The food output of Industrial agriculture has increased tremendously over the past few decades. With new technologies their is no reason to think this won’t continue.
Their is not even 1% of the oil in the world that you would have to burn to make Earth like Venus.
Robert Rodriguez
isn't ending subsides a lolbert thing?
Evan Myers
and anyone honest who is well informed in these things knows there is nothing wrong with these calculations. Saving everyone from consumerism is an illogical idea.
Nolan Perez
no u
Asher Martin
Yes there is its called climate change
Matthew Ortiz
Then we are doomed to fail. Socialism’s appeal to the working class was that it limited working hours, increased living standards, etc. and right now with a resurgence of the term “socialism” at least, that is the association. Bernie says socialism is cheaper healthcare, being able to see any doctor, having an increasing wage, etc. and that appeals to people because you are offering them something. Telling them that socialism means having to start farming after you get home from work (MORE work for less) isn’t endearing anyone but environmentalists who enthusiastically self-flagellate for their industrial sins.
Socialism as the resolution to capitalist contradictions that heightened class conflict was a prediction based on the notion that socialism was better for the working class, it was them re-claiming their own surplus value for a society of greater overall means. It’s the appeal to their material needs. Telling them they have to start farming or else there will be mass extinction will just not work, even if it were true. We’ve already told everyone to start biking to work and going vegan and it’s not working, nobody starts denying themselves consumption on a mass scale even when they’re fully aware that the apocalypse is approaching as a result. They can barely stop using plastic straws, and furthermore you also get the entirely predictable result of consumerist ideology, people rendering climate change a conspiracy and having not insignificant portions of the population just proudly proclaim they’d rather burn a barrel of oil spitefully in their backyard than be told by a liberal that they can’t drive their pickup truck.
The only way you’ll get them to work more time in the day to produce their own food is if you threaten them with jail (eco-Stalinism).
Adam Carter
I thought the thread was about getting ahead of catastrophe. Sure, falling into pre-industrial farming in the total collapse of industrial society seems to be a given. But it’s not ideal. It will probably also correspond to a degree of re-territorialized production. People will once again be stuck to plots of land and given the socialist revolution didn’t have to occur, very likely didn’t occur during the apocalypse, there could easily be a ruling class that just transitioned back into something more semi-feudal. Hierarchies consisting of the ruling elite at the top, security forces and religious leaders underneath, and workers at the bottom, and vast territories of farmland with some big urban centers sprinkled in. Everybody is spread out in the countryside again, with less ability to organize successful revolts.
Note that I don’t even think this would happen. There’d be mass starvation and a reorganizing of industrial production around even smaller populations in smaller areas of the developed world before a return to pre-industrial agricultural society. Maybe in some areas it would re-emerge as desperate people try to scrape by, but those places will DEFINITELY be largely impoverished hellholes controlled by petty tyrants.
Wyatt Myers
1% of Venus is already too hellish on earth. And the point that user was making is that the greenhouse gas effect is so potent in Venus that its temperature is similar to Mercury (462 Celsius vs -173 to 427 Celsius).
No dumbass, the solubility of CO2 in water decreases as water increases, but that doesn't mean what you think it means.
What is more likely (and fucking is) to happen is that carbon dioxide will react with water to form carbonic acid in a reversible reaction.
What this means is that the more CO2 there is in the water, the more carbonic acid there will be in the water due to Le Chatlier's Principle. And this process is proven by decreasing pH in the ocean that is fucking coral reefs' shit up
No. We don't want the bourgeoisie to die. Ideally they give up their position peacefully. Probably won't happen that way, but murdering people isn't our objective.
Jacob Williams
But that isn't socialism that is social democracy Thinngs you mentioned (universal healthcare, lower working hours) while would exist in socialism aren't inherently socialist unto themselves. In this day and age they are used as a capitalist tool to prevent the proletariat from revolting.
I don't think anyone is under the impression that socialism will have worse conditions than capitalism however capitalism is exhausting resources that make our lives easy. If current trends continue the need to grow your own food won't become some policy proposal like you're making it out to be it will become a need.
Socialism as the resolution to capitalist contradictions that heightened class conflict was a prediction based on the notion that socialism was better for the working class, it was them re-claiming their own surplus value for a society of greater overall means. It’s the appeal to their material needs. Telling them they have to start farming or else there will be mass extinction will just not work, even if it were true. Like i said this isn't some sort of policy proposal capitalist exploitation of the environment is leading to an eventual food crisis. People who are not reliant of fragile capitalist structures out side of their control for food have a better chance of survival than those who don't. I am saying those people should be the working class.
Going vegan is just a spook. And plenty of people bike to work however it is only the people with no other option.
Do you think I'm advocating for some liberal utopianism?
The only way you’ll get them to work more time in the day to produce their own food is if you threaten them with jail (eco-Stalinism) Like I said people will start to grow their own food if they can no longer get it at the grocery store. The point isn't weather or not this will happen but how to structure our agriculture seeing that right now our system is unsustainable