They’ll never fucking be communist, they’re brainwashed fat little goblins that salivate at the idea of killing whoever the US state tells them to, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, doesn’t matter, the fucking burgers believe whatever the government tells them. What a disgusting and worthless citizenry.
Lmao, is anyone else just fucking disgusted with Americans?
Wasn't Charles Manson an American? Lmao.
Your succdem or whatever government is using Americans as a scapegoat to keep you calm, anti-Americanism was always boomerism for Europeans.
Death to America of course, but the EU is just as imperialist, if not more, and the national bourgeoisie is a crock of shit if you ask me.
So you made your shitty thread and maybe we can all hate the sharts together or whatever, it's all good fun, just that it's a simple scapegoat and you should feel bad for falling for that shit.
OP here
I literally live in Brooklyn and have lived in New York City for my entire life
Same here
Didn't you made just recently a thread on the same subject?
Most people in the world tend to be brainwashed by the media and political elites
I think you can only hate Americans this much if you've never been exposed to a gusano before. As bad as right-wing burgers can be, I've never heard of them begging foreign countries to bomb and invade their countries and murder their countrymen so their country can become more neoliberal.
My deepest commiserations then. I've been to New York only on vacation and it felt quite run down at places, and if I lived there I would have become an anarchist terrorist because fuck this obscenity of wealth and I know you're all immunised but I felt really depressed seeing all those homeless people right outside of shops selling $1000 shoes and noone was giving a shit.
And now Europe is being remade in that image too, but hating other exploited proles is never the answer.
And yeah we're all jaded misanthropes and all that but Americans don't have a special slave organ in their bodies (yet) and maybe you should stop whining and just read more or talk to people irl and do agitprop or w/e because life is quite shit everywhere, really, and it's our will to make it less so, maybe even not so.
Lmao a part of what got me pissed was some piece of shit gusano PMing me to shit on immigrants, fucking white hispanic treacherous fucks
Bro, talking to these people is exactly why I hate them, sorry to say but these people would legit proudly starve to death for their bourgeois masters all the while joking about breadlines
These people are fucking hopeless, their brains are perfectly smooth and cavernous
I think it's similar to slavs masturbating about nazis and the quisling goverments placed by them during ww2.
Like here in Serbia there are actual retards who shill for Nedic and Ljotic who were both spineless cowards who said nothing while civilians were being butchered.
Is there any superpower country or force who could act like the Mongols but except this time for the U.S and do what they did with the Abbasid Caliphate to the U.S.A in a world war? Instead of Baghdad 1258 imagine if it was New York instead of Washington D.C in 20XX?
The massacre of the entire Abbasid Caliphate was almost unthinkable but it happened and it never recovered, nor its territories even after 400 years. There was no successor, not even under a new ideology or new religion. The city of Baghdad was uninhabited for 200 years.
Except instead of Muslims they 'butcher' or vaporize every single capitalist support with 0 mercy and leave none alive whatsoever. So much so that not even 'Socialism' can arise in their lands.
Eastern European Nazis always confuse the fuck out of me. Like, do they just not know about Generalplan Ost? Or the mass murder and mass enslavement that was regularly used by the Nazis against Eastern Europeans? What’s wrong with them?
It would also do wonders to solve the issue of overpopulation. Maybe the Native Americans can remain alive and possibly their cousins those in modern day Mongolia/Central Asia or the Inuits could be welcomed into their lands after such a scenario.
It wouldn't be necessarily 'socialist' but they would be gone atleast if such a thing happened in a war by whatever superpower or its leader who can act like the modern day 'Genghis'.
Replace 'Baghdad' with 'New York' and 'Mongols' with respect or Kudos to whichever superpower vaporizes them in a war if one ever happens.
They usually go with "They killed only commies"
This is why nazies will always be just fucking bootlickers, they are the same faggots who in another time would have changed their religion to Islam because of benefits and safety under Ottomans.
Just spineless rat people. Remember that these are the "nationalists" you speak with online.
$8 bud light drafts and it costs like 30 bucks in tolls to get into out of the city and then its a few hours of driving to escape the urban sprawl lmao fuck NYC I'm thankful AF to be a ruralfag
Jesus Christ, what?
To be fair this was in manhatten
lol stay butthurt you butthurt spics
pinche butthurt ajjajajaj
soy kapitan soy kapitan
The shoes I saw in that shop had Boticelli's Birth of Venus printed on its soles and it was near the Rockefeller building and of course there were desperate people everywhere around rushing with that sort of hateful panic Gore Vidal wrote about or just dying in the streets, in the middle of the strongest Empire in history and it's a shame I didn't take a photo and say here is your late capitalism my good people can we start the bombings now.
Fuck New York, maybe even worse than London.
Lmao Times Square is the absolute worst place in this city, it’s so fucking depressing, homeless folks starving on the street meanwhile hundreds of thousands of tourists and commuters completely ignore them as the ads blare ahead in a dazzling spectacle worshipping capital itself, so bright that walking there at night is almost the same as during the day.
