The incel issue in late stage capitalism

Greetings and salutations comrades,

In this thread we can talk about the incel problem in late stage capitalism. While a highly controversial and sensationalistic topic, it would be a topic that requires dialogue considering a sizable and active community of incels. While Elliot Rodger would be a rather extreme example of incel his manifesto indicates quite common challenges among the incel community. It would appear that many males had experienced long term incelhood, if the blogs and forums over the years are anything to go by.

Prior to GenX and GenY the baby boomers had enjoyed high wages, unionisation and even home ownership at a very young age. When the baby boomers had birthed the GenX and GenY (permitting some from the Silent Generation birthing them too) they had imparted certain expectations to their daughters. Those expectations were job, car and house by 23 otherwise they should reject the male if they dont meet those prerequisites. The boomers got theirs sort to speak in their day and yet after the late 1970's and mid 1980's unions were undermined, wages stagnated and offshoring began. By the late 1990's and mid 2000's there was housing bubble and eventually the said financial crisis.

Millennials entering the workforce had faced the dreaded 5 billion years experience folding envelopes or pushing a wheelbarrow, of course when companies could not "find qualified and skilled workers" they tasked the government to legislate a visa program. In turn Millennials were suggested to "volunteer" for experience which was something out of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Once Millennials entered the workforce they dealt with stagnant wages and high cost of living. Despite that the Millennials males did not quite secure a job, car and house by 23, which the bourgie media slandered them for it for years blaming it on avocado toast. It would seem that despite that Millennial women being in the workforce for years have not secured the trifecta either meantime having the niceties of elder Boomer and GenX women (maybe bourgies) telling Millennial men to "grow up and man up", and yet in accordance with their boomer parents expect those from the males.

For years since at least 2008 the establishment of the manosphere and MGTOW and its culmination during the gamergate years had banded many men from many walks of life experiencing the same isolation and depravity of even the most basic female affection. The manosphere and MGTOW as a collective had figured that they were merely placed as an insurance policy (metaphorically speaking) once the female enjoys a partying, drinking, wining, dining and dating males that have the job, car and house (at least 2/3 of them). The insurance policy was that she would not be able to be as visually appealing so she would settle for an incel (or manchild) who has been waiting for her for 10+ years to notice him. The good old "I'll let him chase me until I let him catch me" as advised to them by the elder females not to mention being entangled in divorce court if she has got "bored" and if it lasts the dead bedroom (sex like once or twice a year, if that)

Now, more than ever males have opted out of being a drone or cattle for the "roastie" and "thot" as the manosphere and MGTOW gained validity serving as a warning to males in general. Females that had the "time of their life" has become entrenched with the demands, expectations and shaming. Even the bourgie media had been on the side of the females when they were clearly wrong from Oprah and Dr Phil to the morning news shows now its even bloggers (the whiteknights. simps and manginas according to the manosphere and MGTOW). Real estate agents and retailers had tried the shaming tactics too as Millennials were not spending into those sectors and now they push their advertising to boomers speculating that they would repeat they same spending style of the 60's, 70s and 80s.

What do you think?

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The solution to the loneliness problem is state sponsored resoiclaization.

Just let me burn in revolutionary fire. It's okay.

That passage was written in such a weird format I don’t know if the author is even human?

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it could be a mental disorder, maybe on the autism spectrum.

Lame. Not a real political issue. Legalize prostitution if you’re serious, otherwise the incel problem is the result of men being abused until they lose their minds. Men are treated as expendable in this culture - that includes psychologically, even though treating anyone as psychologically expendable is retarded quasirationalistic gambling. Building a more inclusive and ethically reciprocating society is the hard approach because women scream and sometimes literally throw stuff if their biases are so much as admitted to exist, so my recommendation is don’t bother. Just build brothels. Easier, does the same thing over the long term, and helps disseminate real sexual knowledge and experience into the most clueless populations.

Definitely a human, but I suspect he might be abusive of others. Not a moral authority.

from what i can tell, incels are too serious and suffer from lack of socialization. fix that and they can charm pretty much any woman. i'm uglier than elliot rodger, if i can have relationships so can he.

fuck off neoliberal

this is very well reasoned and appears right on the money.

incels, as an online ideology, believe that their situation is the result of inequality in the "sexual market place", even though sexual relationships have little to do with market relations and if we were to discuss surplus enjoyment we'd get caught up in a web of tesselating stupidity. No, the hard numbers show that while women desire men less than men desire women, the outcomes for sex and relationships are roughly equal between the genders. The real issue is that the total level of sex and relationships is going down, and that men experience loneliness especially through a lack of such relationships, while women don't feel lonely so long as they maintain relations with friends. This fundamental aspect of psychology combined with our atomized society is the problem, not chad and stacy, who are ideological fictions which serve


a bit poorly worded, I simply meant that markets are a poor metaphor for sexual relations. sexual relations obviously have a big impact on markets and the division of labor.

