let's assume there is a cybersocialist country in the future that implements cybernetic planning. what would the university education pertaining to that look like? would there be a degree just for cybernetics? what would be part of the curriculum?
basically im asking if someone could write down an approximate curriculum for a socialist cybernetics degree. which areas of study would our future planners need?
Zachary Rivera
read marx read cockshott stop spamming the thread
James Martin
Exactly, the only jobs that should pay more are jobs that people dont want to do/ not enough people are there to do it, to incentivize people to do it. Someone who cleans toilets should make more per hour than a surgeon, because it's very easy to convince someone to become a surgeon, but very hard to convince someone to clean toilets
Yes, I am. In a socialist society with free education we would have a surplus of surgeons and a shortage of people willing to clean toilets. Cashmoney incentives seems a lot better than the alternative of using force. It also removes any stigma it might have, you wouldn't know wether the toilet cleaner is just an unskilled simpleton or an engineer who wants a little extra money to go on a nice vacation
Anthony Butler
I would have it that a toilet cleaner works less often for similar pay as more "prestogious" jobs. We don't need armies of neurosurgeons, but we do need a ton of people working in sanitation.
Hudson Jones
What if you made it a requirement that if you got a job in a certain field you were also responsible for cleaning up your workplace, toilets and all? Also, where has a surplus of surgeons ever came from any nation with taxpayer funded colleges?
Jobs like sanitation should be automated in the future, and sense getting education would be easier, it would be best to just do away with the jobs people don't like doing altogether by automating them.
Carter Jenkins
Anyone can clean a well designed toilet easily according to procedure safely and effectively Just `value` the labour time, which is the number of labour hours and therefore recieved labour vouchers of a toilet based on a total newb following the procedure sheet step by step including the time spent checking off the step on the sheet including prep like gloves sterilizing and post cleaning hygene like shower, recovery, rest and relaxation etc etc
Shove the cleaning schedule of toilets into Harmony and done
Juan Long
Yeah, cleaning your own workplace is a good solution too. But even with automation there will be jobs people dont want to do. These are the jobs that should pay the most in a socialist economy.