Best Soviet Union/Communist
Desktop wallpapers/Phone wallpapers
lets get some beautiful pictures in here boys.
Attached: Cosmonaut.jpg (2000x1284, 1.28M)
Attached: 1529433143540.jpg (1600x900
96.6 KB, 318.66K)
Attached: cominternflag.png (1920x1080
490.5 KB, 302.12K)
Attached: XWwXXqB.jpg (638x912, 759.86K)
Attached: peace.jpg (1280x848
212.05 KB, 437.58K)
Attached: lenin.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)
if anyone has better shop skills
Attached: 515668.jpg (746x1000, 338.56K)
again, better 'shoppers are welcome
Attached: M86_23-20140630.jpg (300x293
3.25 MB, 7.46K)
Space propaganda is the one
Attached: soviet-space-program-propaganda-poster-27.jpg (550x333
760.19 KB, 88.75K)
Attached: KPD-1946-1.Mai-Wahlolakat-KPD-1946.jpg (1591x2358
569.1 KB, 662.44K)
My favorite one.
Attached: soviet-space-program-propaganda-poster-28.jpg (2017x1307, 1.02M)
from the previous thread
Attached: 1480263610399.jpg (1920x1080
894.75 KB, 628.54K)
Attached: log.png (480x800
175.05 KB, 208.15K)
Attached: e.png (3000x2000, 99.03K)
Not really communist, but close enough.
Attached: Aenxuq.jpg (1600x900, 306.53K)
Spooky stuff
Attached: DIsdICSUMAEw849.jpg (400x322
210.06 KB, 115.49K)
Attached: battle_beyond_sun_poster_03.jpg (1920x1080
464.18 KB, 56.19K)
Attached: 1920px-Brodski_lenin.jpg (1920x1275, 317.43K)
not USSR but I spent an entire 10 minutes on reshaping and touchups.
Attached: CNT.png (1280x950, 559.96K)
Attached: 1553252336396.jpg (2592x1944
62.23 KB, 465.81K)
wallpapers are bourgeois
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1008x923, 932.71K)
There you go!
Attached: images.jpeg (728x1092
147.6 KB, 217.57K)
Who's that between Rosa and Trotsky?
these are so fucking ugly
If you want to do real S O V I E T W A V E aesthetics you should take inspiration from album covers and Paul Cockshott videos.
Attached: cockshott.png (3840x1080
304.71 KB, 7.9K)
Where the fuck is Stalin you pathetic fuck?
The first one's pretty cool tbf, the second seems out of place and the last one is just shit
where'd you get the second and last one from they're actually pretty fucking cool