A struggle session down in the countryside is the solution.
Reeducation through manual labour for the NEETS.

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Stacy says stfu and accept your increasingly bitter and loveless lives, you losers.

short of major physical handicap or some such, there is basically no such thing as a female incel. women living without sex or relationships are choosing to.

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Just be yourself while getting a haircut while taking a shower.

Imagine if you sent 100 men and 100 women to a tropical island to start a new society. Instead of having 100 couples forming where everyone gets a mate, 100 of the women decide to share 20 men while calling the remaining 80 men subhumans who need to kill themselves. How long do you suppose this situation would be tenable?

Tick tock.

scott alexander is dumb as fuck, I don't care how many degrees he has

I hope that doesnt involve forcing "roasties" and "thots" onto incels, it would be an abreaction in the least. I would be interested to know what you mean by resocialisation.

Very refreshing, I even remember the "TM's" in forums and comment sections now.

Literally a bad place to get off, I am sure you would be "proud" that your daughter can be a bar girl like a Bangkok bar girl prostitute.
Your mother cant hurt you here.

I refer to my original post as many Millennial males have not met the job, car & house demands by 23 as the Millennial (and GenX women) were instilled by their boomer parents. They could have been fine personality wise then again - mummy and daddy said…

While not replying to me, I might.

I didnt know incels were Chinese feudal landlords that had hoarded land for centuries I suppose their middle name is Huang too then.

Wow, that is bad from AOC. Then again boomer parents say she is a good girl, "damn millennial males got to grow and and man up, I got mine!". I am glad I banged my ex who was a petit bourgie.

A show callled love island (if I remember that name right) proved otherwise it was just 2-3 females going after the more say popular guy. So its not as skewed as that. It is suspicious that many males have been sidelined without even a relationship until the female finishes her "partying".

There's no such thing as a male incel either.
Download Grindr. You'll get laid by the end of the week.
You're just picky.

Let's play our favorite game:
Who Said It: A feminist, or the religious right?

You can't choose who you fall in love with or who you are attracted to, but you can stick your dick in literally anything.
The argument for there not being any female incels implies that ugly women could still get laid if they lowered their standards (aka had sex with someone they are not attracted to). But there's no reason you can't apply that back to men. Lower your standards to other men, you can get laid.

Then I'll fuck a cat.

false equivalence. the argument for there not being female incels does not require them to go against their sexual orientation to escape their supposed incel-dom. Yours does.

I refer back to the prior post. "Who you're attracted to" changes with all sorts of social and economic circumstances, job, wealth, hair cut, clothes, etc. Orientation doesn't. Or does it. You tell me.

Lack of attraction is lack of attraction, regardless of what precisely is unappealing. Whether preferences can change or not is irrelevant, because you can't consciously change them or control them in any way. If a woman is not attracted to (for example) fat men she can't just WILL herself into being attracted to fat men to widen her pool of potential partners.
It's not like this isn't a thing that is happening - men are increasingly going "prison gay" to escape inceldom. And that sucks, but it's a legitimate option. It is entirely possible to settle for someone you aren't attracted to, even going as far as to settle for someone outside your orientation.
Therefore, incels don't exist.

Incels have always existed and always will exist just like retards and other degenerates. The difference is that capitalism produces more of them due to their existence being a necessary byproduct of actually decent human beings. If anything incels(including myself) should be restricted from frsternizing with the rest of society under socialism to accelerate the ratecod human development. Are innate failure allows for the innate success of everyone else but if you give us equity with the good people it will just fuck everything up

Incels are victims of the spectacle, expectations has made it impossible to do anything but simulate a relationship that quickly breaks down under the impression of impossible standard. Due to the demand of quick sex, any woman can have that dream- for a night, consequences be damned.

You compound this with alienation from anything fulfilling and you get Kaczynski's power vacuum, where the only thing young men can do is plot murder until its worth it.

I myself, I guess, count as an incel. My appearance is above average but my personality is so terrible and wracked with mental illness that I sabotage any attempt at human contact and can't trust people to be physically near me, which I technically can't really change without basically warping my personality and experiencing an ego death.