It’s like a scene out of 1984 except instead of a man ranting in a tv about hating the enemy you have ads desperately begging you to buy shit
Sorry OP, this is now an NYC hate thread
Am OP hate this city, go right ahead fam
Gusanos are literally wannabe Americans though.
I hate gusanos so fucking much. They throw their own countrymen under the bus and have the audicity to support hypernationalist fascism as if they were patriotic and love their country. The civil war can't come soon enough
stop generalizing all americans by the loudest fucks.
I literally am an American, I live in one of the less shitty cities politically and I hate every fucking person here, Americans are just fucking dumb and worthless sorry to say
Maybe if they were fully proletarianized again, living in crappy slums and everything they’d gain consciousness again, but, fuck, I doubt it
as an american i can honestly say: thats the dream
What did he say
That I’m not American and just don’t get it lmao
Leave the country some time. You'll realize everyone is a fucking idiot.
I’ve been out of the country, American culture is garbage because it’s especially atomized and dumb as shit
what a truly dialectical and scientific analysis of culture
This is a board mate, sorry I’m not pulling out theory to justify hating the burgers
What country do live in? Is it communist? And does it fucking work?
It better actually work and not be one of those "it was real in my mind" delusions because books said so…
I live in Burgerland buddy, the imperial core, I see how shit it is every day, it’s like a daily gaslighting campaign where dumb fucking morons getting raped by their government and private interests continuously justify this state of affairs to themselves, this is dumb as shit and I hate this country and if I could leave forever I wouldn’t hesitate.
Most burgers aren’t cheering for these places to be bombed. Most probably don’t know where those countries are on a map. Most people are pretty apolitical. Burger elections have a 50% turnout.
America did that to Western Europe.
This sounds like personal problems.
you're such a spoiled little cunt. NYC is one of the best run cities in the fucking country, if you think it's bad here try going to California or Seattle and then tell me it couldn't possibly be worse. at least people try to take care of the poor here, imagine a city where nobody gives a fuck at all.
That’s literally my point dude, I said NYC is shit and its one of the best cities in the country
Imagine what the rest of this fucking country is like
That's some genocidal fantasy, you sure you ain't a Nazi?
Heck this may actually be the "American dream" like said, a capitalist/fascist death cult.
wtf are you smoking, you fucking lib
Not much worse than any other country. Also remember, poor economic conditions are a way to incite revolutionary action.
anger is being directed away from the elite.
Was Julia secretly a Party spy to root out useless rats like Winston?
Nope because she got tortured into insanity all the same and wouldn’t have fucked Winston regardless
Imagine calling yourself a communist while spending shit tons of money to live in a fancy neighboorhood and buy $17 pastries from Le Bouf
the "yelling pink hair girl" was actually talking about men's rights in that speech.. funny how things get distorted
you shouldn't be whining about america if you're in NYC. they are way worse shitholes in the country. it's such a dishonest, eclectic, thought-terminating take.
most Americans hate their country on any day that isn't a holiday
I went to America in September and it made me sick. My country is almost as bad but not quite all the way there yet and culturally yanks are just plain fucked up almost like grown up children with some kind of attention disorder.
America is Sodom and will be smited off the planet. All its degenerate, fascist inhabitants along with it. Finally the world will move on, forward from this perverse malaise.
his is literally a newfag’s idea of what socialism is. if you think redistributing the wealth is the point you need to read more books.
Considering how the biggest obstacle for any country that might decide to go socialist is USA coming to fuck their shit up and all the burgers will unconditionally support it yeah, I really dislike them.
I mean, you can say that about anyone. The fact is, these attitudes don't come out of nowhere. All day everyday, around the clock the bourgeoisie have to work to educate people to be reactionary and to keep them reactionary. So its no surprise really.
Anti-Americanism is just anti-imperialism except even more retarded
1984 is such a great book, it doesn't matter what your political beliefs, it's so interesting and well written that even leftists will love it and claim it criticizes the opposite of what they believe. And i don't even care if it's meant to criticize this or that, i just love it an want everyone to read it.
What a nice number, user.
Burger leftists are really sectarian and divided by race. You got black activist groups, undocumented immigrant groups, and white working class groups. Not saying these are bad things by any means just pointing out how big a role race still plays in America. People in this country are divided and it isn't getting better. Last time someone tried to unite along racial lines they got murked by the FBI.
Not to mention hottake and call out/cancel culture is toxic af and should just remain on social media. Twitter and leftbook are cancer and should be focused more on education rather than woke wars
This is so fucking shit. It sounds like Asimov didn't even read the book properly.
You really should be banned for this.
t someone who totally isn’t a reactionary
When Britain and France were superpowers they weren’t any nicer.
This is mostly a problem with the Burger left being filled students.
television set is two-way, and that the people who are forced to hear and
see the television screen can themselves be heard and seen at all times and
are under constant supervision even while sleeping or in the bathroom.
Hence, the meaning of the phrase 'Big Brother is watching you'.
