have you ever dated a real marxist leninist girl? not some tumblr identity politic liberal but someone you can have a real ideological discussion with, someone against identity politics who wants to murder the bourgouise with you?
Tfw you have a communist girlfriend
pic related, a tattoo she got tonight
No, last time I had a gf we were both apolitical because we were 13
your apartment looks petty booj
fucking cringe
you know when she dumps you and reinvents herself that is the first thing that's getting removed
she was a communist before she met me
That ankle is pretty fucking thicc, I don't know what is the rules with diabetics and tattoos.
she won't be after, typically people change their clothing hairstyle political and social attitudes once they get out of serious relationships, but of course she's not typical at all with her cringe tumblr tattoo and you're not a pathetic loser that she will break up with soon at all bragging about her cringe tattoo on Zig Forums
she's actually pretty and has the thicccest ass.
My wife and I are both MLs. It makes me so happy I have someone I can always rely on who shares my vision for a brighter future and whom I hope to achieve it with. Sorry everyone is being mean comrade.
those hammer toes
that makes me happy to hear comrade.
its important for communists to be with other communists in terms of relationships.
dating/marrying a liberal is reactionary
dating and marriage are reactionary concepts themselves you fucking loser
tfw have non-Marxian socialist gf
*Utopian Bourgeois GF
volcel is a cope
someone should make a leftist dating site
Tattoos make me nervous, everything to do with permanent body modification makes me nervous.
shut da hell up
Communist tattoos are fucking stupid. Being a communist means realizing you might need to pick up the gun one day. Having markers like that makes it harder to hide your loyalties when necessary.
Yeah though she developed bipolar and it became hellish pretty quickly. It was nice to have someone I could be intimate with and have unrestrained political conversation with. Still a bit scared though
Dating a communist is like preaching to the choir. Radicalizing left-liberals through direct sexual action and the overt display of communist virility is best praxis. Doing anything else is reactionary
t. Kollontai.
Leftism is, and will never be a form of neo-tinder.
Big difference between similar political views and using at as a means of personal advancement…
I love my gf so much but she's into identity politics. How do I convince her? I've tried so many times.