While I think the personality thing is bullshit and it's mostly looks, what happens if you DO have a bad personality? Is that really something that's transmutable or do you just deserve it all of a sudden for being a sperg?

This is the consequence of a competitive society that tries to justify its own brutality. It is the society of the spectacle combined with a market, where sexual experiences are an artificial need or surrogate activity to distract oneself from the terrible isolation and because love is such a common feeling, it's in every fucking stupid story and advertisement, making it seem that much more important and pure to the ensnared.

I question a lot if the rising transgender numbers are from the feminine having more advertising power.

Possible. Some AGP-types definitely include the desire to be desired as part of the reason for their transitioning.

It's almost like a brutal market response. I can imagine very clearly a scenario where people transition for the desirable power and to fill the vacuum and make a sort of social profit in the form of attention. Such is the world now, with international communication and a slowly declining view of gender.

I hypothesize that at some point the transition should be so effective and possibly easy that it becomes fashion statement, as if we're in Neuromancer.

Get your fucking minds out the gutter. Who honestly gives a fuck whether you have sex or not?

What do you faggots who identify as incels honestly think you're going to find inside a woman's slime hole? The meaning of life?

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You misunderstand it. It's a fundamental human need to be desired and loved by someone. The idea of sex actually makes me want to vomit and curl up, but even something as simple as hearing 'I love you' sincerely through headphones improves my quality of life. You either have no empathy or no perspective.

disagree on premise. sexual orientation is not the same as thinking someone is too ugly, too fat or too poor for my liking.
disagree on premise. If they can (and do) change then they are more appropriately called a choice that people have some control over.

I am fairly certain a lot of men who are incels are also friendless with guys as well.

The common sense approach of social networking is hard for anyone not neurotypical in an environment like the neoliberal hell. Too much time working to form any meaningful relationships, I can't even comprehend how relationships even can occur among a majority in the US still with how things are. Than again I don't have the proper psychology for this system and don't see much incentive to force myself to conform to it. Sex alone is not interesting to me, I want connection. And that is hard to get in the alienation that goes on in atomizing neoliberal hell worlds.

So go to the mirror and tell you that you love you. You're set for all your days friendo. Now give me money.
And you watch too much Hollywood and anime brody. Probably take music too serious as well.

I find myself agreeing with this on the level courtship is a fundamentally broken system and too reliant on inequality to work. Issue being few have interest in trying some gender neutral courtship approaches.

Why not? Sexual orientation is just thinking someone is too male or too female for your liking.
Not everything that changes in our lives is a choice or something we can control.

Unfortunately I'm not retarded like you, so I can distinguish that it's my reflection and not someone else. Isolation from both love and friendship, and love is a deeper friendship, is a harrowing experience and the only reason you're being a snide nigger is because you're not under threat of that happening, or you genuinely do not care about communicating with other people or being loved, which I suppose would make you mentally ill but I see it as a good adaptation, the majority isn't like this though.

The socially connected I find often do not comprehend genuine structural, physical loneliness.

Jesus christ faggot! Look at this block of nonsensical commas, missing commas, and comma splices and tell me who is the mentally I'll faggot off his meds:

Also what's with the racism you pathetic faggot?

You should both kill yourselves. And not in the meme sense. Like do it for really real.

You first. You are no more deserving of life.

Interestingly he mentions the wife beater. I would argue that those women have daddy issues (bad relationship with father) and in a twisted kind of way the wife beater is quite "loving". Chances are that their daddy beat them too.

I disagree. There had been many males from different walks of life that just were not in a relationship. Stagnant wages, housing bubble and high cost of living didnt do much justice for the job, car and house by 23 as it was done by the boomers. To force a change of sexual orientation would be akin to the "gay cure" administered by controversial psychiatrists. Incels are just not attractive now, once their female acquaintances approach the late twenties or early thirties their phones (or other device) would receive a random call from "her" suddenly. I doubt that they would take a "roastie" or "thot" for a wife and a dead bedroom if not divorce.

Getting along with someone with chemistry goes a long way. The mistake I had made was that women could not be bad characters, and I was at some stage believed that appearance was an indication of character, it was not. Rather generic to your specific circumstance, its something. I am glad for my gf, before that it was quite hard.

