Cultural Marxism is a CIA psyop

Neoliberalism was a CIA project used to destroy pro-Worker Socialism and replace it with Anti-Worker, Pro-Homo SJWism of the "New Left"

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Nice thread bro.

you keep using this word

Do you know what neo-liberalism is?

Thread discarded. OP is a moron.

The Frankfurt School did on the cultural level the same work neoliberalism did on the economic level, destroyed the institutions that could make a stand against the power of the centralized state. That's why the CIA funded Herbert Marcuse.

frankfurt school were CIA, thats also a nice little fact nobody can change.

The ringleaders are the WASPs: Bush, Rockefeller and the rest of Old Blue Blood eugenicists

The eugenicist WASPs hired Frankfurt School to cull the population and destroy societies

It's literally Rockefeller, Bush, CIA.

All the New Left policies have their origins in eugenic efforts of the WASP ruling elite like Rockefeller, who outlined in the Jaffe Memo, their eugenicist, anti-Worker policies:

Encourage increased homosexuality
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits
Destroy Worker rights/Unions

The New Left gained traction in the 70s and was based on Anti-Union, Anti-Worker, Pro-Homo, Pro-anuddah shoah politics.

the New Left was started by Frankfurt School who moved to the US and worked with the CIA to popularize an anti-Worker """"socialist"""" movement against Marxism, Stalinism

The working class was the focus of Marxists this, but the Frankfurt School rejected the working class.

Marcuse, Kirchheimer, and the Frankfurt School, worked with CIA, to popularize anti-Worker """"socialism"""".

They subverted socialism in the West and reorientated the battle over production, to a contest of endless consumption, immigration, fun, which preoccupied the New Left.
Unlike the earlier Socialists (Old Left) focus on union activism, the "New Left" in the US since 1960s, instead focused on protesting class-based oppression to include issues such as gender, race and faggotry

The Frankfurt school existed in a time of genuine inequality.

Marcuse is the Father of the New Left and worked for the CIA.

The New Left was created by Rockefeller, CIA and spread around the various faggot Ivy League academic centers in Columbia, Berkeley, Yale in the 1970s

the New Left was exclusive to the elite institutions of America.

Cultural Marxism is a fake term
USSR called it capitalist degen eracy. Cultural marxism is a term these despicable sniveling rat-faced weasels throw around to fool and hoodwink their right-winged peons to distract them from the wool that's been pulled over their eyes.

Zizek pointed out that what are commonly referred to as cultural Marxists could actually be called cultural Capitalism. I realize that this is amusingly accurate.


Women working is standard socialist practice.

You dont know what the New Left is, and you especially dont know what Neoliberalism. It was Reagan, Thatcher and Deng that were the first to implement neoliberalism, what can be summed up as the market can solve every societal problem and should not be touched by government hands.

The Anti-Germans (declared anti-nationalists who for a large part justify just about any warmongering NATO bullshit) are also an outgrowth of the Frankfurt school, though I don't know how much they are influenced by American interests, it could be just like-like attraction among anti-communist wankers and self-replicating wank at this point. Btw. I just read some stuff by Wolfgang Pohrt from the 70s and 80s, here's the summary:
>American fun
You must be new here, it's a very old wordfilter setting for D€G€N€RACY.

What this board calls cultural marxism the rest of the world calls American degen eracy. For real. Under socialism we were socially con-servative. Now everybody does recreational drugs and girls are sluts. None of this under actual marxism. Explain yourselves.

We became 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧democracies🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. Now we're all in the same cesspool as the burgers.

the USSR called it "Meлкoбypжyaзнaя мopaль".

The WASPs established these organizations to implement eugenics, but now they wont be flaunting their plans out in the open like they did 100 yrs ago. They now apply more sophisticated socio-economic policies to reduce population, while destroying worker rights.

Obviously these organizations have become useless decoys as their population culling strategies are now established policies running under various guises and New Left CIA fronts such as:

Proliferating LBGTQ
Engineered Economic collapse
Hyperinflating Housing bubbles (thru mass migration to destroy family formation)
Climate Change/Global warming

All of these population culling polices are outlined the Rockefeller Commission Report

Stupid Zig Forumsyp retard fuck face.

