Kikes are easily the greatest criminals on earth, and the greatest criminals in the history of the earth. The masters of usury, fraud, and organized crime. The leaders of human trafficking. The ones responsible for the illegal American wars that have costed so many lives. And the ones responsible for shitting up the demographics of white countries and directly increasing the crime rates in said countries. And with their stooges in our government, with their stooge legislators making the laws and their stooge judges enforcing the law as the jews want it to be enforced, it's no wonder they get away with what they get away with.
They are both inbred and mongrelized, jack ass. Inbreeding has mainly caused the genetic diseases, while they also happen to be the ultimate mutts. It's like their blood is cursed by god, and they must interbred with other races and drink goyim blood like vampires to keep their bloodline going. Maybe they eat all those foreskins for health benefits?
Okay, and where is the argument here? You simply said something without explaining why it's true. Kikes are a hivemind, with the kikes promoting conservatism to their own people and promoting liberalism to the goyim being on the same side. There is no popular jew "conservative" figure among the goyim who actually preaches conservatism, just faggy neo-conservatism.
Niggers can't conquer, they can't govern, and they mostly completely lack the ability of higher thinking. Violence and war are natural and good for humanity, keeps us strong and proud. Why should we share this earth with mentally retarded, ugly, shit skinned monkeys who simply waste the worlds oxygen and resources? Niggers mainly hate whitey due to a massive inferiority complex and envy towards us.
(this post was just deleted by one of your snowflake kike moderators)
I'm just bored, the fact is that you faggots are the ones banning opposing arguments while us ebil neo-nazi fascists let you fags shit up our board all the time, all we have to do is debate you and you go scampering back to this here containment board.
By all means, keep pulling the curtain and exposing the jew behind it. Kikes push conservatism for themselves because it is beneficial, while promoting liberalism to the goyim because they know it is destructive. Also, Hitler didn't want to TAKE OVER ZE VORLD! He wanted to take back rightful German clay only, and kikes dragged the world into a war. Capitalism and Communism teamed up then to defeat the enemies of the jew world order, those who fight for the truth, just as they are doing today.
(your moderators will delete this post because you faggots have no real arguments, white leftists of this board, realize the truth or perish, these are the only options)