Starting college on this September and thinking of in economics and i know im gonna get shit in the econ department for...

Starting college on this September and thinking of in economics and i know im gonna get shit in the econ department for being a marxist so its it'll be really helpfully if you guys could recommend some books on Marxist i can reading during the summer to prepare

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You really dont want to major in that. Not only is it brainwashing by porky (neoclassical economics), but the job prospects aren't necessarily great unless you also want to go to graduate school and become a professional economist.

If you want to do something involving money then get a degree in accounting or actuarial science.

OFC even better would be a degree in Engineering or Computer science also pure math, statistics, or physics. You can get a job and you learn enough math so that you can transition over to economics later in grad school. No one gives a shit about an undergrad degree in econ, its only marginally better than a BS in liberal arts

Regardless of what you major in, you need to read Capital. When you read Capital, you should do outside reading alongside it (I found Cockshott's various videos and blogs very helpful, also Michael Robert's blog). If you actually do decide to do Econ in grad or undergrad, you should also read the other classical economists (Smith, Ricardo, etc. basically anyone Marx namedrops favorably), as well as Keynes (for macro). And Samuelson and others to understand how the enemy thinks. If you argue from Smith and Ricardo, your shitty professors won't be able to whine as much, but you can basically sneak most of Marx's theory in as if it was theirs since there's so much overlap.
Anwar Shaikh's book and lectures are extremely good and important. I highly recommend to everyone to watch these
and get the book
Lots of empirical evidence, formalization of Marx's theory, and he has a great lecturer personality.

Now, this person has a point:

The truth is, undergrad economics (and even the vast majority of grad economics) is dogshit. You will understand why if you read Marx and then listen to Shaikh or Cockshott expose the neo-classical econo-priests. You will be better equipped for real economic research if you read the primary sources on your own time (you'll have plenty of time to read, even on the bus or subway) and instead study a hard theoretical field like math, engineering, physics, etc, with a side of statistics. Even a decent computer science degree program will give you a lot of the skills and background for economics (coding is very important for statistics and simulations).

Yeah read the destroyer of liberals

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Only really done pol-econ but some basics:
Ha Joon-Chang "Kicking Away the Ladder" just to btfo neolib developmentalists bigtime. Know your Smith, Riccardo, Keynes, just to contextualise your arguments. He's a meme but Harvey is a must.
Oh also Rostow can suck my dick.

fuck them lol

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It's not worth it, trust me I tried. They go ==hard== on neoclassical indoctrination right off the bat. There's almost nothing on economic activity as it really exists, it's just Austrian tier (both Mises and Hayek were covered in the first year, Marx was only briefly mentioned) fantasizing about capitalism as it doesn't really exist. You know how Cockshott says the famous supply & demand graph is bunk because you can't plot two lines of one variable? Now expect to hear about supply & demand all the fucking time. Coincidentally, the statistics professor was a socialist.

You’ll be better off (and smarter) if you go to a trade school than go to an economics department at uni.

not american so won't go into debt besides i'm not planning on a career in economics after my undergrad i'll be go to law school like my family expect me to

Could you elaborate on this? I think I've heard him talk about it but I don't remember what the argument/claim was.

Learn to code

Le ebin r/cringeanarchy meme! Just les not not tell anybody about how hard it is to find those jobs and how time consuming/inefficient it can be to code XDDD

Not him, but in Cockshott's Labour theory of value video he explains why the supply and demand model is unscientific

It's in his blog

Also this

no he's not. fuck harvey.

I still don't really get the point he makes on that blog, it feels like its an incomplete entry. Just moans about how p and q curve don't really work because when you overproduce the price of production goes down and so the graph doesn't take such conditions into consideration.

Still I would say this doesn't directly debunk it. I mean if you take a large producer you can say that the larger producer can basically continue a constant 'price war' removing other producers in the process. But then the curve adjust towards the producer, unless the producer manipulates itself into a monopoly position. Though it almost always happens that some kind of monopoly position occurs in this process. Modern day examples of this would be very easily visible in tech namely Amazon does this a lot. Amazon lowers prices compared to competition and gained through this process a humongous monopoly. Google Facebook are basically doing the same thing to the services industry, they take on cost that other entrepreneurs can't take on, or won't ever be able to take on to dominate markets in advance.

You should do whatever you see yourself putting 4000 hours into. If you're an American a large amount of debt. I'm not even sure if college education is even worth it anymore for Americans with how retarded the cost are over there. Such a shitty country, completely controlled by big corps, business, banks, jewish interest (71.2% is circumsiced over there like wtf?).

Tbh an engineering degree is better and more impressive for getting into law school than yet another social science/liberal arts grad

Paul Crockshott does some good economics videos.

Reminder that learning actual economics is called Operations Research.

Unless it's purely math or science, there's always going to be some brainwashing involved.

Prepare to realize the error of your ways as you actually study and realize Zig Forums doesn't have a clue

And akshully, what neoclassical economists do is to assume that at least one of the two curves has changed, otherwise the price-quantity point wouldn't change.

So the model you have is very removed from the data, with all sorts of invisible movements allowed to explain away any surprises after the fact.

And after that, be prepared to realize their their little marginalist graphs and formulas have zero empirical evidence supporting them, only existing in their heads, and you'l be right back here






Read on regulation theory.
It's not some stupid theory about how the economy should be regulated, more like how it regulate itself. It's basically the school of economics that blend Marxism with french Annals of history school, durkheim & bourdieu sociology, etc.

Recommended reads
(marx and spinoza)

I live with my parents who make less than $50k combined a year because I still cannot afford rent and a car payment because burgerville

Nice blog, fag



plz care about my personal life!