The frankfurt school and hippies have the destroyed the european left. This is what happens when you ignore the core of socialism (economics) and concentrate on what is supposed to be a concequence of a communist utopia and try to implement it in a capitalist system, it leads to fun and erosion of traditional values, which serves the capitalist.

Cohencidentally this "cultural marxism" was developed for the CIA. Go figure.

Frankfurt school produced bourgeois ideology for the CIA

after reading Marcuse's "On Soviet Communism" (funded by the CIA btw), I abandoned them.

frankfurt school was rabidly anti-USSR and criticised the Soviet power. The Soviets denounced Trotskyists and his New Left faggots.

both racism and sexism have been used by CIA to undermine economically-left positions and create scapegoats.

Even in the 19th century, Marx had to purge the American section of the Internationale because they couldn't resist being hijacked by idpol.

CIA popularized liberal identitarianism to completely displace leftist politics in the USA and abroad

The New Left (i.e, the anti-Marxist, post-modernist, unmaterialist cultural nonsense of the Frankfurt school and similar movements) was literally funded by the CIA you terminal brainlet

The CIA funded French postmodern theory in order to facilitate a purge of Marxist academics. The FBI simultaneously infiltrated and destroyed various left groups, leaving only the most craven and unpopular, like CPUSA, behind. The end result is that since most people in the US go to college, they get indoctrinated into French structuralist and poststructuralist theory and become drooling servants of the ruling class who think historical materialism is ‘class reductionism’ and that culture/ideas are the driver of history. Even those who then describe themselves as socialists either have never read or do not fully understand Marx. But most don’t go that far, they become radical liberal types obsessed with representation, as though having more movies starring black people or women will magically make structural racism or sexism, both of which are rooted to a large extent in the economic base, disappear.

Capitalists needed a "tame" version of Marxism. The one that did not include all those annoying capital-related connotations about enforced wealth redistribution. Thus "cultural" marxism was born and became a thing in 70s (piggybacking on CIA's sexual revolution).

Because the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧powers at be🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 saw a bunch of people marching about shouting "workers of the world untie" and shit their pants. thus the left wing has been infiltrated at neutralized ideologically.

OSS, predecessor of the CIA, financed the Frankfurt School, where all this "marxist" identity shit comes from.

the CIA and COINTELPRO got involved and certainly changed the course of left-wing activism in the US and throughout their globalized vassals
Marxuse was a CIA agent, but Oh haha just disregard that. Truth is the capitalists pretty much found the ultimate weapon against workers movements, turning it into faggotry with the help of a few pseudo communist academicucks.

So-called "Cultural Marxism" (another oxymoron) represents capitalist subversion of Marxism. "marxist social issues" is an oxymoron. The Frankfurt School was literally financed by the CIA and its predecessors. Elite institutions like the CIA will do whatever it takes – whether "undermining traditional values" or the opposite – to ensure that the global ruling class is protected from populist awakening and revolt.

Why do you think the CIA and global elites tried to undermine Marxism by introducing divisive and alienating cultural baggage? The more repellent you make a movement to ordinary people, the more you weaken it as a political force. That's why it represents a "capitalist subversion". A successful one, too, unfortunately. The Left has nothing to do with SJWs or cultural issues. It's all CIA

Frankfurt School scholars were financed by Western intelligence agencies. Ever ask yourself why the CIA would want people bitching about cultural appropriation? Or why America is the faggot central?

The Frankfurt School developed Cultural Marxism to rectify the failures of their Messianic prophecies. WWI showed that nation/ethnic identities were stronger than class identities. In order to create a world amenable to Economic Marxism the social impediments needed to be removed.

Here's an excellent documentary on the subject. About 37 minutes long.

Frankfurt School is a CIA psyop.

Cultural Marxism is a shibboleth for unsophisticated retards, it's actually called critical theory and its modern offspring is called Intersectionality, it was created by Jewish elites at the Frankfurt School of Social Science in Weimar Germany and after they fled the reaction to their research, they moved to the US and the CIA used them to create MK Ultra techniques

Cultural Marxism is revisionists propped up by CIA subversions to harm socialism during the cold war.

Yuri and the CIA purposefully leave out that it was the OSS and CIA that brought those Frankfurt school Marxists to the US!