This. We are going to make it bro. Dont make a scrag or bimbo your gf, fuck them if you can but just hold the romance and relationship. Their dad and/or other older male family figure abused them, beat and them molested them. If you come romancy-like they dont fucking get it, its an X-File. With a more "clingy" girl they understand and undestand rather well.

Is it really though? Those three judgments are superficial and can change with further thought about yourself and society, or by "getting to know" the person on a less superficial basis. This generally does not happen with "too male or too female".

If you're saying sexual orientation is the same, then you are endorsing the validity of things like gay conversion therapy. So just lay it out, are you or aren't you. Back to the Who Said It game.

Il let you in on a secret, the reason you are so lonely is because you're an insufferable faggot and you shit up every space you occupy just as you're shutting up this board.

Do the world a favor and end yourself.

You first.

Did you get paid yet?

Laid* lol

Am I an incel if my otherworldly social awkwardness is what has kept me from getting laid?

Honestly I don't really even want sex just the opportunity to have it really.

You're not because Incel isn't even a thing wtf.

t. Tony Robbins

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Why dont all you incel virgins just become nuns or something?

I'm sorry for my hate crimes against your protected class.

I have a gf so your argument is invalid. I recognise the hardship of the incels. You kick them while they are down. Clearly a prot.

I'm in a pretty narrow camp of people I'd get along with, I appreciate the encouragement but it's not really a question of whether I will find love, society as a whole is more important IMO.

The fact is media, reflections upon reflections, are screwing up everyone's sense of communication and making it impossible to be friendly or have genuine connections. Everything is a copy of a movie, we act in ways that we have observed that are entirely artificial and this damning global autism is alienating us from everything. If you want to understand the incel, all you must do is turn to Guy Debord.

So we've narrowed it down: you faggots dont want to stop being faggots but you cant accept being a faggot either, yet you dont want to kys.

So that just leaves using our magic wand to change the world to more please our princess's tastes and preferences? Is this what incels are working birthing and moaning towards?

Let them fuck your gif then bruh, problem solved.

As if you are deserving of life.

then wtf is this thread even about smart guy

More than you incel faggots. Be honest bro, you dont even like you do you? Dont worry you'll end it soon enough.
And no I wont be there if and when you go full elliot Rodgers edgy faggot.

The media pushes materialistic narrative at times. Alternative media does advocate love and happiness between people like Spirit Science for instance.

Never. Does not solve any problem and its quite wrong like yourself.

Go back to sleep hun

People using displacement to avoid confronting their own shortcomings.

You first.

Well I am a bit sleepy so I might.

Ironically you faggots were not beat enough.

What's wrong with fun?

Confront these nuts motherfucker

What nuts you castrated faggot?

That's definitely not how it works.
Preferences change, but not in ways we can control. Often relationships fall apart because someone's preferences changed and they no longer found their partner attractive, even though their partner is the same as ever. And people can try to go to couple's therapy, but attraction isn't something you can force into someone through therapy. They just learn to settle.

And oftentimes our preferences NEVER change, and we just learn to overlook what we find unattractive so we can settle. But that doesn't mean those superficial attractions really changed just because someone settles. They may never find their partner attractive, despite being a compatible gender. And we all know what happens when a person no longer has to settle - the relationship falls apart, because they never found them attractive and now they don't need to settle anymore.

I'm saying sexual orientation is just a preference that doesn't change.
But the fact that other preferences change is irrelevant, because you can't control them.
Both are preferences that are outside of your or anyone else's control.

If dubs kill yourself nigger

You first.

for fucks sake you losers go to bed

You first.

We get it, you soent this whole thread subtly shilling your disgusting ideology to make everyone gay. Its a kind of gender accelerationism. You embrace the present neoliberal order because you want to take vulnerable young men change their sexuality out of desperation and loneliness. You are a reactionary faggot, literally. You dont care about Leftism. All you care about is fulfilling your sissification fetish. Now fuck off

You incel bitches make me sorry to be a member of the same species as you. The only consolation is knowing your non-existant offspring won't be.

No one cares

I'm tired of your disgusting threads. Why couldn't you just keep this shit on r9k? No matter how much you try to show horn economic theory or any wider analysis of society into your robot shit you're fooling no one. You're not going to get better reinforcing your bizarre psychosis with each other here or on r9k. Just ficking stop. It's really that simple.

Our power and influence only grows stronger with each passing day.

Influence to do what? Anything besides get laid?

Youre just bitter youve been caught you disgusting human being. Go write sissy fanfic somewhere else

Society is going to collapse once we hit peak incel, even if I don't get laid in the anarchy I will take great pleasure in knowing that you will be sold into sexual slavery to some smelly ugly barbarian and the age of the liberated women will come to an end.

