Political Compass, 8 values test, Economics Test

Post all of your results for where you align politically via these tests and allow debate + discourse in these topics.

Would be nice to see what Leftys usually get on here.

Political Compass X-Y axis

8 bit values, 4 axis

Economics Test

Attached: Economics 01-05-2019.JPG (393x356 41 KB, 25.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


These kinds of tests are filled with outrageous false dilemmas that make them basically worthless.

How is one meant to answer such a question?

The taxes questions is also fucking retarded because the goal of socialism isn't just to tax the bourgeoisie or even keep a money system for that matter.

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Apparently I'm a suc-dem lib.

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Extremely vague questions.

Everytime i've taken these tests I always score on the bottom left even though I'd be considered authoritarian. How does one even score on the top left

Took the other one and now I'm a facist. Am I a nazbol?

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no you're just a retard

Sankara knew

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Also decided to include the politiscales test. According to the Economics Test I am a mutualist or something though.

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Libertarian Communist
Libertarian Communist

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These are just datamining threads and taking these tests pollutes your identity with a very deliberate framing of these questions, framing of politics as concerned with these questions specifically, and the retarded multiple-choice ideology that a good answer to any question would appear on a pre-selected list or degree of agreement.

There's nothing to be gained by doing this, and if you're just doing it "for fun," then you should probably find something that's actually more fun and isn't giving away your labor for free.
REMINDER that capitalist social media makes its money off data you generate by using their site, which is a form of labor so exploitative that the 100% of the value you generate goes to them.

Attached: leftypol in a nutshell.gif (600x603, 200.66K)

As much as people hate these tests, i have to admit they're pretty good for synthesizing new left-wing ideologies, categorizing pre-existing ones, and getting people to consider questions that hadn't been asked before. It's a good way of getting people to think about what they actually stand for.

These tests rarely even encompass most of the field of left-wing thought, so yeah if you're looking for endless configurations of democratic socialism or whatever then I guess some basic policy questions might lead you to all sorts of contradictory, poorly-envisioned positions that don't really bring anything to the table in terms of new discussions. Politics-as-"which configuration of answers are you?" is a waste of time. Effective politics is concerned with a vision of the future and a plan of action for achieving it.
These tests have only ever asked the most rudimentary and mainstream questions. The most challenging thing you'll see is something like voluntary euthanasia.
If the amount of though you put into politics doesn't totally eclipse any political alignment test ever written, then you should work on that.

the problem with tests like these is that they leave out the context and 'assume an ideal context' ignores situations where the ideal context is fluid.
nowhere is this more apparent than on questions about trade. nearly every 'protectionist vs free trade' question lacks the context from which to make a judgement.
"trade controls are good yes/no" is a stupid question if you have a reasonable position like "generally speaking trade is desirable, but to preserve a positive balance of payments the least damaging policy option may be a temporary restriction on imports.", which holds both in the current context and in an idealised social-democratic context where countries have policy discretion.

a better question style, philosophically, is not "should we do x" or "is x good" but "is doing x a legitimate policy option". that's still not perfect, mind you.

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The real political compass

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So the question is, is distributing drugs to the masses praxis?

Based as fuck

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You know where you stand politically, right? You don't need a fucking test for that.

what is the top left russian text saying?


This is a much better political compass test; it measures your views on social issues on a third axis separate from your views on economics and how big/small you think the government should be. Pic related is my own result.

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the fuck is a "free initiative"?

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am i supposed to use boolean logic to answer this?


most likely false

true AND false = false

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nobody other than a loan shark or some caricature from those nazi or soviet propaganda posters would answer agree on this

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Small bidness

ussr anthem

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When you take these do you use your ideal utopian society or what you think is realistic?

They almost never specify the context for any of these questions which defeats the entire purpose, like said.

He's using an obtuse buzzword for local social programs I think.

This is blatantly two questions trying to say that it's gotta be both or neither. wew
It couldn't be that we're on an inevitable but bad path or that the good thing may not happen. This kind of shit is meant to avoid scaring retarded burgers.

He wants to see how many people like vid related are supporting him.