The intelligence agencies are tools of the financier shadow government. They create a culture of total conformity to the globalist state by destroying religions, ethnic loyalties ("racism"), and trade unions. Any potentially powerful source of opposition is gutted.

The CIA is responsible for pushing cultural Marxism and conducting social engineering to destroy our society

Gloria Steinem - How The CIA Used Feminism To Destabilize Society

Mass immigration is another deep state operation, as is control of Salafist terrorist groups. They all serve the same function. It's the same reason the CIA sponsored Critical Theory and some of the Frankfurt School philosophers. Their entire role is societal wide destabilization. This whole idea that massive drug running operations is just to fund further blacks operations is euphemistic garbage. That's a side effect, not its main function.

I was wrong. I thought this was just a dumb Zig Forumsyp, but it is actually a schizophrenic having a manic episode.

Everyone ITT just needs to read Adorno.
Theodore Adorno - The Culture Industry: Enlightenment As Mass Deception (Frankfurt School):

Its called social engineering. The elites managed to distance the so called left from working class people by infusing socialist groups with demented liberal shit such as the lgbt or gender craze. Thus socialism became an ideology of the bourgeoisie, at least in the west, something working class people couldnt identify with anymore. Not to say that these liberal ideas didnt exist in marxist circles already, they did. However they were mainly fringe theorists nobody really gave a fuck about pre ww2, until 1968. This is when people who quite literally worked for the CIA during ww2 (called OSS back then), called the frankfurt school, took leadership over the 68 student protests and started influencing student leaders. The leaders of 68 would later move on to become politicians and infuse our society with the cancer called cultural marxism.

The USA wants to destroy ALL countries that try to achieve sovereignty and preserve their culture, destroy ALL countries that don't want to be on The Eternal Yankee's rainbow-colored leash.

the CIA is the Frankfurt School style of Kabalism, which begins with subversive cultural influences in order to destabilize societies, and then implements totalitarian surveillance. See: Snowden, Wikileaks.

CIA used Frankfurt school and resulting fun as a part psyops to fight pro-Workers, pro-Family, pro-White and their Unions

CIA literally worked with frankfurt school jews
The whole agency is anti-Worker and pro-Homo.

passing by from Zig Forums
not dissapoint (sic)

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S c h i z o p h r e n i a

The New Left (born out of the Frankfurt school) strongly opposed the welfare state, which they correctly saw as a method of ensuring the working class did not succumb to revolutionary tendencies, and mobilized identity activism against it (Women's Liberation, Black Power, etc.).

The solution to this threat was the co-optation of identity politics, and the movement of economic administration to supranational institutions (WTO, IMF, World Bank, EU). That way this new mobilization would not threaten the global economy but could be allowed to manifest without state repression (as Nixon tried from 69-73).

LGBT movement has its intellectual foundations in Foucault who was anti-Marxist, neoliberal, and loved by the CIA.

Original communist dont exist anymore and all the fags are a product of this CIA-engineered New Left we have now

The thing is that the soviet marxism was marxism in a purer form, whereas western leftism totally changed since the 1960s, when the new left took a hold and introduced all that toxic crap about gender, race and colonialism


Capitalists/CIA want open borders for the cheap labor and high consumption rate, like you said. They are not allies of socialists.

Socialists oppose open borders because we want collective bargaining to set wage rates and we want underdeveloped countries to industrialize under direction of their own technical and skilled workers–which they cannot do if brain-drained.

There's literally 1000s of different Socialist movements: Stalinism, Asserism, Not Socialism, Bolshevism, NazBol, Hoxhaism, Juche, Kadarism, Titoism, Menshevism, Marxism–Leninism, Trotskyism, Castroism, Eurocommunism, Guevarism, Libertarian Marxism, Anarcho-communism, Christian communism

None of these ever could get mass support in the US. All of these were quashed and destroyed by the CIA.

This is not cohencidence. The CIA controls the flow of all movements in and out of the US.