This is an extraordinarily inefficient system of keeping everyone under
control. To have a person being watched at all times means that some other
person must be doing the watching at all times (at least in the Orwellian
society) and must be doing so very narrowly, for there is a great
development of the art of interpreting gesture and facial expression.
can only do so for a comparatively short time before attention begins to
wander. I should guess, in short, that there may have to be five watchers
for every person watched. And then, of course, the watchers must themselves
be watched since no one in the Orwellian world is suspicion-free.
Consequently, the system of oppression by two-way television simply will not
Holy shit is Aasimov a legitimate retard? Don't they explicitly state in the book that it's not that you ARE being watched, but that you don't know whether or not you are?
Guy wrote Hard Sci-fi and used it as the standard to assess 1984 as a product of the publishing genre he helped to invent.
He's also missing a lot of the context for Orwell's writings; Aismov apparently read a ton of pulp as a kid.
Yeah, he was just being an autisto.
Communism is for faggots
It's true; queer liberation can only truly come with the abolition of capital
Beginning countdown to my inevitable ban*
Queer liberation already happened. Its promoted everywhere and its fucking disgusting.
Asimov most likely never read the book. Or he was just an outright liar.
Yes. In fact, on PAGE THREE Orwell writes that it's impossible to know when you are being watched, only that the Thought Police could be watching you if they wanted.
The rest of the review is equally retarded.
We need to liberate queers from queer idpol
Ah, to be 15 again…
Incorrect, people are propagandized to and then propagandize each other, while the adherence to capitalism is enforced at the top through education, it is also socially enforced, people that critique it may find themselves shoved out of their social groups
It's true tho.
Liberation for men who like to ram their dicks in other men's shitty assholes shouldn't be a priority of any kind.
Why do you even give a fuck?
Replace the Muslims in this narration with Middle/Upper Middle Class Capitalist Americans and Mustasim with a very politically influential capitalist but instead the ones doing this don't adopt their ideology:
And replace Baghdad with New York in the narration*
It shouldn't be a top priority to slam our cocks into shit filled assholes, but that's what the revolutions all about right? If we really tried, we could fuck jeff bezos or elon musk into submission
Anti-Americanism is just anti-imperialism except even more retarded.
Opposing imperialism in the abstract is fucking meaningless. It isn't a coherent political position. Anti-Americanism attempts to hide its abstract incoherence by fashioning an American boogeyman that can be symbolically opposed.
t. First world imperialist
t self-haitng burger
I understand what you mean OP. I too am convinced that I am the smartest and most enlightened person because I am a socialist and I too struggle to view the inferior creatures that surround me as anything more than mindless maggots.
How I wish there was some way for subhumans to see the light of socialism, but alas, I am far too superior to be able to reach those unsophisticated minds.
But it's okay, OP, there is some consolation in our struggle, now that we have found each other, neither of us will be virgins anymore.
I sure would hate to live in an ethnically diverse city where I could find literally everything under the sun from the most bourgie to the most bohemian, from a red socialist org to anarchist networks, where I can use a bicycle or public transit to get around. I live in the south FL suburbs where rich NY people come to vacation. It's okay, but you have it pretty nice too. I know it's slowly getting fucked as in less community gardens, higher rents and more development (especially in Brooklyn) but come now, comrade.
Lol, not an argument.
Was this pic made by a DemSoc? Because the left one is SocDem and the right one is a DemSoc being portrayed as a revolutionary god lol
im an american
its easy to become stalinist, stalin is easy to read and the imagery fits in well with american mindset of fuck yeah hueg military
and stalin had such a modest and virtuous life fitting in with our indoctrinated morality i have turned him into a religious figure. The fact that he would have disliked this is even more proof that he deserves it!
im afraid this is the best i can do :^)
What really needs to be understood is just how much americans are literally taught to hate thinking. They honestly think that any kind of "philosophy" is just dumb things people too "smart" for their own good say without any basis in "reality". Because if you could "prove" it, it would be "science"!
Most philosophy is ideal garbage. The working class needs to be taught dialectical materialism as it is the only philosophy which will reveal the world to them.
I hate Americans but not for this, if you are in the capitalist game then you better play it and save the Aristotle for useless academic pussies.
Lol what contradictory nonsense. DM is garbage philosophy that needs to be “taught” to the masses, yet is somehow the reflection of the masses?
they don't have tb be taught because that comes to them naturally
why do you hate Americans then?
I don't hate Americans, in fact I used to rather like them, but the Internet has made that a lot, lot harder.
Anyone with an inkling of understanding of revolutionary theory understands that NATO countries should be nuked en masse. They are the bastions of reactionary military might and serve in the interest of corporations, with their citizens' consent. A case can be made for the revolutionary potential for countries like Greece and Spain, but the powerhouses of NATO (especially the fucking US) are irredeemable
I don't know why more people don't get this.
Sabotaging NATO countries is genuinely good anti-imperialist praxis even if it means we need to re-build the damage under socialism.
Greek and Spanish revolutionary potential was destroyed by the Soviet Union and the majority of the populace is so terrified of falling off the 1st world that they'll turn more even more reactionary than the core.