What are your favourite flags, both socialist and not?
Do you prefer socialist flags that are defaced versions of old flags i.e. DDR, SFRY, or the flags that don't take many elements from old regime flags i.e. USSR, DPRK, PRC?
What are your favourite flags, both socialist and not?
Do you prefer socialist flags that are defaced versions of old flags i.e. DDR, SFRY, or the flags that don't take many elements from old regime flags i.e. USSR, DPRK, PRC?
Ancom flag, yugo flag, the one with machete and cog on black/red (Angola?), SSR Russia flag are all top tier.
Solid red.
As far as great flags go, I think that sometimes we (as in the general vex community) become too focused on the Vexillology Rules. While obviously elaborate flags aren't ideal, sometimes their unique beauty out weighs their deviance. For example, the DDR, Angola, and Communist Afghanistan government, despite breaking many vexillological rules, are very powerful and clearly communicate their ideologies. Meanwhile, theoretically good flags like Vietnam and Yugoslavia are pretty bland and don't say much imho. Of course, two of my favorite flags are the Soviet America and Primitive-Socialism ones to the right, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Love the DDR flag, the compass is a nice touch.
The Marx flag in the background in this pic.
Not really a leftist, but I enjoy designing flags. Currently trying making socialist style flags for all the US states. what do you guys think?
Didn't Lenin or another one of the top dogs mock this trend as chunni bullshit?