The only """"Socialism"""" popularized in the US is CIA's New Left """"Socialism""""

it's not cultural ""marxism"", it's Cultural CIA-ism

The CIA has been pushing death and destruction worldwide thru various methods, including Cultural CIA-ism


the Frankfurters wanted to turn society into complete shit so that goyim revolt against Capitalism and finally establish Communism

The CIA saw in their ideas a great way to destroy pro-Worker movements and cull the population at the same time

Frankfurters were too far up their messianic-kabalist bullshit fantasy to realize that when you degrade society you dont get a Communist revolution against Capitalism, what you get is Brazil and Haiti

What 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧they🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 touch always turns to shit

the CIA created the Cultural Marxist left to combat the USSR.

USA funded 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧modern art🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧frankfurt school🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

And your own corps shipped all your work overseas.

There's also the case that open borders allows for a one world gubbamin and erosion of cultural barriers and facilitating global worker solidarity.

There's no 'conspiracy theory' going on here. Marcuse was literally an employee of the OWI and the OSS (CIA precurser) and the US State Department. This is public record. The entire Frankfurt School was funded by the US Government. Capitalism is not some natural arrangement that magically pops into being. It is a carefully designed structure to protect the interests of the ruling class.

The open borders crowd get gulag'd in every Socialist country

The ruling elite of the US are the WASP dynasties (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Bush, Harriman) who implement their Eugenicist (culling) policies thru the guise of the "New Left"

The WASPs looked to destroy pro-Worker societies, local and abroad (USSR). The WASPs saw that the Frankfurt school had a great system which aligned with their anti-Worker interests

The WASPs recruited the Frankfurt school to work in the CIA to implement systemic social destruction, and pulling the populace away from pro-Worker socialism.

They are population culling eugenicists.

Their enemy has always been the worker.


A bunch of pseudo communist yiddish intellectuals came up with some shitty ideology because they thought their Messiah would only arrive when the entire world is destroyed. They pretty much peddle socioeconomic destruction to hasten the arrival of their Messiah. They routinely critiqued the eastern bloc too. During the hippie movement a lot of students looked towards them for ideological guidance, so now the modern western left is basically full of these people who think bourgeois liberalism is the way forward.(lots of ex hippie types)

Identity politics is a bourgeois distraction, a perfect way to neuter class consciousness by dividing people up over petty differences. If you wanted to keep the plebes from effecting actual long-lasting change to the social and economic order, just make them hate each other.

Oh and some of the founders of this new marxism (frankfurt school) worked for the OSS and after WW2 for the CIA. Basically they are a CIA plot, okay.

The only country where open borders and cultural marxism gets support is US and its vassals. cohencidence?

All Socialist states are vehemently anti-open borders, anti-New Left and anti-Frankfurt school

CIA is trying to overthrow Venezuela!

Nonsense. CIA is responsible for SJWs and the Frankfurt School. It's all open facts.

If you want to know what they would be like today just look at Zizek, he hates the SJWs perhaps more than the Right does.

You got tricked.

I'm not that guy, but I think I understand it. I'll slightly modify it to make it clearer:
>The elites managed to distance the so called left from working class people by infusing socialist groups with demented liberal shit such as the lgbt or gender craze. Thus this "socialism" became an ideology of the bourgeoisie, at least in the west, something working class people couldnt identify with anymore.
You have to consider that printing leaflets and books and magazines costs money. So the reason that this cultural commentary stuff became so common is not that it wooed working class people in open debates between left-liberal cultural change guys and actual communists. One side had massive $$$ backing them and the other did not.

When did you realize that the Soviet Union was truely redpiledl?

Seriously, the Soviet Union under Stalinism was indeed a con-servative paradise
Economical boom for a whole decade, strong abundance of family values, no fun, traditional society with healthy model of femininity, heroic and maculine requirement
Nationalistic, anti-immigration, free education for every citizen
They managed to destroy the Germanic and fought like lions for their own motherland


Portrayal of manliness and masculine values as something good.
Propaganda against divorce.
Promotion of a somewhat soviet nationalism.
Calling to die for the motherland.
All citizens able to have an education and a purpose.

The Iron curtain protected the people from Western degen-eracy. Imagine if let say Czechia was under Western influence since 1945. It would look like Sweden today.

if you showed the people back in the 80s what Europe would look like in 2018, the Iron Curtain would have never fallen.

