Why do Americans lacks class consciousness...

t. nazbol retard

Cultural Marxism is a fake term

USSR called it capitalist degen eracy. Cultural marxism is a term these despicable sniveling rat-faced weasels throw around to fool and hoodwink their right-winged peons to distract them from the wool that's been pulled over their eyes.

Zizek pointed out that what are commonly referred to as cultural Marxists could actually be called cultural Capitalism. I realize that this is amusingly accurate.

What you call NazBol is actually classic Socialist before the CIA took over and created the New Left. Educate yourself, NPC

The CIA was around in the 1800s? They sound like true deviants.


people just literally believe that "everyone needs to know their place" and that we live in a meritocracy, so the rich are rich cause they're superior, and therefore we are better off if we let them run things
our whole fucking cullture has been forever based in a belief that everything will go to shit once we stop licking rich peoples boots, just listen to how they argue against taxing the rich- it's always "you want to take away their just reward for being the smartest and the most hard working, and now no one will have the incentive to be those things, and everything will colapse cause the poor will have the power, and the poor are poor cause they are not suited for leadership"

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Marcuse is a terrible theorist, so it fits
This is fucking retarded though. Actually read the Frankfurt school before you make accusations attempting to frame them as something they are not.

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White against black, men vs women, straight vs LGBT, both sides guilty. Country without such divide of proletarian class will prevail in near future, leaving USA in past.