I found this test on where you'd lie during 1917. So enjoy, I guess.
I think Stalin did nothing wrong, and I'm a Wobbly
Which side are you on? :
this is retarded
It's a compass test, what did you expect?
I remember this from years ago, I got left SRs too.
What does that make me?
I always get bolshevik on this test. Oh well, at least I have a couple decades left to live before Stalin kills me. What's with all the exclaimation points?
Did you get something like this?
Fuck off with your games games…Dengoid. I’M SICK SICK SICK OF YOUR FUCKING MEMERY
nice try fbi
The fact that political compass tests always produce this pattern is proof that the compass is a meme. The libertarian-right and authoritarian-left are not real quadrants with any significant real-world political actors or achievements or representation.
Agreed but imo they're still fun to do every once in a while. And while they tend to not be accurate at all in some cases they give you a very general idea of where you're standing, to help you orientate yourself a bit.
I think a political compass test based solely on what socialist tendency you are, if done well, would be more interesting.
I think they're toxic, actually, because they fool leftists into thinking they're libertarian. It manufactures anarkiddies because it gives them a false understanding of where they stand in the first place. It's like if you were trying to navigate with a irl compass, but the needle only ever points East or West.
IIRC the original political compass test was developed by American libertarians (liberals) which is why it had a biased towards that side.
what the fuck brb killing myself
You're supposed to tell other "democratic forces" and parliamentarism to fuck off if you want to be above Left SR's.
Seems to be what everyone else is getting these days.
But that would imply that it would lean to the right-libertarian side, and people tend towards being left libertarian.
I remember seeing it as some kind of "social freedom" and "economic freedom" when I was at a public college with right-libertarians at the top and everyone picked the "far left" with high social freedom and very low economic freedom.
Hello, fellow Left SR!
Do I get the wall?
Its a test for 1917. Tsarists were the authoritarians.
I'm just a borin' ol' bolshevik
I think we have to remember that the purpose of a proletarian state is not rights and democracy for all, but rights and democracy only among proletarians, and suppression of the bourgeois elements of society.
Part Bolshevik, part left SR
Stalin and the DPRK weren't and aren't authoritarian.
Tests like these always also forget to factor in the fact that workers councils could yell at the party though, and that's not even mentioning it's only supposed to be a temporary violent revolutionary period.
'The State should be swiftly liquidated' sounds like an anarchist policy to me.
imagine not wanting a ten thousand year nazbol empire
First attempt, wasn’t even trying, figures
Accordingly in this test only the anarchists are marked as supporters of that policy
How on Earth
Even as a mutalist you surely must have agreed with the socialist options more than the bourgeois liberal ones
Respond to
Boring centrist SR for me although about as far to the left as you can get without becoming a Bolshevik or Left SR
good to know you come visit here also p_k
This is something I fully expected tbh.
shit test tbh