FUCK CIA AND FUCK Frankfurt School

Everything was free in communist Poland: government was giving flats for free, kindergarten were free of charge, mothers didn't have to work at all for 4 years after giving a birth, there was no unemployment, everybody had a job, even if he didn't want it, jobs were not only easy to get but light, not hard like today, people worked without stress, workers could even drink alcohol in workplace. That's why we had a lot of children, because we didn't have to care how to feed them, we didn't have to worry about losing job. Everything back then was so clean, smart and humanist, no degen-aracy, no drugs, no emigration to the West, no prostitution, FUCK WE LITERALLY LOST PARADISE!

I dont know much about this topic or the USSR but there were other communists that were committed to internationalism.

Alexa, show me the HIV and the abortion rates in eastern europe.

In Poland we have a saying which loosely translates to "it was better in the communist times".

communism was better than capitalism anyway

then capitalism came and with it massive unemployment, a new thug subculture, already redneck like polish society turned into even more degenerate shit and now there is no reason to be a cop because you can't beat someone to near death or outright kill him without any reprecussions.

Capitalism is fucking lame.

it was an amazing. Everybody had access to quality education, everybody was guaranteed a job, and then an apartment. The more babies you mad the bigger an apartment you would get.
Healthcare was was free.
There was a sense of class collaboration.

There were no homeless people, no faggots, no degen-eracy out in the open. There was no "hook-up" culture, no hippies. In cities you could get anywhere on a public transport, so it was not necessary to own a car.

People were nationalistic and would die for the Soviet Union. Despite the USSR being racially diverse, everybody stayed were they were born, so there was not a lot of mixing.

Classical architecture was very common and there were many aesthetic places across the motherland.

I'd rather live in the USSR instead of the decaying West.

Not to mention during Communism they were staunchly against all the fun that was going on in Western countries like homosexuality, pornography, drugs, drinking, etc.

I want communism back, I miss the DDR.

The Wall:
Sure, it was hard to get out but even harder to get in. No Muslims, no rapefugees.

Sure, there weren't 60 different kinds of chocolate available but there was also no unemployment and people helped each other out instead of trying to bring each other down.

Sure, we were occupied by the Russians in a way, but patriotism was still encouraged and no one promoted racial and cultural suicide.

Poisonous American culture was mostly kept out of the country. No McDonalds, no Hollywood, no SJW fun. The DDR was undeniably GERMAN. Not American degenerate race mixed brown-black Hollywood Niggers working at McDonalds, ads with trannies and queers.

Was hard, I admit that. But being a Christian in the DDR was still easier than being a Christian today in a SJW shit hole that is increasingly becoming Americanized. Sure, we don't have gay "marriage" in Germany yet, but it's just a matter of time until we are like the US where you commit a crime if you don't bake those gays their fucking cake.

The surveillance was shit, of course. Secret police and everything. But we have the same today. With NSA, CIA, FBI whoever watching. And don't you dare to say a wrong word about feminists or refugees! We arguably have less freedom of speech today.

The part of Germany that was communist is the part now, were 30.000 people march through the streets to rally against Merkel, mass-immigration, against the Islamization adn the Americanization of Germany. It's the part of PEGIDA, LEGIDA, Björn Höcke, people in Heidenau literally attacking the refugee-protecting police at night and then hiding in their neighbor's houses. West Germany is the "Refugees Welcome" SJW part.

50 years of Soviet occupation has obviously done less damage than 50 years (and counting) of American occupation.

Germany was better under socialism.
East Germany:
- 99% white
- extremely safe
- no terrorism
- no mosques
- no fun
- low divorce rate
- above replacement fertility
- no immigration

What's so wrong with Soviet style socialism Zig Forums? Don't be fooled by the blue haired freaks. Socialism isn't about learning the pronouns of mentally defective sexual deviants and worshipping niggers.

Is materialism really worth becoming a minority in your own country for?

The soviets were anti degen-eracy. The soviets were right wing. That's why 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧they🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 wanted to destroy them. Just look at the homos who knocked down the Berlin Wall with hammers they look like the average antifa member does today.

Google CIA behind New Left subversion of Socialism

sweden is cultural marxist CIA shithole, nothing even close to USSR.
USSR would have arrested the entire population of sweden for fun and anti-social behavior.