Imagine thinking the end all be all to life is if you got laid yet.

On a site staffed by people in the 20's

When men stay fertile well into their 50's

Disagree. People can and do control their preferences all the time. Not instantly or absolutely in all cases, of course, but they do often. The ones we're mentioning here are shallow preferences about which those who have them are often in denial that they even have them, for starters.

Look, your shallow mating preferences are not magic and they don't fall upon you from the sky or emerge out of your human essence. They arise from socialization and your thought processes, which you have at least some control over. Asking yourself "why am i such a shallow cunt?" can actually have some real answers and some positive effect. Asking yourself "why am i such a faggot" (or alternatively "why aren't i a faggot") seems to be a dead end for most, and destructive for some.

Just accept that your little retort was bullshit and move on. Asking someone to contradict their sexual orientation is not the same as asking someone to confront their shallow social biases.

hmmm. maybe that's why they stopped using the word preference for it.

Bro I didnt say one word about sissification. I'm not the poster who was telling you to go gay.

Have any if you ever tried talking about this shit with a normal guy before? Anyone is going to tell you to man up and stop being a little bitch.

So we've come full circle to my original post in this thread which was about advising all of you to stop trying to make an identity out of not getting laid.

I agree with you on that.

Im ok at getting girls. Its overrated. I just got pissed at the person telling people to download tinder cause it struck me as cynical and a huge warning sign that something is wrong that the structural basis of society is forcing people to change their sexuality. I suppose this is positive to some people and maybe an enduring change to the sexual habits of our society given that gays arent stigmatized as much, but it seems to me a negative development

Sorry grindr*

Like how much puss do you guys think hot wheels slays? Do you think in any society he would get a level playing field with other men? Why not spend your time feeling sorry for guys like him than feeling sorry for yourselves?

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Men "stay fertile" their whole lives except if health complications arise.

I'm with you on that. Honestly bitches and fags piss me off. Spend half the day bitching about how straught guys are intolerant of fags and the other half speculating on how every straight guy they don't like or doesn't like them is secretly gay. I mean the mind game level of that meme, "he's gay but he just doesn't know it." Meanwhile conversion therapy is the devil.

They can choose to ignore their preferences, but they can't change them. Hot is hot, ugly is ugly, it's not under anyone's control.

Socialization is outside our control, and our thought processes are mostly automatic and also outside our control. You can intentionally and consciously direct SOME of your thoughts, but not enough to change your sexual preferences.

Understanding why you find something unattractive doesn't actually change anything. Ugly is still ugly, hot is still hot, just because you realize that your tastes arise from mass media or your peers or subconcious bias doesn't matter.

Asking yourself "why am i such a homophobe?" could maybe help you overcome this block and stop being an incel. It's your choice.

I'm speaking from experience. You are choosing to be an incel. I chose not to be one at 25, and 2 years on I don't regret it.

I'm pretty sure some kind of Pavlovian or other kind of self conditioning is at play.
I'm now fapping to shit that would have made me puke years ago.
It's a shame that with our modern medical knowledge, we didn't build a great theory of desire like Freud did in his time.


Just disagree with all of your first three points.

You assume way too much user. Arguing a point doesn't necessarily mean you're describing your personal circumstances.

Also, really think about your statement for a second It's the equivalent of telling a gay person:

It's horseshit.

Yes thats exactly what im getting at. People are so desperate they get gaslighted into believing theyve always been secretly gay when they cant get women. And then when this logic gets called out you to are labelled as homophobic and also gay by default, because all homiphobes are gay. Its a fucked up logic

If individuals are left to themselves, females will naturally choose to form harems around high-sexual-value males and let low-value-males to their misery. This is in their self interest, as having a child from chad will make their sons far more effective gene spreaders, which is why this preference has evolved.
This means that incels are assaulted both from females and high-sexual value males, as it in their interest to keep low-value males virgins to wageslave away while they can enjoy the spoils. They are the ones who are feminists/liberals, and the whole moralizing about muh free choice, muh buody is muh property is just the ideological justification that allows them to hide their avarice.

Stop reading romance novels.
Communism isn't gibs and capitalism's faults do not absolve all personal responsibility.

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Personally, I've never been a client because I consider that a lot of what I crave through sexual gratification is validation, the fact that there's a girl willing or better yet wanting to please me sexually is more comforting than sex itself