Is fascism people in general don't act out of their own will, that's kind of the point.
Hello Communists
Yes, instead of having a couple guys look at a map of topography and enemy positions, and telling troops what points to defend, what bridges to demolish, let's have all the guerillas meet in the same place once a day and decide democratically how to proceed.
Fucking mongoloid
The point is you don't have to refer to a commander for almost anything in practice. The right thing to do is usually apparent to the people who would do it. Having someone to coordinate positions is different from someone issuing orders if they exist to facilitate communication and make sure everyone knows where everyone is.
If the entire squad is involved in planning an operation they
A) can have input and see things that only a couple people might miss
B) understand the plans from top to bottom and don't need to be briefed later
C) are much less likely to cause "discipline" problems because they are part of the planning process
anarchists are so fucking dumb, even the syndies in catalonia realized that militias stepping on each others toes is completely inefficient.
unironically read trotsky
This kind of stuff isn't because of anarchy. It's because of people being fucking stupid. You don't need hierarchy to understand the importance of fucking training and organization.
That's a question of degree, time, and place, not the core concept.
You can delegate someone to make certain calls and hold them for review at other times. And if they were making orders according to popular approval, why would people refuse to comply? That doesn't add up.
Just because specific people are clueless dipshits doesn't mean that the basic organizational principles are bad. Catalonia is pretty famously an example of people not adhering to anarchist organization. This is an incredibly shitty take. The concept of anarchy presented here is liberal bullshit that's allergic to any structure not merely authoritarian structure.
Because popular approval doesnt mean unilateral approval.
e.g The anarchist platoon goes to the meeting and they disagree with the popular notion. They can very easily claim "authoritarianism" and simply not follow the decision.
This is complete ideology, I've heard of ancoms dismissing catalonia as authoritarianism but i've yet to actually talk to one.
Please tell me one example of an anarchist organization that fits your ice cream flavour of anarchism?
You actually hit the nail on the head without knowing it.
Hierarchies found within the "Law of the Jungle" are quitely literally founded on "might makes right", which is to say that if you kill (or beat into submission) your superior, you take their place. This is obviously not how human hierarchy works, it's a completely socially invented system. The claim that it's somehow rooted in nature is a bunk claim.
A hierarchy implies ranks of authority. It is possible to have specific roles without being given authority over others. (This is why the U.S. Navy & Marines separate rank, a position of authority - from billet, a specific assignment, job or position.)
Bakunin explained it like this,
"Does it follow that I reject all authority? Far from me such a thought. In the matter of boots, I refer to the authority of the bootmaker; concerning houses, canals, or railroads, I consult that of the architect or the engineer. For such or such special knowledge I apply to such or such a savant. But I allow neither the bootmaker nor the architect nor savant to impose his authority upon me."
I don't understand you. What does it mean to be "under industry"?
Again, I don't even know what you're talking about.
Yeah, they're called workers.
I have no idea what you mean by "old Germany." Even in the 19th century people commented on the fact that in many ways the standard of living in the U.S. was far higher than that of Europe. In the Weimar Republic & Nazi Germany the living standard was pretty low due to war reparations and later a policy of military buildup which siphoned massive resources into armaments.
Again, modern technology changes this situation. There is less need for a managerial or officer class to direct people since the ability to learn and gain skills is much more diffused.
This has actually happened.
That quote is fucking stupid. In the early days of the Spanish Civil War it was largely the spontaneous action of the militias and trade unions which prevented the fascists from taking the entire country. The old army was suspect and the new Popular Army didn't even exist yet.