Why are SuccDems so fucking lame?

Does anyone else on here watch this guy? He usually has some good takes and I enjoy watching what normie leftists have to say so I can gauge where the American "left" is on their path to class consciousness. On one of his recent episodes he repeated the "muh 20 gazillion" line while trying to distance himself, Sanders and the Nordic countries from actual socialism. Hasn't that shit been debunked forever now. Will succdems ever stop harming our movement or are they 100% dead weight?

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Salty Talk has always been just another liberal who chastises the working class for complaining about mass immigration, among other liberal takes. Not a good character to represent our movement.

My boyfriend watches him constantly and I debate his stupid liberal talking points regularly

hes SHIT

you don't have a boyfriend and you don't "debate" him

Of all the socdem youtubers and you have to pick suckular talk? At least Michael Brooks has a sense of humor and charisma

Shits fucking sad. The dude literally talks all day about how fucked the world and working class is and then turns his brain off and says "hrrrmm we need some mild reform about now".

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Kyle makes funny faces

Do you have anything to substantiate this claim?

If you think Kyle Kulinski is bad, try watching David Pakman

Michael Brooks has charisma? Guy is a snoozefest because he went through the Sam Seder school of not being interesting.

Jimmy Dore remains to be the most charismatic SocDem YT

I can imagine that they are not edgy and cool in your eyes. They care about real issues like healthcare, social security, workers rights instead of fighting revolutions for a utopia that doesnt work in practice.

Its the opposite.

because they have a victim complex

There is no leftism or class consciousness in the US currently

Leftists need to do the same and remove ourselves from being identified with Nordic sucdem

Surely it's a step in the right direction though?


succdem user has a point though. the far left should focus more on concrete political goals instead of only reading books about revolutions and sneering at people for trying to fix their fucked up healthcare system.

This is a hot take but succdems hijacking actual leftist buzzwords is good in my opinion. By diluting the word socialist it makes more people listen when real socialists speak.

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We are not utopians. We are not the ones who believe that the working class and capitalist class can live in harmony and that all we gotta do is tax the rich more and regulate the economy and everything will be alright.

We take a material view on the subject matter and recognize that the externalities that the public and the ecosystem have to suffer with are not anomolous, but pandemic to the system.

Typical Americlaps are more concerned about about keeping their welfare benefits that the widescale destruction and exploitation that affords then their privileged consumerist way of life.

I've been posting several times about what the fuck we could be doing, especially in the US, and it's usually faggots who want to pull 100 year old books out to tell me why we can't do anything except wave a magic wand to cause a revolutionary movement to spring forth from nothingness that immediately vanish when I start asking them how to do it.

sounds like we're kinda on the same page then

And even if we are going to make concrete political goals, we should always include them in how we're planning on eliminating the source of the problem and how those things are directly caused by capitalist economy. Just saying "we need healthcare" isn't socialist or even brings people very far left, saying "the profit motive prevents effective healthcare" does start to move towards revolutionary goals. That's why succ-dems are the utopians, they want to have a world free of problems while ignoring why those problems arise in the first place, then point to europe's literal crown jewel countries as if they weren't built off the backs of incredible exploitation filtered enough times to make it hard to see.

But the opposite happens. People in the US aren't more interested in socialism because of Bernie and friends they are interested in Social democracy and just as ignorant( and in a lot of cases more opposited to) Marxist Socialism

Pure anarkiddy post. What else should we look to, woke twitter tweets?

read a book

To think I used to like him because he was actually willing to interview people about gamergate. He because a massive fucking tool due to the 2016 election.


Make a fucking analysis of society that you live in instead of trying to re-analyze things from before the USSR was even conceived.

You're posting here

That people on the board cannot have SO's and we're all friendless nogfers?

It isn't a question of can or cannot. It's a matter of fact. only no-lifers post here. Someone with a SO, by definition, cannot be a no-lifer, which leaves "you're lying" as the only logical conclusion

the sad reality is that it's both and i dont know why i'm here

im not a no lifer

Because you're a CIA agent.

fuck you for gatekeeping or glorifying alienation. A big reason I joined my communist collective was because I wanted more friends. I also have a BF, he's not so keen on reading Marxist theory, he likes more anarchist stuff. And we have very heated debates frequently. I'm also not in college, which makes making friends even harder, but I try my best, so fuck you again.


They suck because muh reformism

Really makes you think.

the true alienation is living in the fantasy world of thinking you have rich relationships in your life, like temporarily embarrassed extroverts.

This guy's format sucks. It's literally *plays clip* "omg this is bad" for 30 minutes on end.

you're forgetting his liberal smugness to hide his impotence.

His impotence is too self evident to even bother bringing up.

Calm down there Ben Shapiro

sound familiar?

even in the 90s and mid-2000s, moderate liberals were fine equating USA with being a fascist state when Republicans had control of the federal government, now, today, after the legacy of Obama, liberals seem so much more enthusiastic to promote the bullshit universality of bourgeois democracy, which is literally the "reason" Israel is expanding it's power, to bring civilisation to the middle-east, and so on.

I think there is a truth to conservative criticism of liberal moralism and hypocrisy, even if they seem like worn out boomer memes. Liberals are enemies of the left, but maybe they could work as useful idiots with enough sentimentality.

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What did he mean by this?

In my experience after moving to the U.S., Democrats tend to be some of the biggest hypocrites. Republicans tend to just be fucking dumb most times, but libs are truly the most spineless of hypocrites. I'm not sure they are aware of it though, as they genuinely seem to believe themselves.

One small example, I remember when Obama was elected and he was being called a communist, and now many of the people who then rightfully ridiculed such notions are calling Trump a communist over the Russia thing, sometimes even directly. Making up wild sensationalist conspiracy theories, etc. Not too long ago I saw a man with a TRUMP PENCE hammer and sickle shirt. Meddling is another thing, in the eyes of the liberals being absolutely inexcusable, an "act of war", an unforgivable violation of the independence and sovereignty of the nation, AS IF the U.S. hadn't gone around toppling fucking democracies and sovereign nations across the entire world for the last 100 years+.

It reminds me of that old song "Love me, I'm a liberal" by Phil Ochs: "ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally."

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class war never changes…

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Nigga, Republicans are just liberals that want gimmedats for white people.