This event is also significant because by that date the leaders used their true names and surnames. In a notebook, handwritten by Abimael Guzmán, of 200 pages, black paste, found in the house of Buenavista on February 1, 1991, appeared the names and surnames of those who had participated in the Second National Meeting of Organizations Generated:
Guzmàn, E. Zapater, Alfredo Castillo Montañez, Margie Clavo Peralta, Danilo Blanco Cabezas, Nelly Rojas, Orihuela, Dias Martinez, Fano, Delgado, Arévalo, Ayala, Elena Iparraguirre, Cox Bauzeville, Carlos Torres Mendoza, Salinas, Quintanilla, Perez R., Teresa Cárdenas Lopez, O. Chavez, Galván, Víctor Zorrilla Aramburú, Osmán Morote Barrionuevo, Pedro Quinteros, Humberto Mendoza Lora, Teresa Durán Araujo, Guevara, Banda, G, Durand, B. Loc, L. Cárdenas, Nelly Carhuaz, Juscamayta, Esparza, Rivera, Flores, Florián, Rentería, Hermógenes Tipacti, Higmer Bueno, Luís Kawata Makave, Norma Lema Tucker, Cuellar, P. Gare, Tarazona, Huertas, Zevallos, Velez, Luisa Castro, Santos, Mostajo,Magda Mateo Bruno, N. Chavez, Miguel Situ Ch., Salinas(FER-Arequipa), Florián, Castañeda, Augusta La Torre C., Oscar Ramirez Duran, Galván, Delgado, etc.
As soon as the event ends, they approve the Discussion Bases and issue a statement, taking into account the bases, and decide to form a National Coordinating Committee, composed of seven members, to prepare the national plan for the construction of the party that was to be sanctioned in May. of the same year, but before, it would start with a transitory plan of three months and the following year (1978), the Third National Meeting of Generated Organisms would take place that coincides with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the birth of the ponderous Mao Tsetung and the 84th anniversary of the birth of José Carlos Mariátegui. Also, in 1977, the Guzmán red faction carried out two important events.
n the first they determine that the main enemy of the Peruvian Revolution were the two superpowers: the United States of America and the Union of Socialist Republics (Russia) and that the party's militants had to go to the countryside to fertilize the land and initiate the armed struggle. In the second, they take stock of the application of these measures and verify that many militants who had gone to the countryside to fertilize the terrain of revolutionary ideas, returned disillusioned under the pretext that in the countryside there was no class struggle.
Between July and September of 1978, Guzmán held the 8th Plenum of the Central Committee, an event described by comrade "Alvaro" - pseudonym used by Abimael Guzmán at that time - as a pitched battle unleashed between the sector of the left and the sector of the right, but within the Party. In this plenary the balance was made on the construction of the Party and bitter criticism was given to the militants who had returned from the countryside under the pretext that there was no feudalism. The balance culminates with the sanction of the General Political Line of Mariétegui and its development, whose concretion is the readjustment of the JCM's thought according to the epoch that was living, but always under the light of the thought of Mao Tsetung.
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