Attached: Income inequality is good actually.webm (616x344, 4.89M)

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Lmao, the guy in that webm looks and speaks like he doesn't even believe the shit he is spouting.

All these tests are trash as always but i was bored.

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trying to find design documents of a show you like and only finding (sfw) furry fanart
it's time to turn off the internet and go back to print documentation

i don't retreat into the consumerism of the past to be reminded of the consumerism of the present and your recommodification of the past is an indictment of our failure to create the new.

All the quiz results I have saved.

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I'm a ☭TANKIE☭, will defend Stalin and NK yada yada, still got in the bottom left. You have to be a spooked conservative to get top left.


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He's on Shark Tank, a reality show where people pitch business plans to venture capitalists.

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Extroverts are bourgeois NPCs

Introversion does not mean you are fucking afraid of speaking

These tests are the worst. They don't tell you what you are, they tell you how you perceive yourself.

The NPC result on an MBTI test is obviously anything with an F.

people who use 't' are stupider than people who use 'f' because they're easily swayed away from the obviously correct

I'm a fucking pussy sorry comrades :(

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Doubt is a feeling :^)

Doubt by itself won't change your mind. Thought and feeling are mutually exclusive. Feelings motivate thoughts. The question is how much focus you put on each.

Why live

I'll tell you how to make sure you don't make Elliot Rodger and make girls instead. I'm a doc so trust me.

Making half bred girls 101:
The most important factor is timing. The baby’s sex is determined by the chromosome carrying sperm. Y swim faster, but survive for shorter periods of time than their female producing counterparts. You should have sex TWO to FOUR days before ovulation if you are hoping to conceive a girl. By the time ovulation occurs, only the X should be left to fertilise the egg.
To conceive a girl, shallow penetration during sex is the key, but for a boy, the opposite is true. I advise missionary position or a small dick LMAO.
Don't fret - my racetraitor brothers - it's science. The female orgasm releases an alkaline secretion which may help Y to survive longer, by creating a less hostile environment.
An acidic vaginal environment is more conducive to a girl. An acidic pH will negatively affect the Y, which is weaker and less resilient than the X.
MASTURBATE like a teen on heat. This will reduce sperm count, and mean there are less fast-swimming boy sperm available to join the race for fertilisation.
Don't drink coffee/stimultants if you want a girl and do if you want a boy. Apparently, the caffeine is detrimental to female sperm.
For a girl, eat milk products, drink milk, eat yogurt and cheese. A diet low in sodium and potassium and high in calcium and magnesium helps produce a girl.

probably libcom instead of libsoc at this point, but I don't really care enough to retake since it's all mostly bullshit anyway
I'd rather live in the USSR than in liberal "democracy" though

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Anyone /estp/ here?

Lmfao none of you guys like authority

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i wish i were as pretty as i am high autism level

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I wouldn't really trust those online test when it comes to autism levels.

I know, but I actually had one done as a child in therapy and the result was actually better.

That pic is "enlightened centrist" as fuck.

t. anarkiddy

You're all ☭TANKIE☭ sluts.

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first two tests are good the yang gang one is fucking retarded

Austrian School + Distributism

Not the economics test, but the third one I have is politiscales and has a lot more cool shit in it.

These tests are really inaccurate, though, because there are lots of questions like "businesses should be penalized" and I'm here like "what fucking businesses?"

Such a liberal test. No wonder everyone scores lower-left in the political compass anymore.

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infp here, read a book you fucking ape
fi and fe are literally what causes most revolutionary movements
fi is me against the world and fe is us against the world
it's actually si that is prone to programming because it's based on traditions and past experiences although that's debatable

Literally why.

Behold! I have created the perfect political compass.

What do you think?

Attached: compass.png (500x400, 17.53K)

sounds okay to me

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Actually pretty decent, fam.

Actually unironically good. It's a good way to start forcing people to think outside of what they're indoctrinated to.

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But all reactionaries are against Socialism. They are a negative reaction to Socialism

They're also against capitalism though, is the point.

I suppose I should point out that they're more against the liberalness of typical capitalism. They're still fundamentally operating on capitalism.

Here is mine

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