Asian American identity politics

What is Zig Forums's take on Asian American identity politics? It's a fairly new form of identity politics primarily associated with second-generation Asian Americans, and their struggles as they seek to navigate both cultures.

Their main concerns are what they call:

Prominent websites include:

Prominent figures include:

Attached: asian american community.PNG (1159x878, 258.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

As with all identity politics there is nothing inherently wrong with most of the ideas themselves. The problem comes when it devolves into pure idealism and leaves out and material (i.e. class) analysis.

Asian girls liking white guys has something to do with colonialism, imperialism and extent class relations in general (whether it's the old idea that fair skin is better because workers get dark skin or newer beauty standards set out by Western media).

USA freaking out over China has something to do with China seriously threatening the US's supremacy in economical and thus political terms

If you take these class based views into consideration there is nothing wrong. If it devolves into Yellow Man Good Because Muh Ancient Civilizations N Shyt We Wuz Emperors The Mayo Devil Tryna Hold Us Down tier shit then it's useless, if it's lib SJW shit then it's useless.

Is there any empirical proof of this?

Of the systematic discrimination? No. But there is a disparity in who marries who. The weird thing is, most of them don't seem particularly interested in Asian women. They seem to prefer White women, which is a little peculiar. Because they are very hostile towards what they call "WMAF" relationships.

This is a very real movement within the Asian American community mind. It's come up on national TV and what have you. They feel more white women need to date Asian men. They also feel they are unfairly treated because of profiling by the intelligence services, i.e. suspicions of spying.

Most second-generations among the Chinese-American community strongly support a resurgent People's Republic, and feel very nationalistic about this. This is another recent phenomenon.


Most anti-PRC local media in overseas Chinese communities has been destroyed more or less. Not that that isn't just as bad if not worse than the pro-CCP propaganda, often it's Epoch Times trash.

Some years ago I read a study that made a convincing argument that the height factor plays a huge role in that pattern.
There is definitely something weird about how rare male Asian presence is in US media as a romantic lead or… any role really if that's what you mean. However, I also read that white-collar hiring processes actually give an advantage to fair-skinned Asians over people with Euro ancestry and similar qualifications. The nerd stereotype has its advantages.
Is inevitable given the economic trajectory of China. Just like American pop culture from the 80s to early 90s was full of paranoia about Japan taking over the world, Michael Chrichton's Rising Sun, the Weyland-Yutani corporation in the Alien franchise (I also saw a shitty script for an alternative Alien sequel from that time featuring a creepy character who is of course a hapa, I believe that was also by Chrichton but I'm not sure), the iconic Geisha advert in Blade runner, other cyberpunk stuff was also full of Japan references, and so on.

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I remember during the 2016 election there was an asian guy who whored out his sister(or maybe his girlfirend I cant remember) to white guys and wrote books in favor of whtie supremacy. lmfao what the fuck is wrong with these people

Whites can't really be blamed for this. Both Asian men and Asian women really do have a fixation on White women and White men respectively.

I've been to those subs,they're borderline incels tbf,but yeah the anti-chinese and anti-indian (especially since pewdiepie) circle jerk on reddit is annoying af

still active apparently

Use the US general.

Most immigrants new or old are from either the PRC era, taiwanese or exiles anyway

Holy shit its the same guy. His sister's name is Claire liu. Sad to see he turned into a tranny.

Yeah that's why it makes me laugh when people say imperialism has affected the standard of beauty in the black community. I mean has anyone seen an anime or played a videogame lately.

I just find it really tiresome.

Thats because whites are on top in America and everybody wants to move up on the social ladder + alot of people growing up as minorities in western society get brainwashed by watching disney movies and mass media where all the actors are white, so they end up being more attracted to white people than their own race. Especially if they grow up as the only asian family in an all white community ore something, they end up subconsciously associating asian=family and therefore not someone you want to fuck.

Unironcally, as america gets more asians both numerically and in media representation this problem will fix itself.

Should have stopped right there

It honestly just looks like pol lite for asians. These people are getting bent out of shape over phone commercials and shit and I cant help but think back to that hole Gillette's commerical not too mention all the acronyms they use and the fact that like half the post on Aznidentity are about Asian Women's sex lives is a dead give away that most of these people got the idea of an Asian identity from the fact that white dudes where fucking Asian chicks that they feel entitled to they have the same reaction of a Zig Forums when they see a white girl dating a black guy. It's a shame too cause this post is a good case of Racism against asians which I'm sure exist but isn't talked about much

asian girls need black men not white men

*Asian men