing. Maybe if they improve their praxis things might get better

What is 15M?

Do you have "materialist" confused with "pragmatic"? Fascists are not "materialist".

15M was a movement like Occupy Wall Street in Spain, in fact, I remember watching videos on how the 15M developed all around the globe, and thinking that OWS happened thank to our example.
It happened thanks to austerity measures, cutting down healthcare and education to pay german banks and to rescue ours, as in our banks they were to occupied using black creditcards (with money they didn't have, with money that was from the bank, also avoiding taxes) to pay for prostitutes and yachts.
They dedicated to occupy plazas, like the Plaza del sol, for months they were there, and they organized by direct democracy and such (it was a leaderless movement), meanwhile the media declared that they were communist and that wanted gorillions of deads and such. Never went there, as I was a kid when it happened, but it was something to be proud of.
They made Podemos for this reason, to identify with 15M and deactivate its revolutionary potential, and leading it into being about Idpol and some mild socdem policies.

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btw here are photos from the 15M (15th of may)

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Also, are the ERC any good or nah?

PSOEism with catalan characteristics.
It's bad

OP here, I think I'll end up voting for Front Republicà. They are not great but meh. BTW, why did the PCPE split into two parties, and why the fuck are both presenting diferent lists?

They are shitty sucdems and shitty independentists. But their candidate in the elections is in prison, so it will be interesting to see how the government reacts when he is elected to parliament.

Do you people hate everything that's good in the world?

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Are you attacking independentists or unionists?

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El PCE es revisionista?

Recuerdo que hace unos años, estaba militando en el partido, en el PSUC. Me había apuntado por que habían surgido noticias sobre como habían abandonado el eurocomunismo y se estaban yendo mas a la izquierda.
Pues llega un momento en el cual, en la reunión del PSUC entero (o al menos de las zonas de Barcelona) nos dividen entre hombres y mujeres para hablar de problemas de género, en el lado de las mujeres discutiendo estos problemas de género y en el de los hombres nuestros privilegios, a algunos de los militantes les pareció una gilipollez como una casa (entre ellos, yo), pero no eramos la mayoría.
TL:DR Sí son revisionistas.

I think this is the story. You see, the leader of the PCPE, when it was just one party, wanted to impose it's ideology (which was shit, real red liberal) almost by force, and when people (almost 90% i think) called him on his shit, he succesfully copyrighted the name of the party and such, instead of engaging in an ideological debate, he just made the usual move of "The ball is mine, and I'm going home!".
I think this is the story. But don't trust me.

Going to vote right now BTW.

Turnout up massively in Catalonia & Valencia.

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Will they get a seat?

Is Valencia as rebellious as Catalonia?

No, actually for most of its life in democracy it has been a stronghold for PeePee, only changing after Podemos came about and people were tired of PP's corruption cases.
I think it will, actually, but who knows.

The tournout has increased in almost all of the peninsula, too.

Would they vote VOX now?

Don't think so.
There's an unwritten rule in Spain's elections, if the turnout is high, the left wins, if it isn't the right does.
Even then, in a post 15M and with VOX happening, who knows.
I'm hopeful in Aragon, tho, for a reason it's called Spain's Ohio.

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The results were decided before it even began.

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45% does seem pretty low though. Is it high for Spain standards?

The vote ain't over yet.
We will see when we start counting the votes.
Even then, I don't think the elections at Spain are clean, but still, let's wait

Ciudadanos will win, screencap this post

Spanish Macron FTW.

Oh good no

Ciudadanos will win a supermajority than they will launch such a strong austerity program that their won’t be any government spending. Not even enough cash for the Monarchy. Spain will than become a Republic because they can’t afford to keep the Monarchy around. This is true accelerationism.

o shit,ofuck

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Anonymous attacks VOX, Cs and PP websites

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lol, but why didn’t they attack PSOE while they were at it?

What did you expect from anonymous, aside from them being some socdem liberals?

What purpose does it serves other than a publicity stunt?

Fair enough.

It might make some undecided voters not show up or vote PSOE or UP.

Zig Forums who do you think is the worst political party in Spain?

How exactly?

Because they can’t access the websites of Vox, PP, or Cs.

nobody vote against peepee

REally though?

It’ll have a small effect, but it’s still an effect.

9 % MORE THAN IN 2016

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Enough to turn the tide?

That is the question :^(

¿Por qué no me votas, user?

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Turnout up 18% in Catalonia.

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It’s still low

Yeah but that's spain for you.
Even then, the vote isn't over yet.

When is it?

At 20:00

Pablo Hasel is a leftist rapper which has made some songs against the monarchy and against the spanish state, and has needed to go to trial to not get fucked. Now he has been arrested for promoting terrorism for making songs talking about GRAPO (communist "terrorists") and ETA

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Turnout in Catalonia is 18% higher than in the last elections holy shit

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Historically, a hight turnout percentage has benefited the left.

The increased turnout might be because of Vox.

Perhaps, but I would bet that most are afraid of Vox, not for it. Just look

Catalonia will never vote VOX?

Catalonia barely votes PP, let alone Vox.

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Could vote Cs though :/

Vox supports “recentraliation” which is removing autonomy from regional governments. Catalonians don’t want that for obvious reasons.

Wasn’t Cs founded in Catalonia?

Yeah, originally their plataform was
and they were minoritary, but when Podemos started rising in the polls the media started showing Ciudadanos everywhere as a counterweight


Vox wins


Vox won the waifu wars so you are not wrong