USSR was traditionalist Stalinism and guaranteed pension 50 yrs and a family oriented society.

sweden is degenrate Frankfurt school Fabianism which is the opposite of USSR

I assume you're polish. I'm not sure if the average polack (and ex-ussr nations)feels the same way as you.

I think this is a bot thread.

Capitalism and degen-eracy are irresistible. I don't get why people ever worry about Islamic extremism ever being more than a nuisance, these people will fall for the same commodities, lowest common denominator, media, porn, drugs, general consumerizm et cetera as the West did

No ideology can beat the market. The market is constantly adapting and evolving and giving you the shiny irresistible things you crave. No one has the discipline to resist ultimately

the new left gets the gulag

the last red pill is realizing that CIA subverted Socialism.

Marxist-Leninist Communism is statist and not internationalist. They are against immigration, and free movement of people, and of capital, seeing travel and demography as tools of war against the peasant and the common man.

Meanwhile, degenerate neoliberalism, which will allow anything for a buck, promotes severe internationalism, and couldn't care less about the common working man, due to the slavish devotion to 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧free trade🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. All the while, their compound interest grows, and their share of the total wealth of the world astronomically increases. By 2100, for example, we will have multi-trillionaires, while common man's wealth continues to shrink. Neoliberalism also destroys culture, but promoting hedonism and fun over high art, morality, conservative sexual ethics, drug use, and every other abomination you can think of, again, as long as it makes a buck.

The problem is neoliberalism, and internationalist capitalism. Not communism. When the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact fell, that was the last hope of stopping the pozz, mass immigration, and fun. Your haughty ego has caused this. Capitalism has caused this.

fuck antifa/ancom degen gutter trash that never existed IRL or had any political influence

Communism is preferable to capitalism desu

degen-eracy and trannys and gays are exclusively found only in degenerate western capitalist states not to mention the mass immigration, there was nothing like this in any eastern bloc country, east germany is a paradise compared to now

Didnt tell you on CNN,in communism people didnt lock their doors,science vas valued,there was no crime,no degen-erates,no homeless people.Didnt tell you on CNN about hardest universities and men working and going to millitary where women were respected citizens not instagram useless whores who only care about material stuff.Didnt tell you on CNN communism had most literate population and MOST importantly,no billionaries and trillionaries,industry worked for people not for profit,meaning jobs were guaranteed because you couldnt get fired,as hunt for proffit is not needed.Marxism sees profit of capitalist as theft.There were no Jeff Bezos who shiped their factories to China for slave labour who were tax exempt.There was friendship between people.Domestic products not foreign.Because there was no hunt for profit,culture was being created.Communism preserved culture,whether in East Germany,Romania,Yugoslavia or Russia.Now Russia is a Starbucks hellhole demoralized piece of shit full of crime like any capitalist society with oligarchs at the top making money.Communism was most advanced period of human civilization,that drove both Soviet Union and USA to create incredible scientific boom and stability.After fall of USSR whole planet went to shit.Rise of LGBT degenearacy etc.Of course people love USSR and socialism because thats their identity in Eastern Europe.Our countries were built from scratch.And now EU and foreign banks have taken over and made women worthleess materialistic whores with men getting in 40 year lones to buy houses.Capitalism is a joke give me a break

Wrong. "Za komuny bylo lepiej" (Life was better under Communism) is a common saying among Polish people.

I know Polish people in Britain who say openly that your country was a better and more equal place under socialism

Poland is a sick country anyway. The main reason you didn't like communism was because you thought it was harming muh catholicism. But sure, enjoy living under capitalism where you can eat McDonalds™ and get dicked by a class of immoral billionaires amassing more wealth than most of your citizens combined. I'm sure that's what Jesus wants, yes.




u faggots are the reason why you could never have a Socialist revolution against your gay masters


Apparently in order to be socialist you must hate gay people and minorities.

Is this fucking leftist GamersRiseUp?



Team Eastern Evropa:

Team Shartland and Western gayrope:
>cant into Worker revolutions gee i wonder why

to the faggots larping as ""communists"":

you can open your shit-infested mouths after you actually succeed in overthrowing the CIA and your bourgeoisie masters


Apparently in order to lecture the Communist Eastern bloc on Socialism you must be a failure from the West who never succeeded in revolting against crapitalism